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Legal Immigrants Go to the Back of the Line


When the president announced his administrative DREAM Act amnesty (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA), skeptics warned that the illegal program would results in delays for people with legal immigration applications in the pipeline. Those concerns were ignored by the administration because the initiative was a campaign stunt to boost Hispanic turnout and had to be implemented before the election regardless of the consequences.


Well, the New York Times reported Sunday that chickens have come home to roost:


Many thousands of Americans seeking green cards for foreign spouses or other immediate relatives have been separated from them for a year or more because of swelling bureaucratic delays at a federal immigration agency in recent months.

The long waits came when the agency, Citizenship and Immigration Services, shifted attention and resources to a program President Obama started in 2012 to give deportation deferrals to young undocumented immigrants, according to administration officials and official data. …

Until recently, an American could obtain a green card for a spouse, child or parent — probably the easiest document in the immigration system — in five months or less. But over the past year, waits for approvals of those resident visas stretched to 15 months, and more than 500,000 applications became stuck in the pipeline, playing havoc with international moves and children’s schools and keeping families apart.


That’s half a million husbands, wives, and children of U.S. citizens — people whose expeditious immigration even I support, wholeheartedly — have seen their wait times triple because the administration dumped an illegal amnesty program in the lap of an overwhelmed bureaucracy at U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, with no additional resources to handle the workload. That means USCIS had to pull people off the processing of legal immigration applications to handle the amnesty applications of illegal aliens, leading to the increased wait times.



much more at the link:

Edited by B-Man
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Holder Urges States to Repeal Bans on Felons’ Voting:

Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. on Tuesday urged states to repeal laws that prohibit felons from voting, a move that would restore the right to vote to millions of people.


The call was mostly symbolic — Mr. Holder has no authority to enact these changes himself — but it marked the attorney general’s latest effort to eliminate laws that he says disproportionately keep minorities from the polls. “It is unwise, it is unjust, and it is not in keeping with our democratic values,” Mr. Holder said at civil rights conference at Georgetown University. These laws deserve to be not only reconsidered, but repealed.”


African-Americans represent more than a third of the estimated 5.8 million people who are prohibited from voting, according to the Sentencing Project, a research group that favors more liberal sentencing policies. And in Florida, Kentucky, and Virginia, more than one in five African-Americans has lost the right to vote.




There may be a more severe impact on minority communities, but that’s a function of the convictions, not the voting laws.


In today's climate its almost humerous how the NYT states that the Attorney General doesn't have the authority to change these laws,


REALLY...........why would that stop them.





Holder Urges States to Repeal Bans on Felons’ Voting:

Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. on Tuesday urged states to repeal laws that prohibit felons from voting, a move that would restore the right to vote to millions of people.


The call was mostly symbolic — Mr. Holder has no authority to enact these changes himself — but it marked the attorney general’s latest effort to eliminate laws that he says disproportionately keep minorities from the polls. “It is unwise, it is unjust, and it is not in keeping with our democratic values,” Mr. Holder said at civil rights conference at Georgetown University. These laws deserve to be not only reconsidered, but repealed.”


African-Americans represent more than a third of the estimated 5.8 million people who are prohibited from voting, according to the Sentencing Project, a research group that favors more liberal sentencing policies. And in Florida, Kentucky, and Virginia, more than one in five African-Americans has lost the right to vote.




There may be a more severe impact on minority communities, but that’s a function of the convictions, not the voting laws.


In today's climate its almost humerous how the NYT states that the Attorney General doesn't have the authority to change these laws,


REALLY...........why would that stop them.






There is a valid point to be made, though, that once somebody has served their sentence, they should not be further punished or disenfranchised.


So if Holder wants to take that position...he's going after sexual offender registries next?


You'll all enjoy yourselves when the video comes out today of Obama calling Alexis deTocqueville by the name "Alex" today. I've seen it roaming around on Twitter but haven't seen video.


Maybe he thinks Alex was a Navy Corpse Man. :wallbash:


You'll all enjoy yourselves when the video comes out today of Obama calling Alexis deTocqueville by the name "Alex" today. I've seen it roaming around on Twitter but haven't seen video.


Maybe he thinks Alex was a Navy Corpse Man. :wallbash:


Common confusion. He really meant Alex. In fact, Alex was one of Alexis de Tocqueville's closest and strongest allies, he consistently punched above his weight...




There is a valid point to be made, though, that once somebody has served their sentence, they should not be further punished or disenfranchised.


So if Holder wants to take that position...he's going after sexual offender registries next?


I'm guessing they'll also be able to purchase firearms soon as well.


I'm guessing they'll also be able to purchase firearms soon as well.


Of course not. We can't have felons purchasing firearms. We'll just have to make sure no one can.





There is a valid point to be made, though, that once somebody has served their sentence, they should not be further punished or disenfranchised.

The disenfranchise is part of the punishment not in addition to it.


Of course not. We can't have felons purchasing firearms. We'll just have to make sure no one can.

except for the authorities, of course.


Terrific article by Charles Hurt. Obama reveals his obliviousness at Monticello.


