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Because "shiitake" sounds like "****," thus you probably can't say it in Seattle...

well then, 'Seattle' sounds like an acceptable alternative.....


besides, who'd want to say ANYTHING in Seattle?

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may as well have been 'armchair' or 'carp' without knowing its context.

Since we are the subject of your PPP training?


Don't use the word "carp", unless it is absolutely necessary. In this case, you could have used "ham sandwich", instead of carp, and still got it done.


I am not going to explain why, or say anything further, in the hope that this dies, right here.


You don't want the alternative, I assure you.


Since we are the subject of your PPP training?


Don't use the word "carp", unless it is absolutely necessary. In this case, you could have used "ham sandwich", instead of carp, and still got it done.


I am not going to explain why, or say anything further, in the hope that this dies, right here.


You don't want the alternative, I assure you.


Oh God, I so badly wish you were wearing mittens right now... :wallbash:


Since we are the subject of your PPP training?


Don't use the word "carp", unless it is absolutely necessary. In this case, you could have used "ham sandwich", instead of carp, and still got it done.


I am not going to explain why, or say anything further, in the hope that this dies, right here.


You don't want the alternative, I assure you.

okay.....from now on I'll substitute with the word 'flounder'. hopefully that won't offend too many sensibilities.


okay.....from now on I'll substitute with the word 'flounder'. hopefully that won't offend too many sensibilities.


Only the fans of Mr. Obama.................. :rolleyes:

Posted (edited)

How about I explain a single position? A simple one: The Department of Education adds 0 value to eduction of children in this country. We(our school districts) send $1 to DC, we get back .25. And, if we want anything else, we have to beg for it. So, we get a grant, and those grants in the aggregate = .15. So, you get back .40 on your $, with no sort of return on that "investment". The DoE, since it has existed, has presided over a consistent DECLINE in education outcomes, while seeing is budget INCREASE exponentially.


These are the facts. So the question is: why should we continue to operate this "business", when all it does is FAIL and eat $? It's illogical to continue this idiocy. It's not helping kids, teachers, or parents, and that's what we care about, right? We aren't getting what we expected. And, there's a damn good chance that we are getting ripped off.



I’m very new to these message boards, I have the day off and was reading through some of these posts. The biggest thing I have noticed about the usual posters on here is that OCinBuffalo always likes to call other people tools, idiots, morons or whatever other term he deems appropriate that day. He goes on and on writing his drivel, with absolutely terrible grammar, using emoticons all over the place for whatever reason and usually makes no discernable argument or has no point at all(other than everyone else is an idiot). He tries to play the scholarly uncle attempting to teach the uninformed some of his revisionist history they might have missed or to enlighten us all to his "factual" based wisdom. The problem here is his "facts" (see above) are all BS. They are either completely made up, so he can call someone a tool, or most likely something he read on the "interwebs" that only conform and/or confirm to his narrow world view. Well, because you know, everything you read on Redstate, Newsmax, Drudge etc is as 100% factual as you can get. Hey, OCinBuffalo, I will give you some free advice so you do not come off as such a complete moron while trying so very hard to appear like an intellectual.


1) Go purchase a 6th grade grammar text book and go study it. This will help when you are trying to appear far better educated and superior than the "pinhead" you are attempting to disparage.


2) Stop using the emoticons. My 13 year old niece would think it is excessive. We don't need to be subjected to the same smiley face emoticons every time you think you are making a good argument.


3) If you are going to site something as a "fact" you better be able to prove it. Try siting some research on the subject to back up your “facts”. Yes, I know lots of conservatives have had a hard time lately dealing with research science. However, as you have stated you are not a conservative so science should not be something you fear. How about this, you post a supportive link along with your "facts"? That way the reader can see where you get these "facts" from and we can all educate ourselves.


I hope my suggestions are of some service. I’m only here to help.

Edited by Chicosbailbonds

I’m very new to these message boards, I have the day off and was reading through some of these posts. The biggest thing I have noticed about the usual posters on here is that OCinBuffalo always likes to call other people tools, idiots, morons or whatever other term he deems appropriate that day. He goes on and on writing his drivel, with absolutely terrible grammar, using emoticons all over the place for whatever reason and usually makes no discernable argument or has no point at all(other than everyone else is an idiot). He tries to play the scholarly uncle attempting to teach the uninformed some of his revisionist history they might have missed or to enlighten us all to his "factual" based wisdom. The problem here is his "facts" (see above) are all BS. They are either completely made up, so he can call someone a tool, or most likely something he read on the "interwebs" that only conform and/or confirm to his narrow world view. Well, because you know, everything you read on Redstate, Newsmax, Drudge etc is as 100% factual as you can get. Hey, OCinBuffalo, I will give you some free advice so you do not come off as such a complete moron while trying so very hard to appear like an intellectual.


