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Let them eat cake

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from the article:

'Yolanda Williams, a Pleasant Grove resident, told council members that she and her friends look forward to the horse park and consider it a valuable addition to a lower-income community without many recreational options.'


because as we all know, people in lower-income communities have nowhere to ride their horses.


Mr Solano is a lot more patient and amicable than I would be in the same situation. I'd tell them to go f themselves.

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Vonciel Jones Hill, the council member who represents part of Pleasant Grove, said the city has spent several years trying to negotiate with Solano and finally, out of frustration, filed suit against him to take the land through eminent domain.


“It was why, after that [failure to negotiate], that we took the action, and it was not taken lightly,” Hill said


Oh well, there you go. If the man had simply exercised his right to sell his property at the city's offering price everything would have been fine.

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Yeah, okay...point of note: if we're ever at a TBD tailgate together, I do not want you standing behind me.


Likewise brother, likewise.


Does TBD do a tailagte just out of curiosity? I go to one with some guys from another Message Board... its all pretty hetero, at least it until you go piss in the woods, from what I hear.

Edited by B-Large
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Likewise brother, likewise.


Does TBD do a tailagte just out of curiosity? I go to one with some guys from another Message Board... its all pretty hetero, at least it until you go piss in the woods, from what I hear.


No, no they don't. 0:)

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its probably best. I wouldn't want to get raped by any of you guys.


You guys? I live 3000 miles away and I have zero desire to sit, stand, drink, puke in the cold with the likes of those nimrods.


It would be much more fun if they had a PPP tailgate.


I'm thinking snowball fight.

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It would be much more fun if they had a PPP tailgate.


all accuations of homosexuality aside, I bet it would be a fun group.... we'd just leave politics, religion and mothers out of it, and instead drink Bourbon and talk about kitty and football...

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all accuations of homosexuality aside, I bet it would be a fun group.... we'd just leave politics, religion and mothers out of it, and instead drink Bourbon and talk about kitty and football...


Yeah leaving those things out of our conversations is like inviting a group in their first week of AA to an open bar. Sooner or later someone's going to open the floodgates.

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Yeah leaving those things out of our conversations is like inviting a group in their first week of AA to an open bar. Sooner or later someone's going to open the floodgates.


A very good point. Who would be most likely to wear ass-less chaps and an Obama mask?

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