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Bryant Gumbel’s Real Sports Closing Comment on Alex Rodriguez


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Excellent commentary IMO: http://fangsbites.com/2013/08/bryant-gumbels-real-sports-closing-comment-on-alex-rodriguez/


Finally tonight, what are we supposed to do with Alex Rodriguez? Embrace him? Pity him? Scorn him? I can easily understand any or all of those reactions because I think he’s a liar and a fraud. But what I don’t understand are the expressions of shock and outrage over his alleged drug use because, frankly, this country’s crazy about drugs.

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Very true. I've. said to many that medicine these days is either surgery or go to doc and get a prescription. We seem to want to think everything can and should be taken care of with a scalpel or pill.


The other side of this is Alex will live out his days in exceptional wealth. There is so much money involved that one has to question what would exceptional athletes not take PEDs given the money they stand to make if they are incorporated into their training.



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Very true. I've. said to many that medicine these days is either surgery or go to doc and get a prescription. We seem to want to think everything can and should be taken care of with a scalpel or pill.

I feel a little differently and I apologize for going off topic. Fortunately for us, health and quality of life can frequently be addressed through either of these. Just one example is the continual advancements in surgical techniques for joint replacement that allow for less invasive procedures and result in quicker recovery time. Some new pharma drugs are being released that reverse the effects of rheumatoid arthritis and certain types of breast cancer. These were not available just a couple of years ago. I will agree that occasionally people choose prescriptions (or surgery) for what might have been addressed by diet, exercise, or PT. Because the country is crazy about drugs does not mean that my boss would be ok if I decided to light up because I though it made me more creative. Even if I were more creative, it is illegal in the state where I live. Similarly, most, if not all, sports governing bodies have banished PEDs. What may be more interesting in the future would be the league assessment of technology advancements such as the replacement of catastrophic ligament damage with another material more durable than a human ligament.

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