America’s president — heir to the world’s greatest document of freedom ever drawn up by man — strode across the hallowed grounds of Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello. With his hands clasped behind his back as a fuehrer surveying his troops or his kingdom, he told a gaggle of onlookers, “That’s the good thing about being president. I can do whatever I want.”


It may have been a lame attempt at despot humor. But it fell terribly flat and reveals a shocking unawareness of himself and what so many American people think of him. As if nobody in the White House grasps what a plague this president has been on our Constitution. He simply ignores laws he doesn’t like, rewrites others more to his liking and shows complete disdain for the two branches of government designed precisely to keep the president in check.


It is easy to imagine Jefferson’s soul, which lurks around every doorway, in every boxwood bush at Monticello, weeping at President Obama’s words. But more likely, he chuckled — if mournfully. This always is how tyranny hatches, and nobody warned us of it more starkly than Jefferson.




Tuesday night, the two presidents toasted each other’s greatness and engorged themselves on American caviar, quail eggs, oysters and dry-aged beef rib-eye. What did you eat last night? Did you have cake?


Down Pennsylvania Avenue, meanwhile, Congress scurried about trying to squeeze even greater morbid debt out of us debt-sodden taxpayers. No, $17 trillion in immoral and unconscionable debt heaped upon our children and grandchildren is not enough for them. And merely suggesting that these Ponzi artists stop spending our money and start cutting their government will get you branded a reckless lunatic.


Wonder what Gen. Washington and the Marquis would say about that?


In the vicious Valley Forge winter of 1777, Washington and Lafayette bravely led the barefoot, sick and starving men who suffered, fought and died for the country and Constitution we inherited. All that misery they suffered so future generations might reap freedom and prosperity.


But today, here in this city, under this leadershipicon1.png, all has been reversed. They reap today all the freedom and prosperity they can conjure up while sowing the seeds of untold misery for future generations.

Posted (edited)

Court Slaps Down IRS Power Grab


More often than not, conversations about the Obama administration’s executive overreach end up with apologists asking, petulantly, “well, what are you going to do about it anyway.” This is interesting for two reasons: First, because it reveals that the speaker’s principles do not extend much beyond “do what you can get away with”; and, second, because it reveals that the speaker probably doesn’t know that the courts have often slapped this president on the wrist for imperialism.


Indeed, the latest such example came yesterday from the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, which, per Tim Carney at the Washington Examiner, ruled that “the IRS may not unilaterally expand its authority through” what it described rather brutally as “an expansive, atextual, and ahistorical reading of” the law.


Reuters has the details:

An Obama administration campaign against tax-return fraud suffered a blow on Tuesday when an appeals court invalidated the first federal rules for unregulated tax-return preparers.


A three-judge appellate panel upheld a lower court’s January 2013 ruling that said the U.S. Internal Revenue Service does not have the power to impose test-taking and continuing education requirements on hundreds of thousands of tax-return preparers.


“We agree with the District Court that the IRS’s statutory authority … cannot be stretched so broadly as to encompass authority to regulate tax-return preparers,” the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia said in a unanimous ruling.

The IRS took steps starting in 2011 to regulate unlicensed return preparers for the first time, with a program requiring up to 700,000 of them to meet testing and education requirements.


But independent preparers complained.
Then in 2012, a libertarian activist group called the Institute for Justice sued the IRS, arguing that Congress never gave the agency authority to regulate preparers.


In January 2013, U.S. District Court Judge James Boasberg issued an injunction halting the IRS’s regulatory program. The Justice Department appealed his decision and lost on appeal.


Regardless of the merits of the administration’s regulations,


the material point — once again — is that the executive branch does not make law. Hammer it home, guys. Hammer it home.

Edited by B-Man
Posted (edited)

Terrific article by Charles Hurt. Obama reveals his obliviousness at Monticello.


America’s president — heir to the world’s greatest document of freedom ever drawn up by man — strode across the hallowed grounds of Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello. With his hands clasped behind his back as a fuehrer surveying his troops or his kingdom, he told a gaggle of onlookers, “That’s the good thing about being president. I can do whatever I want.”


Whenever I read this all I can think of is this.


Edited by Chef Jim

It's not the number of orders, it's what they are comprehensive of, and how they expand the authority of the executive.


Argue honestly if you're going to argue please


Although true, it is easy to point out that the commie presidents are the ones with over 1000. Obama seems to be a more efficient commie.


There is a valid point to be made, though, that once somebody has served their sentence, they should not be further punished or disenfranchised.


So if Holder wants to take that position...he's going after sexual offender registries next?


It would create a major paperwork snafu, with probation periods and recidivism. Add in the fact that you don't need ID, why even have voter registration.? :wallbash:

Posted (edited)

It's not the number of orders, it's what they are comprehensive of, and how they expand the authority of the executive.


Argue honestly if you're going to argue please


Please recite #27 in the Progressive Oath Handbook of Hypocrisy: We reserve the right to cry and yell and scream about your president before finding the same behavior completely acceptable in our president because...SHUT UP!

Edited by LABillzFan
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