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SU Hoops 2013-2014 edition...


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That's what I told my folks...don't make the selling price something to think about...they don't need to sell them...but for that kind of $$ they'd be crazy not to

I don't know if you can get quite that much but $500 isn't out of the question. I sold 2 in 308 for 100$ easily. $500 each would be a nice chunk off of their seasons.


Selling just Duke Unc and Pitt I am down to a $250 commitment for my season ticket.

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and he's past the 30% threshold for a medical redshirt


Stinks for him and us. I think we are going to need another big this year. I guess they could always put Grant in the middle in a pinch, but that means we need to see more minutes from Roberson. It would be insanity to stick with the 7-game rotation at this point.


By the way, this must have been more than a bone bruise-- probably some kind of ligament damage too??

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They are sticking by the bone bruise story and denying it is related to the MCL




Stinks for him and us. I think we are going to need another big this year. I guess they could always put Grant in the middle in a pinch, but that means we need to see more minutes from Roberson. It would be insanity to stick with the 7-game rotation at this point.


By the way, this must have been more than a bone bruise-- probably some kind of ligament damage too??

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How do you have surgery on a bone bruise? Seems weird to me.


Yeah, this whole situation seems fishy to me. I strongly suspect that JB realized that his best starting 5 did not include Coleman. Perhaps JB even saw that Roberson was giving him better minutes, and that he might benefit from seeing increased minutes. Again, Coleman comes in and plays 4 minutes of garbage time versus VT, and now he is having surgery on a " bone bruise?" I just don't get it, and I think there is more to the story here.

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yeah but why do it now when he is past the point of medical redshirt? he's played 9 minutes since 12/20, wonder if they can petition for a red shirt exception


Yeah, this whole situation seems fishy to me. I strongly suspect that JB realized that his best starting 5 did not include Coleman. Perhaps JB even saw that Roberson was giving him better minutes, and that he might benefit from seeing increased minutes. Again, Coleman comes in and plays 4 minutes of garbage time versus VT, and now he is having surgery on a " bone bruise?" I just don't get it, and I think there is more to the story here.

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yeah but why do it now when he is past the point of medical redshirt? he's played 9 minutes since 12/20, wonder if they can petition for a red shirt exception


I suspect they will petition the NCAA for a medical red shirt exception with the basis being that he played such limited minutes in those 14 games. I have no idea what is going on here, and maintain that something is fishy.


I'm okay with Rak and Keita holding down the 5. My biggest worry is the pressure now put on Grant and Fair to play more minutes. This is where Roberson becomes very, very important to this team moving forward. If he can give is 5 quality minutes per game, that will make a huge difference. Having Rak, Keita, Grant, Roberson, Fair, Cooney, Silent G, and Ennis gives us a pretty solid 8 man stable.


I guess I am not as concerned as I should be about this. What are others' thoughts? The way I look at this...we just lost 5 fouls down low. Nothing special defensively or offensively, IMO.

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I suspect they will petition the NCAA for a medical red shirt exception with the basis being that he played such limited minutes in those 14 games. I have no idea what is going on here, and maintain that something is fishy.


I'm okay with Rak and Keita holding down the 5. My biggest worry is the pressure now put on Grant and Fair to play more minutes. This is where Roberson becomes very, very important to this team moving forward. If he can give is 5 quality minutes per game, that will make a huge difference. Having Rak, Keita, Grant, Roberson, Fair, Cooney, Silent G, and Ennis gives us a pretty solid 8 man stable.


I guess I am not as concerned as I should be about this. What are others' thoughts? The way I look at this...we just lost 5 fouls down low. Nothing special defensively or offensively, IMO.


I agree completely. We lost 5 fouls, and probably 5-8 minutes per game. Not a huge loss, but we lose flexibility.


If JB is not inclined to play Roberson as much, I am hoping Gbinije gets more minutes-- am I recalling this correctly, but hasn't Gbinije played the 3 a little? If so, give him 10-15 minutes per game, split b/w the 1, 2, and 3-- that might be a viable solution, as well.

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yeah, i am not under any delusion that DC2 was our answer to the championship, but without him we lose 5 available fouls for our big men, THAT is going to be what hurts us the most.


I suspect they will petition the NCAA for a medical red shirt exception with the basis being that he played such limited minutes in those 14 games. I have no idea what is going on here, and maintain that something is fishy.


I'm okay with Rak and Keita holding down the 5. My biggest worry is the pressure now put on Grant and Fair to play more minutes. This is where Roberson becomes very, very important to this team moving forward. If he can give is 5 quality minutes per game, that will make a huge difference. Having Rak, Keita, Grant, Roberson, Fair, Cooney, Silent G, and Ennis gives us a pretty solid 8 man stable.


