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"What if Obama can't lead?" :o

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With Russian troops on Ukrainian border, Obama needs Romney’s “80’s foreign policy”



Remember this two years ago ? ..and all the fawning media following Mr. Obama's lead about Gov. Romney's paranoia

about Russia.................



"The 1980’s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back because the Cold War has been over for 20 years… I know you’re not in a position to actually execute foreign policy, but every time you’ve had an opinion, you’ve been wrong."



Romney’s response to the President’s cavalier attitude toward Russia was well said even at that time, but now it seems almost prophetic.







If the ‘80s are calling, President Obama may want to pick up.




Edited by B-Man
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Can anyone name a clear foreign policy accomplishment or a clear domestic policy accomplishment in the Obama era error? If you name the ACA you are automatically disqualified.


I can't...but I'm sure that, if he had one, it would look just like Trayvon Martin.

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Just getting caught up on the Ukraine news, and this seems to me to be a bad time to be a committed Obama knob-gobbler.


I mean, there are enough talking heads in the US to make people think twice before realizing how inept Obama is at leading anything domestically.


But on the global stage...this is going to be a head-shaking mess. Can you name one person who thinks Putin is afraid of Obama? One person?


Didn't think so.

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Just getting caught up on the Ukraine news, and this seems to me to be a bad time to be a committed Obama knob-gobbler.


I mean, there are enough talking heads in the US to make people think twice before realizing how inept Obama is at leading anything domestically.


But on the global stage...this is going to be a head-shaking mess. Can you name one person who thinks Putin is afraid of Obama? One person?


Didn't think so.


The 80's called. ...they want their cold war back

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Just getting caught up on the Ukraine news, and this seems to me to be a bad time to be a committed Obama knob-gobbler.


I mean, there are enough talking heads in the US to make people think twice before realizing how inept Obama is at leading anything domestically.


But on the global stage...this is going to be a head-shaking mess. Can you name one person who thinks Putin is afraid of Obama? One person?


Didn't think so.


Looks like someone set the reset button to 1968

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The 80's called. ...they want their cold war back


The sad part is I think he was serious in his response to Romney, as opposed to just jabbing him in a debate.


But, yes, I know. Romney. Horse.

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The sad part is I think he was serious in his response to Romney, as opposed to just jabbing him in a debate.


But, yes, I know. Romney. Horse.

No, Barry was right that Russia isn't the biggest geo-political threat to the US.


Barry, himself, is.

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The Nobel Peace Prize winner is helping to reboot the cold war as we speak.


That's utter nonsense. President Obama is simply using geopolotical calculus that you plebeians cannot understand. His calculations are nuanced, detailed, complicated, well researched and painstakingly thought out. All "evidence" to the contrary, that indicates that he's just pulling foreign policy out of his butt while not having the first clue what he's doing or understanding the long-term repercussions of his rhetoric, is nothing more than the Koch brothers paying Faux News to manufacture lies.

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The Nobel Peace Prize winner is helping to reboot the cold war as we speak.


Truthfully, it's Putin who's rebooting the cold war.


Obama just has absolutely no clue about it. Give it a couple months, and Obama will be coming back from a summit, waving a piece of paper and shouting "Peace in our time!"

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That's utter nonsense. President Obama is simply using geopolotical calculus that you plebeians cannot understand. His calculations are nuanced, detailed, complicated, well researched and painstakingly thought out. All "evidence" to the contrary, that indicates that he's just pulling foreign policy out of his butt while not having the first clue what he's doing or understanding the long-term repercussions of his rhetoric, is nothing more than the Koch brothers paying Faux News to manufacture lies.


Truthfully, it's Putin who's rebooting the cold war.


I agree. I intentionally hedged my original statement with 'helping.' Indirectly, BO's repeated red line gauntlets have created an environment conducive to Putin's current behavior.

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Not a Photoshop: Here’s how CNN is covering Putin and Obama [pic]







Has anyone tried reaching out to Putin's parents? They have to be told what their son is up to..................lol



The dems and their media.........................always consistent






c07aa8703c0ef32dd6bcad6a0450fe1f_normal.jpegjon gabriel @exjon Follow



You'll know @BarackObama is taking this seriously once he posts a photo of himself in front of the Ukrainian embassy.


9:42 PM - 28 Feb 2014


Edited by B-Man
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Not a Photoshop: Here’s how CNN is covering Putin and Obama [pic]







Worse than CNN ridiculously referring to international geo-politics as "bullying" is that they apparently fail to realize that, if Putin is "bullying" anyone, it's THE UKRAINE and not Obama.


That a so-called news organization can completely ignore - willfully or obtusely - the real story in favor making this a schoolyard-level story about the president is absolutely sickening.

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If POTUS has any common sense at all, he realizes he has his ass firmly in a major crack over the Ukraine issue. Which of his totally ineffective "consequences" will he lay on the table first? Of course, an even scarier thought involves Hill'ry having to respond to the Ukraine crisis. If only Rosie O'Donnell was our ambassador to the Ukraine.

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