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Is It The Oama Admin. Or 2nd Coming Of The Flat Earth Society?


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"Buried in a lengthy Washington Post article about President Obama’s environmental policy is an illuminating anecdote about just how debatable the administration views climate change — namely, not at all:

In an agency-wide address to employees Aug. 1, (Interior Secretary Sally) Jewell took the unusual step of suggesting that no one working for her should challenge the idea that human activity is driving recent warming. “I hope there are no climate-change deniers in the Department of Interior,” she said.

The address does not appear to be posted on the department’s website, so the Washington Examiner can only go by the Post’s presumably third-hand version. Still, it raises some interesting questions: What would happen to somebody at the department who raised some skepticism regarding Jewell’s take on climate change? Would they be in danger of losing their job?"


Obama wonders why our new flag just isn't gaining any traction.


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Speaking of Earth and Obama, MSNBC had a broadcast about Obama's upcoming trip to upstate New York. Look at this link to see where they placed the cities of:


1. Buffalo, NY


2. Syracuse, NY


3. Binghamton, NY


4. Scranton, PA


Did MSNBC get one of the cities wrong? Two cities? Three? Or did MSNBC get all four cities wrong?


MSNBC got all four cities wrong.



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Speaking of Earth and Obama, MSNBC had a broadcast about Obama's upcoming trip to upstate New York. Look at this link to see where they placed the cities of:


1. Buffalo, NY


2. Syracuse, NY


3. Binghamton, NY


4. Scranton, PA


Did MSNBC get one of the cities wrong? Two cities? Three? Or did MSNBC get all four cities wrong?


MSNBC got all four cities wrong.




I believe the Buffalo/Syracuse/Binghamton/Scranton trip is what Barack Obama refers to "The Gulf Coast Tour."

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Why does air travel get left out of the mix when we’re talking about reducing our carbon footprint? . . .


The question answers itself, doesn’t it? Giving up air travel and overnight delivery is much more personally costly for the public intellectuals who write about this stuff than giving up a big SUV. If you live in one of the five or six major cities that contain virtually everyone who writes about climate change, having a small car (or no car), is a pretty easy adjustment to imagine. On the other hand, try to imagine giving up far-flung vacations, conferences, etc. — especially since travel to interesting locales is one of the hidden perks of not-very-well remunerated positions at universities, public policy groups, nongovernmental organizations, and yes, news organizations.


If we’re going to get serious about greenhouse gasses, we need to get serious about air travel. Going to a distant conference should attract the kind of scorn among the chattering classes that is currently reserved for buying a Hummer.



Fat chance. The inhabitants of Conferenceville are too important to make sacrifices.

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