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Rex Tailoring Defense for NE...I hope he overlooks us.

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Try and convince me?

How can I convince someone whose "facts" by definition can't be refuted. If perhaps we were objective I'd point out that the Patriots are a team you wake up every day planning to defend against, even with there weaknesses (loss of Welker, Gronk and Hernancdez.) The Bills had a six win season and have nothing at the ultimate skill position yet....hopefully Manuel will be outstanding. This team does not appear to be better than last year's team and the coach is untried. Ryan has been to the AFC championships game twice, and has had more winning seasons in the NFL than anyone on the Bills staff. Miami is rebuilding and is a threat. I suspect the Bills aren't much a part of his game planning. Than being said we might beat him, if Manuel comes out of the box as a gamer in the RJ Griffin or Andrew Luck mode. If Spiller has the offensive line to give him a chance to be the All Pro he should be. If Mario Williams starts to show that he is worth what we paid him.All that being said we aren't going to terrify any coach until we start doing the things that terrify opposing coaches. That's called winning (at least doing better than six wins)>

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I think the Patriots are going to surprise some people with how much they're going to run the ball this season. A backfield with Ridley, Vereen, Blount, Bolden (maybe) and Leon Washington (who'll be a return-man, not really a halfback)? Almost scares me more than the Amendola-Dobson-Edlman trio.

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Not many teams have CJ Spiller and Fred Ex

Even with CJ and FredEx, I'm not sure if we'll be running a traditional "ground and pound" game. I have a feeling we'll still be in spread formations with 3 or 4 WRs most plays. So the whole extra DB base defense makes sense still.
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Even with CJ and FredEx, I'm not sure if we'll be running a traditional "ground and pound" game. I have a feeling we'll still be in spread formations with 3 or 4 WRs most plays. So the whole extra DB base defense makes sense still.

Maybe instead of Ground and Pound, the Bills will institute "Slash and Dash"

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Maybe instead of Ground and Pound, the Bills will institute "Slash and Dash"


which is essentially the type of offense the "spur" would be better suited for. speed and versatility. thats us, assuming things go well.

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which is essentially the type of offense the "spur" would be better suited for. speed and versatility. thats us, assuming things go well.

Hopefully we can capitalize on the "spur" defender matched up against CJ or Fred out of the backfield. I guess the "spur" was designed to stay home against the run or cover the TE...as opposed to a "shifty waterbug" like CJ. I'll add a "dangnabbit" in there for the hell of it.

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Rex doesn't really have to "tailor" a defense against the Bills, does he? Frankly I think he has already put those two games in the W column.


Exactly. I don't think many teams are that worried about us, especially divisional opponents.

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Hopefully we can capitalize on the "spur" defender matched up against CJ or Fred out of the backfield. I guess the "spur" was designed to stay home against the run or cover the TE...as opposed to a "shifty waterbug" like CJ. I'll add a "dangnabbit" in there for the hell of it.


essentially. but one would think CJ vs a linebacker would be a larger mismatch - really, despite their big differences in role CJ and Gronk both give that run/pass versatility that this is accounting for. defense goes heavy and either one can get put out in space against a linebacker, the defense goes light and you can run run run....


it still shouldnt be a huge issue, and i think you already see it a lot around the league. Us with scott, here in new orleans they often use 3 safeties too... just a way to get a little more speed while still having some extra run integrity when compared to a normal nickel/dime.

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I'd encourage you to lose sight of your pessimism for just a few moments, and actually stop to consider the trends of each team and the players and coaches on each roster.


The Jets are trending down, and it's not up for debate. They've gotten consistently worse since their appearance in the AFC Championship three seasons ago, their coach is a lame duck, and they have arguably the worst skill position players in the NFL. None of these statements can be legitimately refuted.


To address the first part of your response -- EVERY head coach knows division games are the most important on the schedule, and for any coach to "overlook" a divisional opponent is, at best, negligent.


And finally, the last time these two teams met the game wasn't close -- and guess who was on the wrong end?

Odds are very stacked against Rex being back next year. Never know though, maybe Geno lights it up. Doubt it, but never can be sure. AFC East should be interesting this year with all the Pats and Jets troubles and Miami having the "dream team" high expectations. The expansion Bills might steal 3 or 4 in the division if they stay healthy. Be interesting to see how Marrone's no huddle , go go go approach impacts an NFL roster over a full 16 game schedule.

Edited by 8and8Forever
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Maybe I am missing something but Rex has already employed these tactics being discussed on numerous occasions against more than a few opponents over the last 4 seasons. This may be a new news article but has everyone already forgotten what the Jets have already done on defense over the years? A new article about old news perhaps?

