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Eagles' WR Riley Cooper: Whoops!

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I would gladly engage you indoctrinated morons with new information but it would be primarily pointless as most of you are incapable of any independent critical thinking. Just stay deeply ensconced in your tired old cave of reflexed, regurgitated, ridiculous, ravenous right-wing rhetoric that you masquerade as intelligent thought.


I know you are comfortable there as it makes you feel a false sense of superiority that you desperately need to cling to.


So if you're not here for a discussion, what are you here for?

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So if you're not here for a discussion, what are you here for?


FYI, I initially posted this thread in TSW. It was unfortunately taken off course and ended up here. This PPP forum is not a place I ordinarily venture and I was not planning to get into any fracas, but TYTT posted IMO ridiculous comment that I couldn't leave unchallenged.


I see very little enlightened discussion here and the same tired ass ideas are usually bandied about in thread after thread with a bunch of dumb name calling instead of real conversation where people are open to changing their minds. It's primarily a Richard measuring contest in this forum and ends up being a waste of time.

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FYI, I initially posted this thread in TSW. It was unfortunately taken off course and ended up here. This PPP forum is not a place I ordinarily venture and I was not planning to get into any fracas, but TYTT posted IMO ridiculous comment that I couldn't leave unchallenged.


I see very little enlightened discussion here and the same tired ass ideas are usually bandied about in thread after thread with a bunch of dumb name calling instead of real conversation where people are open to changing their minds. It's primarily a Richard measuring contest in this forum and ends up being a waste of time.


Too easy...


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FYI, I initially posted this thread in TSW. It was unfortunately taken off course and ended up here. This PPP forum is not a place I ordinarily venture and I was not planning to get into any fracas, but TYTT posted IMO ridiculous comment that I couldn't leave unchallenged.


I see very little enlightened discussion here and the same tired ass ideas are usually bandied about in thread after thread with a bunch of dumb name calling instead of real conversation where people are open to changing their minds. It's primarily a Richard measuring contest in this forum and ends up being a waste of time.

You've yet to offer any other theories as to why the disparity between black Americans and other racial groups in achievement gaps and negative outcomes has actually grown exponentially since the 1960's dispite a massive increase in social outreach, assistance programs, intergration, and government funding. You've also offered no alternative to a change of internal cultural values in terms of what can break the cycle.


It's not enough to say that I'm wrong. You need to explain why you're right.

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You think this is ridiculous?


How about this: you shouldn't refer to taking lunch to work as "brown bagging it" because, you know, there are options that are less offensive to, I guess, your lunch. And calling someone a 'citizen?' Well, that is potentially offensive to, ummm, non citizens?


Try Washington State on for size.


Are you !@#$ing kidding me. !@#$ them. For the next 30 days I'm brown bagging it and making sure I have plenty of crackers in my brown bag. :wallbash:

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How do you pull up stats to see number of posts per poster?


Are you !@#$ing kidding me. !@#$ them. For the next 30 days I'm brown bagging it and making sure I have plenty of crackers in my brown bag. :wallbash:

while on race. I'll admit this. For a while I pictured you as a black man. That to me was funny because I only put that on your chef avatar. I mean I knew better. But I pictured you'd a black dude.
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How do you pull up stats to see number of posts per poster?



Just put your "arrow over the number of replies in a thread and click it, it will give you who has posted and how many.



Near the bottom of the Forums page there is a "top posters" of the day link too, thats always hilarious.



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I would gladly engage you indoctrinated morons with new information but it would be primarily pointless as most of you are incapable of any independent critical thinking. Just stay deeply ensconced in your tired old cave of reflexed, regurgitated, ridiculous, ravenous right-wing rhetoric that you masquerade as intelligent thought.


I know you are comfortable there as it makes you feel a false sense of superiority that you desperately need to cling to.


In other words, you have nothing.


Despite your proclamations that you're not a knee jerk liberal or that an al sharpton doesn't represent your views, you sure are having a familiar reflexive reaction to the discussion. You also have a habit of painting anyone with an opposing view with a broad racist stroke, which has been a very effective progressive tool for a generation to stifle any debate on why the black community continues to lag on socioeconomic metrics.


Congrats you win the debate that way, and another generation of young black kids gets washed away into the ether.

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FYI, I initially posted this thread in TSW. It was unfortunately taken off course and ended up here. This PPP forum is not a place I ordinarily venture and I was not planning to get into any fracas, but TYTT posted IMO ridiculous comment that I couldn't leave unchallenged.


I see very little enlightened discussion here and the same tired ass ideas are usually bandied about in thread after thread with a bunch of dumb name calling instead of real conversation where people are open to changing their minds. It's primarily a Richard measuring contest in this forum and ends up being a waste of time.


