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Posted (edited)

(Idea from a topic earlier this week on Miami's Girly Uniforms)


(Also, if you dont HATE the dolphins, you must be younger than about 35)


-So the issues are:


(1) Do you keep, and start, division rivals on your Fantasy team, knowing you will have to root for them to do well?


(2) What if ANY of your players is playing against the Bills that week? Do you still start 'em?


I never ever ever ever have a dolphins player on my fantasy team. I'm in a 12 man league, with basically the same guys for 10+ years. There is one dolphin fan. And there is another life-long Bills fan besides me. I cannot and will not be caught dead with a dolphin on my team.


Exception: I might draft a Dolphin in order to trade him to the Dolphin fan. The dolphin fan knows this, and will draft Bills players in order to create a bidding war between me and the other Bills fan. But this all works out BEFORE the season starts. I will never have a Dolphin on my roster (unless he's at the bottom of my bench as trade bait). It would make me physically ill to have to actually root for any dolphin to do anything to give me points.




Funny aside, maybe very telling about the difference between Dolphins fans and Bills fans. The Dolphins guy in our league has no problem whatsoever with starting Bills players. I'd rather be dead.

Edited by maddenboy
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(Idea from a topic earlier this week on Miami's Girly Uniforms)


(Also, if you dont HATE the dolphins, you must be younger than about 35)


-So the issues are:


(1) Do you keep, and start, division rivals on your Fantasy team, knowing you will have to root for them to do well?


(2) What if ANY of your players is playing against the Bills that week? Do you still start 'em?


I never ever ever ever have a dolphins player on my fantasy team. I'm in a 12 man league, with basically the same guys for 10+ years. There is one dolphin fan. And there is another life-long Bills fan besides me. I cannot and will not be caught dead with a dolphin on my team.


Exception: I might draft a Dolphin in order to trade him to the Dolphin fan. The dolphin fan knows this, and will draft Bills players in order to create a bidding war between me and the other Bills fan. But this all works out BEFORE the season starts. I will never have a Dolphin on my roster (unless he's at the bottom of my bench as trade bait). It would make me physically ill to have to actually root for any dolphin to do anything to give me points.




Funny aside, maybe very telling about the difference between Dolphins fans and Bills fans. The Dolphins guy in our league has no problem whatsoever with starting Bills players. I'd rather be dead.


1) Yes. I draft the guys I think are going to score the most points; and some of those guys play against the Bills. For example, this year I kept Danny Amendola and Mike Wallace in my dynasty league. I want to win, so if/when Miami or NE scores a TD, I hope it's them. That said, I never, ever root for them or their teams to do well.


2) Yes, I start the guys that I think are going to score the most points; if I think one of those guys happens to be facing the Bills this week, I start him...and I cheer like heck against him. I would rather my fantasy QB get negative points against the Bills and I lose that week than see the Bills lose.

Posted (edited)

Let's use Tom Brady as an example...I can't stand that prima donna son of a b*tch, so it's a perfect example.


If I had a chance to pick him up for a decent price (or drafting him if he's available), I'd do it. I don't care TOO much, since I want the points in my fantasy leagues. If he's on my roster and they're going up against the Bills, then I'd still play him. Most (if not all) of my leagues start two QBs, so I doubt I'd have two other legit QBs to play in his place. If it's someone like Wallace, Amendola, or the Jets defense, I'd probaly go the same route, depending on who else I have on my roster. If they're the smarter play, then I play them.


These days, I'm betting the Patsies would spank us, anyway, so playing Brady is a no-brainer. I'd pretty much win any way, except if Brady has a horrible game and the Bills still lose.

Edited by BuffaloWings

I do draft division rivals and start players playing the Bills. However, I do not draft Bills, I feel my judgement on them is clouded and because I'm in a Buffalo league they're often overdrafted.


This is a slippery slope boys.


It's like hooking up with a chick that you hate but she's hot and it's late and it's your best chance to score. Sure you can temporarily block out the fact that you loathe her for some short term joy, but to quote the great Frank Drebin "being with her is like doing a shot of Draino--sure it'll clean you out, but it'll leave you feeling hollow inside......"


I've had Brady on my fantasy team. It's like cheating on your team and what you hold dear. I remember doing the Peter Griffin looking in the mirror after drafting Brady, "you dirty whore" I said to myself as I cut my own hair and smeared lipstick on my beard.


It was a season I would never forget because I won the league for the first time in a dozen years, but the trophy was tainted because it was Patriots-related. ill-gotten booty. My other friends who are Bills fans looked at me with disdain and pity when I took the championship.