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How can I convince someone whose "facts" by definition can't be refuted. If perhaps we were objective I'd point out that the Patriots are a team you wake up every day planning to defend against, even with there weaknesses (loss of Welker, Gronk and Hernancdez.) The Bills had a six win season and have nothing at the ultimate skill position yet....hopefully Manuel will be outstanding. This team does not appear to be better than last year's team and the coach is untried. Ryan has been to the AFC championships game twice, and has had more winning seasons in the NFL than anyone on the Bills staff. Miami is rebuilding and is a threat. I suspect the Bills aren't much a part of his game planning. Than being said we might beat him, if Manuel comes out of the box as a gamer in the RJ Griffin or Andrew Luck mode. If Spiller has the offensive line to give him a chance to be the All Pro he should be. If Mario Williams starts to show that he is worth what we paid him.All that being said we aren't going to terrify any coach until we start doing the things that terrify opposing coaches. That's called winning (at least doing better than six wins)>


Go ask any head coach if there are "easy" wins in the NFL. If you don't believe the top priority for every head coach is trying to beat their divisional opponents, there really isn't much more I can say because I think you're just being argumentative, and allowing your frustration over the last 12 years to cloud the reality of what a train wreck the Jets are. The "six win" Bills you mention were but a play away from three or four more wins; if that same team had gone 8-8 or 9-7 you'd be talking about how they're on the right track -- the same team!


There is no "chasm" to cross into being a playoff-quality team; only better coaching and improvement at the QB position -- while it's early, both of these appear to have been addressed.


But enough of this -- you go on believing that Rex Ryan doesn't give the Bills a second thought and "why would anyone" gameplan against Buffalo.

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Go ask any head coach if there are "easy" wins in the NFL. If you don't believe the top priority for every head coach is trying to beat their divisional opponents, there really isn't much more I can say because I think you're just being argumentative, and allowing your frustration over the last 12 years to cloud the reality of what a train wreck the Jets are. The "six win" Bills you mention were but a play away from three or four more wins; if that same team had gone 8-8 or 9-7 you'd be talking about how they're on the right track -- the same team!


There is no "chasm" to cross into being a playoff-quality team; only better coaching and improvement at the QB position -- while it's early, both of these appear to have been addressed.


But enough of this -- you go on believing that Rex Ryan doesn't give the Bills a second thought and "why would anyone" gameplan against Buffalo.

Actually, the topic was "tailoring your defense" to the Patriots. I don't see anything that involves "tailoring" the defense for the Bills. Is he going to game plan? Sure...you have to do that...Spiller is a threat, and if Manuel is any good Johnson is a threat. He'll lose more sleep over the Fish and over the Pats than he will over the Bills, as of now at least. I'm pessimistic about the Bills because they have made piss poor choices over the last decade and I'm not all that confident that that has changed. We'll see. If it has changed I'll be happy. If we continue playing poor football I won't be. As to six wins...it is still six wins....coulda woulda shoulda can't make it a better record.

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http://forums.thegan...ead.php?t=78210 Rex apparently is looking to install a base 3-4 with a "spur" (extra safety who can play both run and pass as a smallish LB). I like the idea but it isn't really anything different than what Pettine will probably install with Bryan Scott. The entire quote (which I am not privy to since I'm not a member) talks about how Rex is modifying his defense to account for the Pats and how the Pats speed up their offense to address the Jets base D with the hope of catching the D off guard. I like how Rex overlooks the Bills this year...bring on "the spur" Rex.


This isn't a new concept.

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Rex hasn't really had many problems against the Bills.


Okay, I'll bite. What has Rex Ryan said or done to indicate any reason he has any concern about the bills. Did you see the first game of last season? Is there any reason to think that we are a priority on his mind? Might we win one or both games against the Jets this season? Yes...we might. Is it unlikely. Yes it is unlikely. Take a reality check.


Please correct me if I'm wrong but the last time the two teams played was on December 30th and the Bills won 28-9.


Am I correct?

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That's the point though...I hope Rex doesn't care about our Bills offense. I'd rather be understated and have him bank on two wins against us...then, when we do beat them in our first matchup he'll have to adjust. The only problem is, he'll still be preparing for NE (because, after all, they are the mighty Patriots...*upchuck*) There will come a time very soon where preparing for the Bills will be more important than preparing for the Pats.

I would prefer we spit in his eye and then kick him in the knees . I would prefer to have his full attention and then defeat him.


Next; Krafts house maid and then his girl tuesday. let the fish feed on our guttings


I think the Patriots are going to surprise some people with how much they're going to run the ball this season. A backfield with Ridley, Vereen, Blount, Bolden (maybe) and Leon Washington (who'll be a return-man, not really a halfback)? Almost scares me more than the Amendola-Dobson-Edlman trio.

easy brother. dont fear the hoodie


Rex doesn't scare me. We beat ourselfs in most of the games against the Jests and IMHO we stole his Genius from him with our DC hire. We will see though.

i like your attitude ! and we did beat ourselves all too any times. I dont expect the same this year. We might lose games but i foresee some serious effort put forth to win already taking hold at the coaching levels
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