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Posted (edited)

I think it's clear that he is hoping congress will say no, thus absolving him from having to back up his mouth with actions...


Hope they do say no. This is a rare situation where Congress being hell bent on jabbing Obama will work in the US interest (assuming the urge to vote against Obama is stronger than the urge to make war).

Edited by SameOldBills

Hope they do say no. This is a rare situation where Congress being hell bent on jabbing Obama will work in the US interest (assuming the urge to vote against Obama is stronger than the urge to make war).


Don't be so certain the authorization is destined to fail. There's plenty of establishment Democrats in the House who will fall in line with Obama as well as Neo-Cons will vot to authorize the use of force. But will that be enough votes to beat back the unlikely coalition of Tea Partiers and Peaceniks?


The Senate on the other hand will just a rubber stamp whatever Obama wants


Kind of ironic, those Racist® right wing Teabaggers with their silly Constitution are the only thing keeping us from attacking Syria


Assad, you recommend the veal?

Yes, yes. It is quite good here. But I will have the Supreme of Goat. It is the house specialty and a long-time favorite of mine.


Posted (edited)




Column from 10 months ago, as Mr. Obama was picking Long John for our S.O.S.


It wasn’t so long ago that Kerry made repeated pilgrimage to Syria, meeting with Assad five times between 2009 and 2011. Last year, he famously used the adjective “generous” to describe Assad, as the Wall Street Journal’s Bret Stephens recalled in a column this past summer:

On March 16, 2011—the day after the first mass demonstration against the regime—John Kerry said Assad was a man of his word who had been “very generous with me.” He added that under Assad “Syria will move; Syria will change as it embraces a legitimate relationship with the United States.”



As Michael Rubin recently wrote in Commentary Magazine, Kerry’s staffers described “their collective cringe when, after a motorcycle ride with Bashar al-Assad, he returned to Washington referring to Bashar as ‘my dear friend.’”


Jim Geraghty of the National Review reports that “as recently as February 2010, Kerry was telling Middle Eastern leaders that he believed Israel should return the Golan Heights to Syria.” Imagine the situation Israel would be facing today if it had heeded the Senate Foreign Relations Committee chairman’s advice. The strategic plateau overlooking all of northern Israel might today be on the verge of falling into the hands of Syrian homegrown terrorists and imported Al-Qaeda members.



Edited by B-Man

Assad, you recommend the veal?

Yes, yes. It is quite good here. But I will have the Supreme of Goat. It is the house specialty and a long-time favorite of mine.



Kerry was for Assad before he was against him


Don't be so certain the authorization is destined to fail. There's plenty of establishment Democrats in the House who will fall in line with Obama as well as Neo-Cons will vot to authorize the use of force. But will that be enough votes to beat back the unlikely coalition of Tea Partiers and Peaceniks?


The Senate on the other hand will just a rubber stamp whatever Obama wants


Kind of ironic, those Racist® right wing Teabaggers with their silly Constitution are the only thing keeping us from attacking Syria


I know. I doubt they would be the factor they are in this situation with a Republican president...but I'll take it. On this issue, I am thankful for the teaparty nuts hehe....GO TEAPARTY!

Posted (edited)

After two weeks of Twitter silence, Hillary Clinton commented on the weekend’s big news.






Hillary Clinton @HillaryClinton

Flying to 112 countries is a lot until you consider swimming between 2. Feels like I swim with sharks - but you actually did it! Congrats!

about 2 hours ago







Edited by B-Man

After two weeks of Twitter silence, Hillary Clinton commented on the weekend’s big news.



Can't blame her. If I were in her shoes (former Secretary of State, supposedly planning on running in 2016), I'd be staying away from any meaningful current issues, too.


In First Major Test, Obama Overrules New Team




John Kerry, Chuck Hagel, Susan Rice and vacation expert Samantha Power, that's the 'team'.






Foreign Policy Hands Wonder: What’s The Point Of Obama’s Syria Policy?


Constitutionally sound, but strategically appalling” says Obama’s former top Syria aide.


Frederic Hof spent President Obama’s first term as the State Department’s point man on Syria. He is now a furious administration critic, and a symbol of the growing consensus in the professional foreign policy community that the Obama Administration — no matter how its last-minute detour through Congress turns out — has badly bungled its Syria policy through two years of popular uprising turned bloody civil war.




I find it fitting that a "news" site which is mainly frequented by undereducated lemmings has a name that is grammatically incorrect.


Just sayin'...


How, so?


I find it fitting that a "news" site which is mainly frequented by undereducated lemmings has a name that is grammatically incorrect.


Just sayin'...


And what does this have to do with a quote from Pelosi?

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