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Is the death penalty too good for her?

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Well, we're in America here. So shut up.


Come on stay on the same page. Stay with the argument. You didn't read the story?


This story takes place in the friggan UK you big luke!


If you're going to drown jist inhale the water. In 15 seconds you're out.


Still going w/the peaceful argument. ??

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It does? You know we have pubs here in the US too right?


LoL! Oops. PA-UK... Same difference! :doh: :doh: Damn, I gotta get some sleep. Sorry Luka, I was wrong.


Such a disgusting story I breezed right through it, stopped @ plastic bag in toilet! As I didn't fully read the whole story. I should practice what I preach!

Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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LoL! Oops. PA-UK... Same difference! :doh: :doh: Damn, I gotta get some sleep. Sorry Luka, I was wrong but you're still a dumdass!


Edited for you. Never admit you're wrong but if you do lace your apology with name calling. It's in the PPP doctrine.

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No. I will always admit when I am wrong. I was clearly wrong. I started reading the article and I wanted to puke. The Pub thingy, Northhampton, etc.. I breezed right through. How the heck I missed the PA, Allentown, Beth, Lehigh Valley thing is beyond me! No reason I should have called out Luka that way. Again, I am sorry. I own it.


Interesting part, it got me to look up how legalized abortion is worded in the UK. IMO, it doesn't seem unreasonable.

Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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You are the smartest man in the world and a walking book of knowledge. The world is a better place with you in it. When people want real-world advice, they come to you.




You should have gone with "You're a pedantic supercilious anal orifice."

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I don't get it. If she'd 86ed the little bastard before he made it out it would simply be considered a medical procedure, no different from removing a tumor. Why all the fuss?


I am under the impression that legalized abortion is not as simple as you make it out... Especially in the states. It is not a free for all, while the woman is pregnant.


To answer your question, not necessarily. What gestation age do you consider "before he made it out?" The one thing I did pick up in the article (outside of my awful mistake) was that they mentioned the birth was "viable". Viable is usually @ 24 weeks. It seems very important that they mentioned viability.


I am sure the law is VERY specific on all this. So no, it is not as simple as a medical procedure to remove a tumor. That is what the fuss is all about.


I know you are trying to purposely over simplify a complex situation for effect. Apples and oranges between what happened and how legalized abortion is carrired out according to the law.






You should have gone with "You're a pedantic supercilious anal orifice."


No. I shouldn't have.

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Still going w/the peaceful argument. ??


I have been told--never done this myself--that once you take a big breath of water in you are almost instantly unconscious. So...IDK I think struggling for air is bad but the actual act of drowning once you start is apparently really quick. Big breath, blackness, then your brain dies.

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I have been told--never done this myself--that once you take a big breath of water in you are almost instantly unconscious. So...IDK I think struggling for air is bad but the actual act of drowning once you start is apparently really quick. Big breath, blackness, then your brain dies.


My brain is already dead. :-P



Too much Bills...

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I am under the impression that legalized abortion is not as simple as you make it out... Especially in the states. It is not a free for all, while the woman is pregnant.


To answer your question, not necessarily. What gestation age do you consider "before he made it out?" The one thing I did pick up in the article (outside of my awful mistake) was that they mentioned the birth was "viable". Viable is usually @ 24 weeks. It seems very important that they mentioned viability.


I am sure the law is VERY specific on all this. So no, it is not as simple as a medical procedure to remove a tumor. That is what the fuss is all about.


I know you are trying to purposely over simplify a complex situation for effect. Apples and oranges between what happened and how legalized abortion is carrired out according to the law.




No. I shouldn't have.


You must be wearing your serious hat today. You know damn good and well that there's a sizeable contingency that finds partial birth abortion perfectly acceptable. The only difference between that apple and this orange is whether they snuff the little mother!@#$er out before or after he breaches the birth canal.

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You must be wearing your serious hat today. You know damn good and well that there's a sizeable contingency that finds partial birth abortion perfectly acceptable. The only difference between that apple and this orange is whether they snuff the little mother!@#$er out before or after he breaches the birth canal.


define "sizable contingency"

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define "sizable contingency"


Oh, you know S.O.B................................the Official Democrat Party...........those "few"



DNC platform supports partial-birth abortion, excludes language for abortion to be ‘rare’


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You must be wearing your serious hat today. You know damn good and well that there's a sizeable contingency that finds partial birth abortion perfectly acceptable. The only difference between that apple and this orange is whether they snuff the little mother!@#$er out before or after he breaches the birth canal.

If memory serves, I believe there were petitions circulating on college campus' earlier this year calling for the legalization of "post-natal" abortions.

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define "sizable contingency"


I don't recall the numbers exactly, but I know it's a significant portion of the pro-abortion crowd. This link isn't the best on the topic, but if you recall the 20 week ban that was defeated by a filibuster (a defeat much celebrated by the media), it wasn't just the fringe of the fringe supporting late term abortions.



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