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to the OP - we are on the same page - check out my display name


When we drafted EJ, I told store716 they should do something with all the J's we have on the team.


The DJ's. Short for Doug's (Marrone) J's (EJ, CJ, TJ, SJ, FJ). Plays on a couple levels, the names, and when they come together and mix it up on the field, its a symphony (incert what type of music you will) of a play.


I know, stretching it...I'm bored much like the rest of you.


How about Special Teams? Lets mickname them Special Olympics because Goodwynn runs like an Olympic track star. Come on now. You know you like it


I am thinking you troll the board with your "bad spelling" and close to ebonic status, in some posts. In others, you actually spell and use good grammar but put letters that shouldn't be there in opporitune places. Why the schitck? Just want to be different? Is playing the fool just fun?


the Pettine [pronounced - pet tin] Zoo is lame


feed the little animals for a quarter


I think its creative, but is not appropriate.


The DJ's. Short for Doug's (Marrone) J's (EJ, CJ, TJ, SJ, FJ). Plays on a couple levels, the names, and when they come together and mix it up on the field, its a symphony (incert what type of music you will) of a play.


I know, stretching it...I'm bored much like the rest of you.


This would be lame...lol




I am thinking you troll the board with your "bad spelling" and close to ebonic status, in some posts. In others, you actually spell and use good grammar but put letters that shouldn't be there in opporitune places. Why the schitck? Just want to be different? Is playing the fool just fun?


I like ham sandwiches too. So I like you. By the way, sandwich is supposed to be spelled "sandwitch", but I tink you knowed that and are trying to troll every time you post. Why the stick? (again, you is plying the foolhearty on us, keeping true with your play on the "h" being placed where it not needed.... Look in the Webster book....stick is spelled like I do it.


Why can't I play with y'all? After all, we should all as a group have a nickname. Because a bunch of us might have one common letter in our names. And we can have another group name us before we even get a chance to prove ourselves.


I has been a member of this board since the 90's. went by the name of ByTor2112. I ain't no troll. I live down the steer from the bridge, not under it. Why the uggly accusation?


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