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Rex Tailoring Defense for NE...I hope he overlooks us.

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http://forums.theganggreen.com/showthread.php?t=78210 Rex apparently is looking to install a base 3-4 with a "spur" (extra safety who can play both run and pass as a smallish LB). I like the idea but it isn't really anything different than what Pettine will probably install with Bryan Scott. The entire quote (which I am not privy to since I'm not a member) talks about how Rex is modifying his defense to account for the Pats and how the Pats speed up their offense to address the Jets base D with the hope of catching the D off guard. I like how Rex overlooks the Bills this year...bring on "the spur" Rex.
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Not to mention it's hard to prepare for an offense no one has seen.

That's the beauty of Marrone (I suppose) - he is training for a fast paced offense and he has a lot of speed in the backfield and WR's. His "spur" better be fast. I actually like the fact that he is tailoring a defense specifically for situations against the Pats....love the underdog/understated approach.

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"43 is the Mike, 43 is the Mike...."

:doh: Still can't believe how utterly predictable our defense was last year with Wanny. At least this quote shows that defenses need to change with the times...Rex (for all his faults) likes to tinker with his defense.

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Rex doesn't really have to "tailor" a defense against the Bills, does he? Frankly I think he has already put those two games in the W column.


I realize you're an old-timer who "reserves judgment" before expressing any positive thoughts about the Bills, but I have to ask if you really believe this or is it simply an involuntary response?

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I realize you're an old-timer who "reserves judgment" before expressing any positive thoughts about the Bills, but I have to ask if you really believe this or is it simply an involuntary response?

Okay, I'll bite. What has Rex Ryan said or done to indicate any reason he has any concern about the bills. Did you see the first game of last season? Is there any reason to think that we are a priority on his mind? Might we win one or both games against the Jets this season? Yes...we might. Is it unlikely. Yes it is unlikely. Take a reality check.
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Okay, I'll bite. What has Rex Ryan said or done to indicate any reason he has any concern about the bills. Did you see the first game of last season? Is there any reason to think that we are a priority on his mind? Might we win one or both games against the Jets this season? Yes...we might. Is it unlikely. Yes it is unlikely. Take a reality check.

That's the point though...I hope Rex doesn't care about our Bills offense. I'd rather be understated and have him bank on two wins against us...then, when we do beat them in our first matchup he'll have to adjust. The only problem is, he'll still be preparing for NE (because, after all, they are the mighty Patriots...*upchuck*) There will come a time very soon where preparing for the Bills will be more important than preparing for the Pats.

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Okay, I'll bite. What has Rex Ryan said or done to indicate any reason he has any concern about the bills. Did you see the first game of last season? Is there any reason to think that we are a priority on his mind? Might we win one or both games against the Jets this season? Yes...we might. Is it unlikely. Yes it is unlikely. Take a reality check.


I'd encourage you to lose sight of your pessimism for just a few moments, and actually stop to consider the trends of each team and the players and coaches on each roster.


The Jets are trending down, and it's not up for debate. They've gotten consistently worse since their appearance in the AFC Championship three seasons ago, their coach is a lame duck, and they have arguably the worst skill position players in the NFL. None of these statements can be legitimately refuted.


To address the first part of your response -- EVERY head coach knows division games are the most important on the schedule, and for any coach to "overlook" a divisional opponent is, at best, negligent.


And finally, the last time these two teams met the game wasn't close -- and guess who was on the wrong end?

Edited by eball
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The Pats are the top of the AFC East... he probably isn't all that concerned about the Dolphins either (though, realistically, the Dolphins could win the AFC East this year). I feel like every team guns for the top teams in their division as a priority, not the mediocre to bottom dwellers.


That all being said, a lot of things are new this year for us, so who knows.. he might pay attention if we make some noise on week one :)


Try and convince me?


That'd qualify as "debate"...

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Why would any team tailor a defense to stop the worst offense in the division? On the flip side, shouldn't every team tailor their defense to match up against the best team in their division? The Pats are the team to beat in the AFCE until proven otherwise. No story here.

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what about this change wouldnt be just as effective against us potentially? honestly, it sounds like adapting to what much of the league is doing (finding guys that can be multidimensional and moving them around often/quickly to exploit mismatches. the "spur" would just be the guy on the other side of the ball providing similar run/pass versatility.


the pats are just among the best at it so they got mentioned by name.

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what about this change wouldnt be just as effective against us potentially? honestly, it sounds like adapting to what much of the league is doing (finding guys that can be multidimensional and moving them around often/quickly to exploit mismatches. the "spur" would just be the guy on the other side of the ball providing similar run/pass versatility.


the pats are just among the best at it so they got mentioned by name.


Basically. It's a pass heavy, open field, sort of league now. Not many teams are ground and pound.

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