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Look at this month's Mad Magazine making fun of President Obama





Those racists !.....Oh wait................what's that you say ?..........................it's Mad , they're supposed to make fun of politicians.




I see...............they're not a serious subject like........you know...................................rodeo clowns :doh:





Wow, I can't believe MAD is graphically depicting Obama as half black/half white with those little spy guys. VERY RACIST. Someone needs to pay.

Posted (edited)

You gotta be kidding me! This is what we are worried about in this country? Obama just spent more money taking his dog (BO, by the way) on a special flight from DC to Martha's Vineyard than the Missouri State Fair makes every year.


Since when have presidential masks been frowned upon? Since Obama became president is when. Now it's not protest or satire, but racism targeted against the media's crown prince. Today our MSM is as close to PRAVDA as they can be.


I used to laugh at the people hunkering down in Idaho and places out west. I thought they were crazy and on the fringe. I'm not so convinced of that now.




Thanks Obama, just like a drone strike, your actions have made me like a domestic militant--not someone worth droning though. I've surrounded myself with a whole bunch of illegal aliens ready and willing to vote for your party. /in).

Edited by 3rdnlng

Note that although "it's not about race," but in fact because this "promotes violence towards the president," which is the excuse given for terminating the clown, the same gag with a George Bush mask back in his presidency was considered funny.


Note that although "it's not about race," but in fact because this "promotes violence towards the president," which is the excuse given for terminating the clown, the same gag with a George Bush mask back in his presidency was considered funny.

I am so sick and tired of this faux indignation over Obama's lack of respect over his "blackness". Like this is all a race thing. The guy is an incompetent idiot. I'd vote for Herman Cain, Ben Carver, Allan Keyes and maybe even Chris Rock over BO's VP and the entitled Hillary. I'm white and not an idiot.

Posted (edited)

Note that although "it's not about race," but in fact because this "promotes violence towards the president," which is the excuse given for terminating the clown, the same gag with a George Bush mask back in his presidency was considered funny.


Makes you wonder what happens when the press helps push society to shut down anyone who mocks the current leader.


Or what would happen if someone made a bad Youtube video mocking a religion? Probably nothing, right?


First they came for the rodeo clowns, and I said nothing.

Edited by LABillzFan

Makes you wonder what happens when the press helps push society to shut down anyone who mocks the current leader.


Or what would happen if someone made a bad Youtube video mocking a religion? Probably nothing, right?


First they came for the rodeo clowns, and I said nothing.




Google pretty much every president and there will be some sort of mask associated with them. Why is this current president all of a sudden off limits?


Ask Harry Reid!


Note that although "it's not about race," but in fact because this "promotes violence towards the president," which is the excuse given for terminating the clown, the same gag with a George Bush mask back in his presidency was considered funny.


Or how the right wing went bananas over a Move On video that said Bush was Hitler. Didn't call for violence against him like this did, but just compared him to Hitler, that was considered a terrible thing. This was despicable and way worse than that


Or how the right wing went bananas over a Move On video that said Bush was Hitler. Didn't call for violence against him like this did, but just compared him to Hitler, that was considered a terrible thing. This was despicable and way worse than that


Go away. With the slight possibility that you haven't been here before under a different name, you're just a retread, and very boring at that.


Or how the right wing went bananas over a Move On video that said Bush was Hitler. Didn't call for violence against him like this did, but just compared him to Hitler, that was considered a terrible thing. This was despicable and way worse than that


Bush the younger and Obama are both clowns. How do you like that?


Bush the younger and Obama are both clowns. How do you like that?


One can be hung and burned in effigy and no one in the press really batted an eye. One is used in something that as American as apple pie and people are up in arms. If this doesn't prove the Obama is the media darling I don't know what does.


Or how the right wing went bananas over a Move On video that said Bush was Hitler. Didn't call for violence against him like this did, but just compared him to Hitler, that was considered a terrible thing. This was despicable and way worse than that

I see. You weren't able to produce any evidence to back up your incoherent rambling above, so, to make up for that, you produce evidence that essentially says:


Moveon.org = Clowns. :lol: Nice work.


Oh yes you did. You, not I, CHOSE to create an equivalency between the rodeo CLOWNS, and, and a leftist political advocacy group. You are saying "But the Republicans complained when Moveon.org did this dopey thing...so...so...so...I can complain about rodeo clowns doing the same"


In doing so, you are claiming that Moveon.org = rodeo clowns. You've created that relationship, by using the offense taken at one group to justify offense taken at the other. If they are the same, then we should take both equally seriously, which is to say: not at all.


Hey, don't B word at me. This is merely the contrapositive of the logic you've laid out here. If you don't like the result, then you should have thought a little BEFORE you posted. (Remember when I said it wouldn't even be hard? :lol:)


Musical interlude. "Rodeo clowns yeah yeah yeah...." (Man, this was a fun song a while back)




Speaking of that song, you will never hear truer, or more reflective of Moveon.org idiots like yourself, in general, lyrics than these:


"Teeny bopping disco queen

She barely understands her dreams

Of belly button rings

And other kinds of things

Symbolic of change

But the thing that is strange

Is that changes occurred


And now she's just a part of the herd yeah, yeah, yeah

Man I thought that you heard yeah, yeah

The changes occur yeah, yeah, yeah

She's just a part of the herd yeah, yeah"



Attention Media: Dummy Wearing George H.W. Bush Mask Attacked By Bull at 1994 Rodeo


The Obama-loving media are totally apoplectic about

revelations of a rodeo clown wearing an Obama mask during a bull riding competition Saturday at the Missouri State Fair in Sedalia.


Maybe these folks should report that these things aren't that unusual at such events, and that in 1994, a bull attacked a dummy wearing a George H.W. Bush mask without the world coming to an end, anybody being fired, or any press outrage.


Here's the report filed by the Philadelphia Inquirer on August 19, 1994:


The big white gate flew open. The bull came out bucking. The rider flopped from side to side and the bullfighters held back, letting the bull make his moves until the rider dropped off. Licciardello crouched in a heavily padded barrel, a human target should the bull decide to charge. Hawkins waited near the barrel, holding his big inner tube. A dummy with a George Bush mask stood beside the clown, propped up by a broomstick. [...]


T.J. Hawkins rolled out the big inner tube, and the bull lowered his head, shot forward and launched into the tube, sending it bounding down the center of the arena. The crowd cheered. Then the bull saw the George Bush dummy. He tore into it, sending the rubber mask flying halfway across the sand as he turned toward the fence, sending cowboys scrambling up the fence rails, hooking one with his horn and tossing him off the fence.


I bet you didn't hear about this incident.................Why do you think that is?


Regardless, maybe the Obama-loving media should report this event from almost 20 years ago to make it clear that rodeo clowns wear all kinds of masks - including of former presidents.


Frankly, it wouldn't surprise that this happens at rodeos on a regular basis and nobody bats an eye or bothers reporting it.


But dare wear a mask of St. Obama and the media go nuts.




I'll put this Left/Media cartoon comment here.



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