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That's how beetle juice dressed


I love that movie, but for whatever reason, the ref suit doesn't stick out in my mind. The question still stands about that other guy though.


skank. She repulses me. And most 20 year old girls turn me on, so it takes much for a 20 year old to repulse me


So sounds like you've followed her quite a bit.

Posted (edited)

What's with the tongue?

She looked like a special person for most of the bit. The tongue was the full on special person moment.


Edited by inkman

So sounds like you've followed her quite a bit.

not at all. I don't watch TV. Yet somehow I hear about honeybooboo, kardashian, Miley. Honestly the first time I ever seen miley was drudge linking to the post about last nights slutfest. I watched for about 90 seconds, and could not take any more. American culture today seems so foreign to me. I am embarrassed by what pass's as American culture today

I love the pic of Will Smith and his kids-- they are so thoroughly disgusted and perplexed.

I am disgusted by Smith and his family. That brat daughter talks like she is as fake as the music she "sings." Listening to her on Oprah and seeing her interviewed everywhere. She drops the affect when she wants to blacken it up in a heart beat. The son, I mean, growing up trying to be a man like Will Smith - yikes. The wife, meh, enough of her. I would feel a lot better about Smith if he'd just throw DJ Jazzy Jeff a buck or two...
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