This year I'll pick up Gronk ONLY because he won't play the first game and we don't face them until the last game of the year and by then I'll be in last place anyway.


Trust me boys, taking any Patriots is...well..... unpatriotic. Shameful. (Not unlike my F*ck Myra Kraft, I'm Glad She's Dead bumpersticker)


Those were some dark days indeed......

Posted (edited)

I don't draft anyone from the AFC East that isn't a Bill. I also never start anyone who is playing against the Bills that week. I just refuse to have any conflict of interest. I don't want to find myself wanting the Bills to win but hoping Ridley runs for 150 on us at the same time. It just feels really dirty.

Edited by biglukes

The only bias I have against any fantasy players is if they have scorned me in previous years, like drafting Jake Reed during Randy Moss' rookie season.


The past few seasons I've been known to pick up

Scrub players from the Bills opposition just for that week because I knew about 5 players from that team were about to have career days.


I drafted Fred in the 2nd and CJ in the 9th last year. Keeping CJ for a 6th this year, probably won't draft any other bills unless I can get Stevie in the 8th or 9th as a WR3. May take a late season flyer on EJ if he improves and is available, I can stash him on my bench as a keeper for the following year. (although the possibility of keeping CJ for another year for a 3rd is pretty enticing)


I have zero problems drafting/starting rival players, as someone previously stated it's a great hedge against real life disappointment. As a matter of fact, that is why I started playing fantasy football...

Posted (edited)

I actually try to avoid Bills players because I don't want to jinx them. (Maybe its not working)


The last 3 years I went out of my way to start the TE or RB that will be facing the Bills defense. I have multiple championships over that time.


See I don't track my fantasy score live though. I'm in multiple leagues and I'm starting every star and playing every star at the same time so the live tracking dosent help. I just check in Sunday night.


So if the opposing RB has a typical 120 yards and 2TDs against the Bills I'm not getting any instant gratification on live tracking the score. I just get a win on Tuesday.


I do avoid AFC east players for the most part. Also other than Brady there really haven't been many sure fire offensive stars in the Division so its been easy. I may have never started a Dolphin but like who would you want on your Roster?


I started Dustin Keller a few times. I can't think of a time I owned or started a Patriot or Dolphin.


Actually I had Gronk on one of my Championship teams but he is from Buffalo so he's not completely a Patriot.

Edited by Why So Serious?

Let's use Tom Brady as an example...I can't stand that prima donna son of a b*tch, so it's a perfect example.


If I had a chance to pick him up for a decent price (or drafting him if he's available), I'd do it. I don't care TOO much, since I want the points in my fantasy leagues. If he's on my roster and they're going up against the Bills, then I'd still play him. Most (if not all) of my leagues start two QBs, so I doubt I'd have two other legit QBs to play in his place. If it's someone like Wallace, Amendola, or the Jets defense, I'd probaly go the same route, depending on who else I have on my roster. If they're the smarter play, then I play them.


These days, I'm betting the Patsies would spank us, anyway, so playing Brady is a no-brainer. I'd pretty much win any way, except if Brady has a horrible game and the Bills still lose.


I never mind drafting Brady because it's win-win for me: if he sucks on the field (or doesn't play at all), I'm happy. If not, then my fantasy team is winning games. A guy's performance is not affected by whether he's on my fantasy team or not. The real-life game is going to play out the same regardless of who I start or sit, so I might as well try to take advantage of it.


Most of the people I've me who have similar views to the OP seem to be concerned with fans rooting against the Bills in favor of their fantasy team, or cheering when one of their players scores against the Bills. And I will admit, I have seen one or two examples of that actually happening, and that is weak sauce. If your favorite team is your fantasy team instead of the Bills, then get out of my Bills bar. Try to organize a "fantasy team" watching party somewhere else.


Having said that, these people are few and far between in my experience. I think most cases of "fantasy team over real team" are imaginary. And I have no problems personally with watching a Bills game where they're going against my fantasy players. If I have Brady, I'm still bummed when he throws a touchdown. Not as bummed as I would be if I was going against Brady instead of having him on my team, but still bummed.


Now, I have no problem with the OP's attitude, and it's shared by many. J.G. Wentworth says: It's YOUR fantasy team, manage it how YOU want it. I know of a Bills fan-only league where if you start a player against the Bills, his fantasy points are deducted from your score instead of added. That's a bit harsh, but also kind of a fun wrinkle that really devalues divisional opponents. Gronk had the best fantasy season in TE history a couple years ago, but something like 15 of his 17 TDs were against the Bills, which means his season wasn't nearly as good in that league.


