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Beyond the always predictable selfishness and greed of the unions, I have to wonder how the city plans to pay to give all children a breakfast? I think the idea is probably a good one, but maybe I live in some bizarro world when I wonder "What parent doesn't ensure their child eats breakfast before going to school?"


Beyond the always predictable selfishness and greed of the unions, I have to wonder how the city plans to pay to give all children a breakfast? I think the idea is probably a good one, but maybe I live in some bizarro world when I wonder "What parent doesn't ensure their child eats breakfast before going to school?"


Well poor people silly. Don't you know that cereal and milk is waaaay too expensive.


Beyond the always predictable selfishness and greed of the unions, I have to wonder how the city plans to pay to give all children a breakfast? I think the idea is probably a good one, but maybe I live in some bizarro world when I wonder "What parent doesn't ensure their child eats breakfast before going to school?"

Hehehe...I wonder if it would be torture, or helpful, for you to spend an hour with my mom talking about this.


All OCinBuffalo idiocy aside for a sec....and I'm not kidding....



Seriously, she has kids that literally behave their way into summer school, so that they are assured of getting breakfast and lunch. The principal and the teachers always worry about taking too many days off/snow days, etc. The've recently restructured holidays and added 3 day weekends instead of the traditional week off in the spring, because they have many kids who simply won't eat very much, for 9 days in a row.


This is why I am sick to tears of hearing assclowns talk about "more $ for the kids". :rolleyes: These kids come from families that are already on assistance. That's right. They already don't pay for food. But, these "parents" can't be bothered to take what they are given, and use it to put decent meals on the table for their kids.


They say "the rich" are selfish? If they only paid their "fair share" all these problems would go away?


Horseshit. Safety net? No. Selfish net. Nothing is going to correct this selfish behavior, other than punishment. We've had enough carrot. It's time for some stick.


I've seen these 10-15 year olds, personally. You see a young kid who is clearly malnurished, or covered in bed bug bites, or is constantly itching, because the bugs are still with them, or smells, or has dirty clothes that haven't been washed in a month, but, still in there trying to learn(because my mom is a great motivator, flat out), despite distractions you and I can't even imagine?


All I think about is "stick".


Stick. For the parents, and especially stick for the phony D-bags who have been enabling this sin to go on, while telling themselves they are "more moral" for supporting it. Throwing $ at this = throwing the money, and the kid, away.


...but we'll still keep the free boob jobs. Thanks Buffalo taxpayers!







Go Unions!!


So while the teacher is suppose to be teaching they want the kids fighting over pop tarts, gulping down fake orange juice and falling asleep after a high calorie "breakfast"


Ummm, no, this article is retarded. Kids should eat in the cafeteria not the classroom.


So while the teacher is suppose to be teaching they want the kids fighting over pop tarts, gulping down fake orange juice and falling asleep after a high calorie "breakfast"


Ummm, no, this article is retarded. Kids should eat in the cafeteria not the classroom.



So you're okay with kids fighting over pop tarts, gulping down fake orange juice and falling asleep after breakfast as long as they eat their breakfast in the cafeteria?


It's like reading a conner thought as typed by Willis McGahee.

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