1) Go purchase a 6th grade grammar text book and go study it. This will help when you are trying to appear far better educated and superior than the "pinhead" you are attempting to disparage.


2) Stop using the emoticons. My 13 year old niece would think it is excessive. We don't need to be subjected to the same smiley face emoticons every time you think you are making a good argument.


3) If you are going to site something as a "fact" you better be able to prove it. Try siting some research on the subject to back up your “facts”. Yes, I know lots of conservatives have had a hard time lately dealing with research science. However, as you have stated you are not a conservative so science should not be something you fear. How about this, you post a supportive link along with your "facts"? That way the reader can see where you get these "facts" from and we can all educate ourselves.


I hope my suggestions are of some service. I’m only here to help.


God, I can't wait until school starts again.

Posted (edited)

I’m very new to these message boards,

That's pretty much the only useful piece of data in your post above.


The funny part, for me, is that you have no idea if any of it is made up or not, do you? In fact, there is one error in there that I placed purposely. Purposely, to see if you were a serious person, or a yet another clown who's only capable of


....now watch this...


only parroting whatever they see on MSNBC, DailyKos, Huffington Post, because you're not smart enough to take whatever theme Media Matters is running today, and modify it, so as to make your posts look like orginal thought.


See? I can make a list of leftist media, and attribute you to it...too. :lol: It's not a new trick. Yawn.


I also wrote a long post(and some here are familiar with why, while some are still too dopey to get it), for the same purpose as always.


And really, talking schit about grammar? With me? Of all posters? :lol: You are new. Fine, let's run it down :rolleyes: :

1. "I’m very new to these message boards, I have" = You're missing an "and" after the comma, tool.

2. "they might have missed or to enlighten" = You're missing a comma after "missed", moron.

3. There's no such thing as "factual" based wisdom", you idiot. Fact-based wisdom? Yes.

4. "Well, because you know, everything you read" is flat-out incoherent, twit.

5. "free advice so you do not come off as such a complete moron while trying so very hard to appear like an intellectual." And you are talking about grammar? :lol: Unimitigated moron.

6. "Go purchase a 6th grade grammar text book and go study it" Double use of a verb, and no comma after book? Yes, now we've gone round the bend on you not only being an idiot, but also a giant hypocrite.

7 "reseach science" :lol: I will defer to DC_Tom on this. Is there another kind of science? One that doesn't involve research? In any case, poor use of an adjective = yet another example of your hilarious idiocy.


So, yeah, that's the last time you talk grammar here, isn't it, moron?


I suppose there are examples of non-research science. I imagine citing Bill Nye as an authoritative opinion on Global Warming might fall under this...what is that exactly? Category? I mean, non-research science isn't exactly a discipline, is it?


Buddy, go help yourself. :lol:


And, when you get done? Try to figure out where the error is in my post above. I swear to God that there is a single(1) mistake in there, and only one.


I put it in there just for you.


(Man, it's as if this guy was custom designed...thanks God! I don't know what I did to get such a gift, but, I swear I'll keep doing it)

Edited by OCinBuffalo
Posted (edited)

well, there's always consensus.

True, but, if 95% of the Global Warming scientists are using the same research? Can we infer that this means at least 3.5 out of 5 of them aren't doing any research? Have we thus observed the elusve non-research science in the wild? Is that its natural habitat?


Who would have thought an obscure politics board on football website could have spawned a new form of scientific endeavor: the non-research sciences?


Of course, many will argue that "women's studies", or any identity major, has been non-research science from the beginning, thus invalidating our claims as a debasement of science. After all, we don't have any research to back up our finding of non-reserach science.


I am not worried though. They will not have considered that asking for research, that backs up non-research science, creates a paradox that proves our findings as valid. However, there may be some harrumphing that comes from the identity major people, as this discussion would necessarily ridcule their academic pursuits. But, nobody takes them seriously anymore anyway. We should be just fine.



Edited by OCinBuffalo

I am surprised this hasn't come up before now. As you may know, NC elected Pat McCrory-R as Governener, who took office last January.


Lately, I have been seeing tons of posts from my more left leaning friends in near hysterics over the "rolling back of the liberal paradise laws" by the GOP controlled government, most of which are based on opinion pieces in the NYT.