After you went on your rant regarding evil Wall Street I tried to politely engage you on the CRA and you came back with this:


Your bleepin question isn't important enough to me to provide an answer as I'll only descend deeper into this hole. I sound like a liberal because you and others on here are extremist right wing group think knuckle headed lemmings who can't understand why anyone would reasonably disagree with your ill-reasoned simplistic world views.


Carry on. I've wasted enough time here. Cheers bitches!


This kind of crap is why you've haven't been taken seriously here.

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The idea that they are excusing him to go to get sensativity training is hilarious.



Yup, nothing that won't be handled the field anyway.


Let's see. A black QB throwing to a racist white WR on the middle of the field covered largely by a black secondary?


I don't think sensitivity training is what cooper is going to need.

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Yup, nothing that won't be handled the field anyway.


Let's see. A black QB throwing to a racist white WR on the middle of the field covered largely by a black secondary?


I don't think sensitivity training is what cooper is going to need.


I think he'll get severely jacked up once, shake hands and be on his way.


I'm not defending the guy, but I think many are mature enough to know that using a racist word does not a racist make.


If the people that know him and spend time with him everyday know he is not racist by his actions (which is as much a possibility as him truly being racist), now he is just a dumb meathead guy who was shooting his mouth off while drunk and pissed off at an authority figure failing to acknowledge his "celebrity status and its entitlements".


Something tells me whatever ethnicity the enforcer was an corresponding tirade of racially charged rhetoric was coming.


One can be offensive and vulgar without being racist.

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How do you pull up stats to see number of posts per poster?


while on race. I'll admit this. For a while I pictured you as a black man. That to me was funny because I only put that on your chef avatar. I mean I knew better. But I pictured you'd a black dude.


You're not the only one. :lol:


I would gladly engage you indoctrinated morons with new information but it would be primarily pointless as most of you are incapable of any independent critical thinking. Just stay deeply ensconced in your tired old cave of reflexed, regurgitated, ridiculous, ravenous right-wing rhetoric that you masquerade as intelligent thought.


I know you are comfortable there as it makes you feel a false sense of superiority that you desperately need to cling to.


Says the guy who blamed the whole market downturn of 2008-2009 on Wall Street.


Let me ask you if it was WS's fault that the market crashed who is responsible for it's incredible rebound it's had the past couple of years? And you say the stimulus I swear I'll kick you right in the nuts.

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Wall Street certainly contributed to the downturn, but to say they are solely responsible is simply ignorant. US Housing policy that encouraged people who weren't in a position to buy homes and lenders to push them through, overzealous home buyers who were looking to flip homes, unscrupulous mortgage practices by mortgage brokers, dishonest home appraisers, interest rate policy was too loose for too long for the time, incompetent ratings agencies and a whole plethora of other reasons were to blame.

Edited by Magox
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I would gladly engage you indoctrinated morons with new information but it would be primarily pointless as most of you are incapable of any independent critical thinking. Just stay deeply ensconced in your tired old cave of reflexed, regurgitated, ridiculous, ravenous right-wing rhetoric that you masquerade as intelligent thought.


I know you are comfortable there as it makes you feel a false sense of superiority that you desperately need to cling to.


You have no new information you could give us. Too many of us were directly involved.

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Cooper takes leave of absence to seek counseling.


As many of you know, I'm pretty much on the left side of the spectrum. And I find this to be ridiculous.


I don't think it's a good word. I think it's a racist term. But I also think it depends on the way it's used.


I only find it to be a racist term if one chooses to refer to ALL blacks as !@#$s.


As a young man in the Navy, 20+ years ago, a black shipmate of mine (his name was Marvin and he was from N. Carolina - I can't remember his last name) pointed to this black guy who was an a-hole .. and he told me, "there are black people and there are !@#$s ... that, right there, is a !@#$."


Either way, it's just a word. I think Riley Cooper was an idiot for saying it where it could be recorded, but I think he's going through a bit much.


He apologized and that should be that.


And someone should find Marcus Vick and kick him in the friggin' throat. Twice.

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As a young man in the Navy, 20+ years ago, a black shipmate of mine (his name was Marvin and he was from N. Carolina - I can't remember his last name) pointed to this black guy who was an a-hole .. and he told me, "there are black people and there are !@#$s ... that, right there, is a !@#$."


I've had black guys tell me the same. "I'm not a !@#$, I'm a successful black man. That guy there, HE'S a !@#$. And so's that other guy [points to white guy]."


What REALLY irks me is that now "niggardly" is considered racist, and I can be fired for using it, lest it offend someone who's an illiterate idiot.

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When I was a Chef I had this cook who was black. We were in the locker room after a shift and we were commenting on the British words for food we're familiar with. I said they call fries chips, potato chips crisps and what's the word the use for crackers? He said "white people??" He had this look on his face of "holy ****, I can't believe I just said that to the boss." I looked at him and said that is the funniest thing I've ever heard.

Edited by Chef Jim
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