I guess I am not as concerned as I should be about this. What are others' thoughts? The way I look at this...we just lost 5 fouls down low. Nothing special defensively or offensively, IMO.

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I agree completely. We lost 5 fouls, and probably 5-8 minutes per game. Not a huge loss, but we lose flexibility.


If JB is not inclined to play Roberson as much, I am hoping Gbinije gets more minutes-- am I recalling this correctly, but hasn't Gbinije played the 3 a little? If so, give him 10-15 minutes per game, split b/w the 1, 2, and 3-- that might be a viable solution, as well.


Yes, Gbinije can play the 3 in a pinch. That is where most projected him out of HS, and if I am not mistaken, he has played some there in practice. I don't suspect them to go this route unless Roberson really falls on his face. I think JB likes him enough to put him on the floor for 4 or 5 minutes per game. Good to have that flexibility with Gbinije tho.

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Seth Davis (surprise surprise) has put Syracuse on "upset watch" today vs Miami. They played us tough at home last time, but IIRC, we shot the ball very poorly against their zone. Syracuse has a definitive size advantage, and should really dominate on the boards. Cooney climbing out of his shooting slump is going to be very important today. Tough road game coming off a pretty long break. LGO CUSE!!!!!

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they did play us tough, but Duke just totally blew them off the court earlier this week, here's hoping we can get roberson some valuable minutes and get him used to being a regular contributor


Seth Davis (surprise surprise) has put Syracuse on "upset watch" today vs Miami. They played us tough at home last time, but IIRC, we shot the ball very poorly against their zone. Syracuse has a definitive size advantage, and should really dominate on the boards. Cooney climbing out of his shooting slump is going to be very important today. Tough road game coming off a pretty long break. LGO CUSE!!!!!

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it was a good win, miami hung tough, couple questionable calls(why wasn't that goaltend reviewed for a 2 vs 3???)


why was keita in there so long? is his presence that much better than Christmas? Why no Gbinije in the second half? i don't think this team can survive with only 6.5 players

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it was a good win, miami hung tough, couple questionable calls(why wasn't that goaltend reviewed for a 2 vs 3???)


why was keita in there so long? is his presence that much better than Christmas? Why no Gbinije in the second half? i don't think this team can survive with only 6.5 players


Good thoughts. I actually thought Keita did great with garbage around the rim down the stretch.


The game itself was confounding. Miami just got really hot, esp from 3. Some of that was good looks/defensive issues by us, but a lot of it was just insane shooting.


I thought cooney played a little better-- hit a huge 3 down the stretch.


Agreed re the rotation. Roberson was in there for like 30 seconds; and they just forget about gbinije. weird.

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yeah i feel bad about 'complaining' about keita, but he has no hands but he plays out of his mind, he can be an absolute beast in there but we lose the offensive potential that christmas gives us...you are right about the lights out shooting miami started hitting...oh and ennis is simply awesome...


Good thoughts. I actually thought Keita did great with garbage around the rim down the stretch.


The game itself was confounding. Miami just got really hot, esp from 3. Some of that was good looks/defensive issues by us, but a lot of it was just insane shooting.


I thought cooney played a little better-- hit a huge 3 down the stretch.


Agreed re the rotation. Roberson was in there for like 30 seconds; and they just forget about gbinije. weird.

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yeah i feel bad about 'complaining' about keita, but he has no hands but he plays out of his mind, he can be an absolute beast in there but we lose the offensive potential that christmas gives us...you are right about the lights out shooting miami started hitting...oh and ennis is simply awesome...


I think everyone feels the same way about Christmas. I hate when Christmas gets pulled from the game, but then you see Keita make enough hustle plays that you are surprised and pleased.


But I actually think Christmas next year is going to be a beast. With fair and grant (and keita) gone, I bet he gets a ton more touches too--- could be a 40 minute, 20 point guy, believe it or not.

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we've also got that redshirted kid from rochester, he's 6-10


I think everyone feels the same way about Christmas. I hate when Christmas gets pulled from the game, but then you see Keita make enough hustle plays that you are surprised and pleased.


But I actually think Christmas next year is going to be a beast. With fair and grant (and keita) gone, I bet he gets a ton more touches too--- could be a 40 minute, 20 point guy, believe it or not.


I wonder if bernie fine was at the game. curious as to his relationship with Boeheim...saw a story that he does visit laranaga at miami...he's down there in boca.

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