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Thank you dad


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My father, Ronald F. Theel, passed away tonight. He was a lifelong Bills fan.


He was at the 64' AFL title game and again he was at the 66" title game. On September 24, 1978, my father took me to my first Buffalo Bills games, a 24-10 win over the Baltimore Colts. I have been a die-hard ever since I doubt that will ever change.


Every year growing up my father made sure he took me to at least one game and he always wanted to be buried in a Buffalo Bills Super Bowl championship shirt. I wish that could have been fulfilled.


I remember waking up the morning of the Houston Wild Card Game and he complained about the game not being on TV, so we drove up to stadium and bought tickets from some guy off the streets. I wanted to leave at halftime when the Bills were losing 28-3, but he would have none of that. He never left games early. When it was 35-3, he said let's wait til the end of the quarter. Glad I listened to him on that one.


RIP dad and thank you



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What wonderful memories you have of the time you spent with your dad. Thanks so much for sharing this with us. He'll be looking down at you from heaven on sundays watching Bills football with Tim Russert!

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My condolences. Thoughts and prayers are with yiu and your family. No matter what, when the Bills are good again you'll always wish your dad was here to see it, but lets hope they can make him proud this year as he watches down on RWS each and every Sunday.

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This all sounds really familiar to me but my Dad passed in 89 and never saw a Bills team in a SB, He took me to a Champ game in the 60s and it was wild for a little kid (although I can't really remember stuff except not being able to see). All the best you and yours and RIP to a dedicated Bills fan! Hope you and I get to see out team win a superbowl! We gotta! GO BILLS!

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Great thread and it touched home. My father, most 2 years since his passing, is the reason I'm a Bills fan. Growing up in Fredonia NY, we went to training camp every day. Literally....everyday. He was always yelling at me to "be aggressive" as I was chasing down Thurman Thomas in his golf cart trying to avoid autograph seekers. I'd run full speed until I couldn't run no more to get that autograph/photo opp. I probably have 5000 autographs because of his influence. Thanks Pops. When we finally win the Super Bowl, you'll be the first and last thing I think about in my celebration. I miss you.



Thanks for the post KRT88. It touched home

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I almost lost my father to a heart attack not to long ago. He was just 52 when he had it. It made me reevaluate my priorities in life. I have the deepest condolences to you're loss. At this point in my life, I know I'm not ready for that kinda loss.

I am 30, so the Bills were the most exciting team in football when I took interest. My dad is actually a Jets fan, but he taught us loyalty. When I declared my self a Bills fan at 8 or 9 years old, while living in California, my dad made sure that I wasn't fair weather fan.

I have no real ties to Buffalo. None, butI have been a loyal proud fan, as long as I can remember. It has been tough, but at the same time, I think being loyal to a team that has performed so porly, and the life lessons that my dad has (and fortunately still does) tought me have made me a better person.

I know I have rambled on a bit, and I'm mot really sure what my point is, but I think I understand yours.

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My father, Ronald F. Theel, passed away tonight. He was a lifelong Bills fan.


He was at the 64' AFL title game and again he was at the 66" title game. On September 24, 1978, my father took me to my first Buffalo Bills games, a 24-10 win over the Baltimore Colts. I have been a die-hard ever since I doubt that will ever change.


Every year growing up my father made sure he took me to at least one game and he always wanted to be buried in a Buffalo Bills Super Bowl championship shirt. I wish that could have been fulfilled.


I remember waking up the morning of the Houston Wild Card Game and he complained about the game not being on TV, so we drove up to stadium and bought tickets from some guy off the streets. I wanted to leave at halftime when the Bills were losing 28-3, but he would have none of that. He never left games early. When it was 35-3, he said let's wait til the end of the quarter. Glad I listened to him on that one.


RIP dad and thank you




God bless. Great story and thanks for sharing. My dad is also the reason that I am a lifelong, diehard Bills fan. There's not a day that goes by that I'd like to both thank and curse him for it. I'll be taking my sons, ages 13 & 11, to their first Bills game on Saturday vs. Washington. They're both over the moon with excitement and the older will proudly be wearing his Fred Jackson jersey, the younger proudly wearing his Stevie Johnson jersey. Hopefully, they'll take away some great memories like the ones your father forever provided you. Hang in there and thanks for sharing in your time of grief. GO BILLS!!!

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