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911 Revisited: How Has Your View Changed?


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Discuss what? That you've stumbled across a bunch of crackpot YouTube videos and had the audacity to speculate that one or more of those planes were empty? And that people that had tickets on those planes just disappeared? I never understood how people could even think that was a remote possibility. Unless the people who had tickets and kissed their families goodbye that morning are part of the conspiracy and are yucking it up somewhere on an island. if that makes me a dick then so be it.


I have no idea what is or isn't a possibility. I'm not going around making up sh*t about 911 or any other terrible event. When ideas, evidence, notions, etc are presented to me, at times I find the subject matter interesting enough to pay attention. Naturally I'm also interested to know if others have been presented with or come across similar information and what their position is on it. That's the extent of it. And for you or anyone else to suggest that I'm being insensitive to the victims of 911 because I have an interest in the events of that day and what questions/concerns people have - even the ones that are far fetched or conspiracy related - is pretty offensive to me.


And as far as how people could even think it was a remote possibility...http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Northwoods

Edited by ajzepp
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You know, if you weren't interested in actually discussing it, you could have just not bothered...that was a pretty dickish thing to say.


Welcome to Lagos!


If you don't get the reference:


High Plains Drifter:




"A morality tale set in the harsh Western desert, the saga begins when a mysterious stranger (the character's mythic name is “The Stranger”) appears out of nowhere. He rides into the small town of Lagos, where his presence threatens the largely mean and cowardly populace. Before too long, hes attacked by three gunmen, and kills them all coolly. The Stranger than rents a hotel room, and the town dwarf, Billy Curtis (Mordecai), whos also disenfranchised in town due to his stigma, attend to his needs. At night, the Stranger's dreams are plagued by a recurring nightmare of a helpless man being whipped to death in the street by some sadistic criminals, while the townsfolk stand by and do nothing to stop him.




~The Stranger

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And as far as how people could even think it was a remote possibility...http://en.wikipedia....tion_Northwoods


Uh oh....you've watched "Loose Change" more than once, haven't you?


I'll admit the spooky music and my being shell shocked for a few months after 911 made me facinated by it too once. Then I watched 'Screw Loose Change' and had a good (and needed) laugh.

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I'm just surprised that people were surprised that someone would consider using planes as missles, when Tom Clancy wrote about it seven years before.


Who in the history of this planet has been most famous for using planes as weapons?


That's right, the dirty Japs.


We drop two nukes, they attack two targets. Coincidence?


As soon as I finish my Youtube video, the world will know the truth about 911.

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Who in the history of this planet has been most famous for using planes as weapons?


That's right, the dirty Japs.


We drop two nukes, they attack two targets. Coincidence?


As soon as I finish my Youtube video, the world will know the truth about 911.


9 + 11 = 20


2 + 0 = 2


2 nukes.........2 towers...............My God, you're right !



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I have no idea what is or isn't a possibility. I'm not going around making up sh*t about 911 or any other terrible event. When ideas, evidence, notions, etc are presented to me, at times I find the subject matter interesting enough to pay attention. Naturally I'm also interested to know if others have been presented with or come across similar information and what their position is on it. That's the extent of it. And for you or anyone else to suggest that I'm being insensitive to the victims of 911 because I have an interest in the events of that day and what questions/concerns people have - even the ones that are far fetched or conspiracy related - is pretty offensive to me.


And as far as how people could even think it was a remote possibility...http://en.wikipedia....tion_Northwoods


You were fine until you mentioned the theory of no one being on the planes. That's when you lost me.

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Uh oh....you've watched "Loose Change" more than once, haven't you?


I'll admit the spooky music and my being shell shocked for a few months after 911 made me facinated by it too once. Then I watched 'Screw Loose Change' and had a good (and needed) laugh.


The one that really threw me for a loop was Zeitgeist. I saw it a few years ago and that was the first time I had ever heard the concept of a false flag operation. It wasn't really anything I was taking that seriously until I saw that this Northwoods thing. I reacted very strongly to it at the time because I come from a long line of vets, and I found it incredibly disappointing (I want to use another word, but I'm trying to be diplomatic) to think that our government could have these sort of discussions in an official capacity. To me, it spit in the face of every man and woman who has risked or given their lives in defense of this country and, quite frankly, it enraged me. Ever since I saw that document, I've become extremely cynical about our government, whereas before I was more of a "company guy". I did see the Loose Change doc, but then I saw a documentary that was sort of a point-by-point rebuttal, so that did a very credible job of disputing the claims that were presented.

