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(OT) Be careful


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Friends of ours had a little problem over the weekend, and I want to share it with you, as it could save your life. . . .



As told by a thankful wife.......


Larry had to work the night shift at Alcoa Friday night, so he left home around 10:15 p.m. He took his normal route -- down Hull Street to the Alcoa plant. While on Hull Street he saw a man come out from a yard and to the sidewalk. The man threw a rock and it shattered the right front passenger window. Glass went everywhere; however, the rock did not hit Larry. Keeping his sense about him, he drove to work.



Around 11:00 p.m., he called me at home to tell me what had happened. And, of course, I had to take him his truck and pick up the car as it called for rain that night and into Saturday. So I drove the car home, covered it up, etc.



We filed a report with the Police, and while doing all this, they gave us the following information... What happened to Larry could have been deadly. It appears that gangs set up drivers by having one man throw a rock at a car they want. In the bushes are the rest of the guys -- usually with knives and guns. The gang wants you to come back -- mostly so they can steal the car and valuables from the driver; however, the policeman said that in many instances, it becomes deadly. They kill the victim.



So, please be careful, and if anything like this happens to you, keep on going. Yes, I am inconvenienced today by not having a car, as it is at the glass shop being repaired, but it is a small inconvenience compared to what might have happened if Larry had put the car in reverse and gone back.

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Unbelievable ! Thats good advice even without the gangs in waiting. Nothing good will come from a confrontation.


I have a few driving stories that were very scary that have changed my driving habits forever. You never know what evil lurks in the next car.


Especially, dont honk your horn at another car. Here in San Diego I recently saw a story where an older man honked at a car waiting to turn at an intersection. The guy in the front gets out with a bat and starts smashing the other guys car's windows threatening to kill the man. Fortunately the older guy had a gun and shot the idiot dead when he was reaching in for him. I think the older guy is still in some legal trouble. But it all stemmed from honking his horn.


I never honk my horn at anyone.

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Unbelievable ! Thats good advice even without the gangs in waiting. Nothing good will come from a confrontation.


I have a few driving stories that were very scary that have changed my driving habits forever. You never know what evil lurks in the next car.


Especially, dont honk your horn at another car. Here in San Diego I recently saw a story where an older man honked at a car waiting to turn at an intersection. The guy in the front gets out with a bat and starts smashing the other guys car's windows threatening to kill the man. Fortunately the older guy had a gun and shot the idiot dead when he was reaching in for him. I think the older guy is still in some legal trouble. But it all stemmed from honking his horn.


I never honk my horn at anyone.


Score one for guns :P

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Especially, dont honk your horn at another car. Here in San Diego I recently saw a story where an older man honked at a car waiting to turn at an intersection. The guy in the front gets out with a bat and starts smashing the other guys car's windows threatening to kill the man.



3 months ago here in NYC I watched a guy in a VW golf not a meathead in an Excursion SUV into his lane near the lincoln tunnel. Meathead gets out of his car, VW drives away. Meathead chases vw, gets out of car but vw drives away again. 3rd time vw can't get away and the meathead PUNCHES the guys windshield, smashes it. Cops come, I stop and tell them I saw the whole thing.


worst part was the cops didn't want to press charges at all (the guy must have known somebody), so they convinced the VW guy to take $600 for the windshield on the spot from the guy and agree to drop it.

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3 months ago here in NYC I watched a guy in a VW golf not a meathead in an Excursion SUV into his lane near the lincoln tunnel. Meathead gets out of his car, VW drives away. Meathead chases vw, gets out of car but vw drives away again. 3rd time vw can't get away and the meathead PUNCHES the guys windshield, smashes it. Cops come, I stop and tell them I saw the whole thing.


worst part was the cops didn't want to press charges at all (the guy must have known somebody), so they convinced the VW guy to take $600 for the windshield on the spot from the guy and agree to drop it.



So, big meathead in a Excursion who has rage problems and happens to have $600 cash on him?


Either an NFLer or "connected".

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