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Leslie Frazier upset at Bills coaches

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It certainly seems that way... if you can navigate beyond the silly pay wall, here's the link.... This could be an interesting topic to discuss. It's good that we're finally on the other end of one of these situations




Sounds like a loser's mentality -- That tampa 2, dungy, dick jauron approach -- don't be aggressive, don't play to win, don't get hurt and try not to lose.


I'm glad our coaches played aggressive. It's football -- play football. Maybe Frazier is still upset the Bills passed him by for Gailey... But your offense got smacked around and looked inept, Frazier. If you don't like it, play better... Such a difference from Irsay's response to last week, for example... who pointed the blame for the loss at his own coaches. Frazier does the opposite!

Edited by MarkKelso'sHelmet
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There's been some back and forth on this topic. I'm not sure what's truly customary. John harbaugh was livid with Sean Payton a few years ago for not doing any type of joint game planning during the preseason and actually bringing the house on defense. He implied the coaches often call ahead of time and make some pregame arrangements. Would make sense as a way to test guys in certain situations or against certain looks.


Seems some prefer the games to be scrimmages, some prefer them to be games.

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Passblocking is passbloblocking whether the other team's defense blitzes or not. If your scheme is to generate pressure with blitzes and you have all new coaches/personnel how else do you evaluate them???


I think that speaks directly to my post above - it seems some coaches like to game plan together in the preseason. Come up with situations they'd like to see and not like to see and give a little warning of what to expect with vanilla vs complex


It also seems others stay away from this approach.

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There's been some back and forth on this topic. I'm not sure what's truly customary. John harbaugh was livid with Sean Payton a few years ago for not doing any type of joint game planning during the preseason and actually bringing the house on defense. He implied the coaches often call ahead of time and make some pregame arrangements. Would make sense as a way to test guys in certain situations or against certain looks.


Seems some prefer the games to be scrimmages, some prefer them to be games.

im with you Saint. Sounds more than anything like the Bills/Marrine aren't calling ahead to play these things. Good for then. Glad they aren't. Marrone has the demeanor that its us against the league and we need to take the respect since nobody is going to give it to us. A true warrior. I love Marrone more and more each day/game/practice.


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Those are some really weak comments by Frazier basically saying he didn't gameplan so neither should the team they are playing


I actually was surprised how bills kept blitzing the colts last week but even if Vikings didn't gameplan they should hv known it was coming which makes his comments that much more pathetic

Edited by Max997
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Maybe Frazier is still upset the Bills passed him by for Gailey.


I don't think that's how it happened as i think he backed out from interview when he thought he was only being interviewed for the Rooney rule

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So apparently he heard nothing about the game against Indy Sunday.

He knew what they'd bring. And you better expect aggression at your host's first home ps game. Come on Lesley. Just admit. Your o-line did not play well enough to protect your starting QB. A huge part of their preparation should have been devoted to keeping QB1 safe.

Also, a team with a historically crappy D that's bringing a new, ATTACKING, BLITZING philosophy....(that SOMEONE in his organization might have heard through the media)....is going to need to test drive that new car in preseason before they play their biggest division rival in wk 1.

Hey Leslie....."c'mon man!"



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These comments coming from a guy who scored a touchdown with over 4 minutes remaining to make the score 20-16 Bills and instead of going for an extra point to make the game a 3 point difference, decides to go for 2.


I understand you don't want to go to overtime in preseason but come on. He clearly was trying to win. The Bills were trying to win also and we did. Wound licking dudes man.


I'm liking this winning feeling preseason or not. What better way to prepare our rookies how to win than in preaseason? Bills win. End of story... (drops mic on the floor and leaves)

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It certainly seems that way... if you can navigate beyond the silly pay wall, here's the link.... This could be an interesting topic to discuss. It's good that we're finally on the other end of one of these situations




Sounds like a loser's mentality -- That tampa 2, dungy, dick jauron approach -- don't be aggressive, don't play to win, don't get hurt and try not to lose.


I'm glad our coaches played aggressive. It's football -- play football. Maybe Frazier is still upset the Bills passed him by for Gailey... But your offense got smacked around and looked inept, Frazier. If you don't like it, play better... Such a difference from Irsay's response to last week, for example... who pointed the blame for the loss at his own coaches. Frazier does the opposite!


Game planning :lol: :lol: :lol: that's called the Bills Defense, a lot of teams are gona get Buffaloed this year.

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Of also like to add this:

IF.... Big IF... We didnt really gameplay for the Vikings and were just playing aggressive and blitzing alot. I can't wait to see what we do to Brady in week 1.


I'm excited about this D but week 1 has me worried. Brady eats aggressive, blitzing defenses for breakfast and belches up TDs at the end of his meal. Disguising where the rush is coming from is good but I'm not sure sending 5-7 guys is against him 70% of the time is.

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Good for Marrone. He needs to send a message to the fans. This is not the passive Bills defense of the past few years. This is a wild blitzing defense that will be exciting to watch. He needs to build up interest. He needs to make people want to come to the games. He's doing that pretty well.


I also like the way Marrone gets mad on the sidelines. Must be a lineman's mentallity. He almost reminds me of Carl Mauck from a few years ago. And that's a good thing.

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Those are some really weak comments by Frazier basically saying he didn't gameplan so neither should the team they are playing


I actually was surprised how bills kept blitzing the colts last week but even if Vikings didn't gameplan they should hv known it was coming which makes his comments that much more pathetic

Screw the other side. We have new players putting in a new scheme with new coaches and it needs to practiced live before the games really count. That is what the preseason is for. "Hiding" everything and then hoping it works week 1 is for teams with established coaches and schemes (like the Vikings). Good for you coach. Take all the time you need and through everything you are putting in at the opposition in the meaningless public scrimmages. Plus the fans need to see the Bills come out of game with more points than the other guys as many times as possible.

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I'm excited about this D but week 1 has me worried. Brady eats aggressive, blitzing defenses for breakfast and belches up TDs at the end of his meal. Disguising where the rush is coming from is good but I'm not sure sending 5-7 guys is against him 70% of the time is.


That strategy was used against Brady with pretty good success by the Giants. He does "eat aggressive, blitzing D's for lunch"...As long as they don't actually get to him. Brady does not want to take a hit......Ever. Once you start knocking him down or getting in his face the "S" falls right off his chest, and he suddenly becomes pretty average. He gets rattled and starts rushing his throws and tossing incompletes and INT's. You know your doing it right when he starts sulking and screaming at his O Line. I'd be a bit more concerned about this when we face guys like Big Ben, he takes the pressure as a challenge and still tries to make plays even though he knows he's going to get hit, kinda like Farve used to back in the day. When we face the Pats I'd be most concerned about our run D, he'll try to pick up easy 1st downs on the ground against our blitzes if our linebackers are not sharp.

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