I have to admit, I’ve had Mr. Butt Chin on my fantasy team many times over the past few years. I hate the guy but he consistently puts up points regardless of who he’s playing against and he keeps throwing when they’re up by 30. The really good players are going to get theirs no matter what so I’ve never sat him when he plays the Bills…with how bad our defense has been the past few years, I’d be crazy not to start him. Since our defense was so bad against the run last year, I kept picking up the RB we were playing against whenever I could no matter who it was. Even when we won the game, we still allowed 200 yards on the ground. That strategy worked really well for me. Some will probably read that and say a true Bills fan would never do that but I’m in it to win it all around. That being said, no matter what, the Bills win is priority by a landslide. If my fantasy team can do good at the same time…great but I still root for Mr. Butt Chin to have the worst game of his life every time he plays us.


Team rooting interests have no place in the strategy behind assembling and managing a fantasy roster. I love it when I know my opponents either shy away from, or hoard, players from certain teams.


I have has two drafts so far, and I don't even consider if a player is an AFF East rival, unless I have two players that I like equally, in which case I choose the non AFC East player... I have drafted Vereen late in a 12 team draft, NE Def late as a back up, Rob Gronkowski.... Ok, I'm seeing a reoccurring trend.... Apparently I only draft Patriots.... But then again, I'm in it to win it... Hahaha


If you want to win fantasy you really want those guys going up against the Bills often... They have had historically horrible defenses the past few years, you would be dumb not to try to get players to go up against that..


Fantasy is about winning dough, not about team allegiance.

Posted (edited)

Team rooting interests have no place in the strategy behind assembling and managing a fantasy roster. I love it when I know my opponents either shy away from, or hoard, players from certain teams.


Exactly. Fantasy is fantasy, cheering for the Bills is cheering for the Bills. AS KD said, having other players is a great hedge when the Bills aren't doing well (honestly - if my entire enjoyment of football was watching the Bills these past 15 years and not playing fantasy it would have been very grim).


I love playing with folks who take their own home team cheering into the draft and hoarde or shy away from certain players - it clouds their judgement where money is at stake.. Same reason I enjoy playing poker with guys who sit there and knock back the drinks - I sit there and have a couple through the night and come home with money in my pocket.

Edited by The Avenger

I always start them against the Bills. I look at it as win-win. If they do good against the Bills and the Bills lose at least I have the consolation that my fantasy team did well. If they do poorly against the Bills then I'm happy and the Bills likely won. The worst scenario that I can conceive is the player torches the Bills and he's on my bench doing me no good.

Posted (edited)

See I don't track my fantasy score live though. I'm in multiple leagues and I'm starting every star and playing every star at the same time so the live tracking dosent help. I just check in Sunday night.


So if the opposing RB has a typical 120 yards and 2TDs against the Bills I'm not getting any instant gratification on live tracking the score. I just get a win on Tuesday.



This might be the genius work-around. If you dont track live, then you arent hoping that so-and-so gets 50 more yards against the Bills. Or against anyone else. You just wake up monday morning and find out whether you won.


But still. Its just . . . dirty.


And still, part of my OP is that I cannot have a Dolphin no matter what. Anyone here old enuf to HATE the dolphins down to your DNA? (i'm only 45)

Edited by maddenboy
Posted (edited)

This might be the genius work-around. If you dont track live, then you arent hoping that so-and-so gets 50 more yards against the Bills. Or against anyone else. You just wake up monday morning and find out whether you won.


But still. Its just . . . dirty.


And still, part of my OP is that I cannot have a Dolphin no matter what. Anyone here old enuf to HATE the dolphins down to your DNA? (i'm only 45)


I also play in multiple leagues, to the point where usually every game has at least some impact on one of my scores, and I usually do track my scores live. But mostly I hope my guys who aren't going against the Bills blow up and I win despite a bagel from Brady or whomever. If I have Brady against the Bills (and no other Pats), and the Pats get to the goal line, here's the [EDIT] likely scenarios, ranked from most to least favorable:


1. Pick 6! (note that this would cost me points, potentially a lot in the one league that specifically penalizes INT-TDs)

2. Regular turnover

3. FG

4. Passing TD to someone that none of my fantasy opponents have, or QB sneak

5. Passing TD to someone I'm going against

6. Non-sneak rushing TD


The first 2 would make me happy, #3 would be a sort of a moral victory ("at least we held 'em to 3), #4 would make me unhappy, but at least with a silver lining, and #5-6 are just misery.

Edited by Cash
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