As a long time (and former) resident of NC, I am wondering what the concensus (lol) is on whether the new governer is ruining NC's liberal dreams? These include: voter ID, education reforms, and abortion legislation.


here is a direct quote from one of my old high schooll buddies' sisters, who apparently is unemployed and spends all day protesting with her boyfriend's young son:


"Just got back from protesting at Planned Parenthood with (the boy). on the way he asked why we didn't call 911 and just have McCrory arrested"?


This has to be one of the most disturbing things I have ever read. What the hell?


The people of NC elected their leadership. This is the will of the people. I don't like the direction they're going in but I don't live in NC so I don't have a say in any changes. If you don't like the direction the state is going in you always have the option to move.


True, but, if 95% of the Global Warming scientists are using the same research? Can we infer that this means at least 3.5 out of 5 of them aren't doing any research? Have we thus observed the elusve non-research science in the wild? Is that its natural habitat?


Who would have thought an obscure politics board on football website could have spawned a new form of scientific endeavor: the non-research sciences?


Of course, many will argue that "women's studies", or any identity major, has been non-research science from the beginning, thus invalidating our claims as a debasement of science. After all, we don't have any research to back up our finding of non-reserach science.


I am not worried though. They will not have considered that asking for research, that backs up non-research science, creates a paradox that proves our findings as valid. However, there may be some harrumphing that comes from the identity major people, as this discussion would necessarily ridcule their academic pursuits. But, nobody takes them seriously anymore anyway. We should be just fine.




Dude, I love how you can always find a way to turn any thread into a global warming thread. Give it up man. You're on the wrong side of that issue.


Dude, I love how you can always find a way to turn any thread into a global warming thread. Give it up man. You're on the wrong side of that issue.

Horseshit. I didn't bring up consensus. :lol: I just ran with it. Besides, you're just crying because you know the research science on Global Warming is in deep trouble. Explain why the very same scientists you've been quoting for sooooo long.....


...have just downgraded their predictions by 40%? Yes, that's right, they are now saying the the climate's sensitivity to carbon is only 60% what they thought it was.


:o A 40% change...based on nothing other than: the passage of time has proven their earlier predictions to be false. There hasn't been any new research science. :lol: The only thing that has changed is: it is simply not happening.


We've already seen this much backpedal. Nothing says there won't be more. Ask yourself: what is to stop them from downgrading their predictions yet again?


Dude, I'm not even close to being in the "wrong side". There won't be sides in the end. You/they will spin their way out of ever being on a side. You watch.


In fact here's how this is going to go: all the environtologists will do is cling to a tiny bit of man made climate change, and this way, you can never say they were wrong. But, for reasonable peoople? We are at the beginning, just the beginning, of the HUGE backlash. As soon as this really gets going? You watch: these people WILL turn on each other, and thus, there will be no "side".


We'll all be on the same side: you'll be pissed because these peoople took you for a ride, and I'll be :lol: at them and you, which of course will make you even more pissed, which will make me :lol: more, but, both of us will want to see these people flayed, alive, publicly.


It will be great to agree on something, won't it?


The people of NC elected their leadership. This is the will of the people. I don't like the direction they're going in but I don't live in NC so I don't have a say in any changes. If you don't like the direction the state is going in you always have the option to move Vote.


corrected :)


True, but, if 95% of the Global Warming scientists are using the same research?

in my defense, I never said it was GOOD science.... :D


3) If you are going to site something as a "fact" you better be able to prove it. Try siting some research on the subject to back up your “facts”. Yes, I know lots of conservatives have had a hard time lately dealing with research science. However, as you have stated you are not a conservative so science should not be something you fear. How about this, you post a supportive link along with your "facts"? That way the reader can see where you get these "facts" from and we can all educate ourselves.


This paragraph is pure gold.


Summertime...and the livin's easy.

Posted (edited)

3) If you are going to site something as a "fact" you better be able to prove it.


This paragraph is pure gold.


Summertime...and the livin's easy.


When I caught cite of the post you site, it made me want to burn down this web sight.

Edited by /dev/null

The people of NC elected their leadership. This is the will of the people. I don't like the direction they're going in but I don't live in NC so I don't have a say in any changes. If you don't like the direction the state is going in you always have the option to move.

What don't you like about NC? The fact that McCrory is making citizens residents responsible for their own lives? He is doing this while not Bible thumping or exploiting millions of residents. The guy is good, he was a successful Mayor in one of the most liberal cities in the state.

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