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The one that really threw me for a loop was Zeitgeist. I saw it a few years ago and that was the first time I had ever heard the concept of a false flag operation.


The entire concept of a "false flag" operation is itself a false flag. Mull that one over.


And the WTC didn't collapse. It's still there. They just WANT you to think it collapsed.

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Who in the history of this planet has been most famous for using planes as weapons?


That's right, the dirty Japs.


We drop two nukes, they attack two targets. Coincidence?


As soon as I finish my Youtube video, the world will know the truth about 911.


I thought it was Dolphins that dropped nukes on Japan? At least that's what South Park taught me.

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Great...I'll see if I can find some for you.


I guess I shouldn't be surprised that you are acting like this, but for some reason I am. Regardless, I really don't appreciate the sarcasm. Somehow I doubt that you're the type of person who doesn't seek out information or opinions on things you aren't certain of. I know you've got it all figured out these days, but probably there used to be a time when you needed to do that.

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Great...I'll see if I can find some for you.


I guess I shouldn't be surprised that you are acting like this, but for some reason I am. Regardless, I really don't appreciate the sarcasm. Somehow I doubt that you're the type of person who doesn't seek out information or opinions on things you aren't certain of. I know you've got it all figured out these days, but probably there used to be a time when you needed to do that.


Don't appreciate my sarcasm? Do you have any idea who you're talking to?


And I seek out information all the time, even if it contradicts what I think. But what you need to understand is that the PROCESS of how you gather information is vastly more important than the information you gather. And sorry, but pointing to a flash of light and a mystery flying object on a YouTube video and think that because an anonymous narrative says it's a laser (and implies it's an infrared targeting laser, albeit somehow visible, which makes absolutely no sense whatsoever), and the mystery object that looks suspiciously like two birds is actually a targeting drone used to guide a plane into a building (why not just fly the drone into the building? Why not turn the plane into a drone?) is a seriously poor information-gathering paradigm.


So you'll pardon my sarcasm when you pop in and post "A-ha!" links to conspiracy-theory YouTube videos. But sarcasm is all that's worth. One YouTube is NOT A SOURCE OF INFORMATION. I told you before: find a second video from another angle showing the "drone" or "laser," then we can talk about it. Until then, you can't distinguish it from a video artifact.

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The only problem with what you're saying is that I didn't "a-ha!" a damn thing. I've said since the first post of this thread that I have no opinion either way. I'm simply asking if anyone has come across anything over the years that has changed the way they view 911. I'm not posting the youtube vids because I believe they are legit or any sort of validation of anything. I'm simply giving an example of the type of thing I've come across, because it's the same issues that come up over and over. I see the same sort of theories on websites, in films, on radio shows, etc, etc. Youtube just happens to the be medium I've been spending more time on lately and it was convenient to link it, but these same theories are discussed by multiple sources.


But I'm not some conspiracy theorist or anything of the sort. I simply don't know enough about what is being presented and it seemed like a topic that would be appropriate for PPP.


And yes, I know exactly who I'm talking to...that' why I'm surprised at the nature of your responses, because I've never been anything but respectful to you (and Chef) in the ten years I've been here.

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Why is it that the conspiracies always tend towards the most outrageous and elaborate schemes? Laser guided planes, bombs in the buildings, hundreds of passengers who are now off in hiding somewhere and were never actually on the planes... Why don't they instead go with the angle that the government was aware of the plan but let it happen anyway. That one would at least be somewhat plausible idea that you might be able to convince more people to go along with.


Does that theory just not sell enough books or get enough youtube hits? Or do people just tend to let their imaginations wonder a bit towards the crazy scifi angle?

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And yes, I know exactly who I'm talking to...that' why I'm surprised at the nature of your responses, because I've never been anything but respectful to you (and Chef) in the ten years I've been here.


But this is your first foray into the swamp to discuss a topic that's been roundly debated over the last decade to fairly conclusive results. So before you take umbrage at the reactions, think of how you positioned the topic and your responses despite the proclamation that you have an open mind.


Just answer the basic question, if the planes were empty, what happened to the passengers and crews? Are United and American part of the conspiracy?

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But this is your first foray into the swamp to discuss a topic that's been roundly debated over the last decade to fairly conclusive results. So before you take umbrage at the reactions, think of how you positioned the topic and your responses despite the proclamation that you have an open mind.


Just answer the basic question, if the planes were empty, what happened to the passengers and crews? Are United and American part of the conspiracy?



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