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Fallout shelter "found" at Watkins Glen Middle School

Just Jack

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My elementry school had a fall out shelter in it. It had been abandoned and not used for anything but storage. One of the side areas in the basement that ran the concourse of an entire hallway was adjoined by two very long and suitable fall out shelters. I would bet it could have held at least 100?


The school is being torn down to make way for a new school, though.


http://www.bgsu.edu/colleges/library/cac/lr/page57168.html just found this on the entire Toledo area for fall out shelters.

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Pfft...wimps...when I was in elementary school we didn't need fallout shelters...we hid under desks with our hands and arms over our heads...and we survived... Kids these days have it so easy


Son of a B word...I didn't read thru first


We never needed fallout shelters, we always had desks to hide under.

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We never did duck and cover drills when I was in school.


But when I was working for the County, our office was in the sub-basement, 2 floors underground, and it was the old fallout shelter. Still had a room labeled "bunk room" with cots set up, perfect for that afternoon nap.

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Do they or have they ever practiced chemical weapons drills or such? With all the terrorists recently celebrated over the last 15 yrs?


They should.


In fact, I think they should tear gas every high school in the country once every couple of years.

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My work was built in the early 1960's. The had the signs on the control houses saying: Fallout/air raid shelter... A Bilco door would lead you down a ladder and there you could go all the way to the sump pit and under the river... That is where the power/electrical lines are...


They just removed those signs a few years and sold them for scrap along with a bunch of other stuff... I wish I would have kept one!


Back in the 1970's... We'd camp and one of the fathers got a hold of an old Civil Defense cache of food and what not... We were eating peanut butter from 15 years earlier... The stuff in cans had shelf life! LoL... Probably explains a lot! ;-)

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