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It would be nice to see the jets back up quarterback makes $9million a year.


If Sanchez is not named starter, I don't see how the situation is tenable under that circumstance.




The Jest starting QB. This seems like a situation that is going to go south real quick. He then goes on to say he wants to have input in all the players who will play. Why have a head coach if your GM is going to force your hand? This to me seems like Ole Twinkle Toes days are numbered.



Either way, that Jets team has the look of a complete trainwreck. No rbs, wrs or difference making tight ends on that roster. Whoever plays qb for them has almost no chance to be successful. I cant see that team winning more than 4 or 5 games.
Posted (edited)

That was my thought. Why put that message out there?


He is serving notice to Rex Ryan from the sounds of it.


I think Rex will be the first coaching casualty this season.



Edited by K-9

I think the Jets are going to "suck for Luck" (nothing much rhymes with Bridgewater) this year, pick up one of the hot 2014 QBs in the draft. Also replace Rex fairly soon.


I think the Jets are going to "suck for Luck" (nothing much rhymes with Bridgewater) this year, pick up one of the hot 2014 QBs in the draft. Also replace Rex fairly soon.

they just drafted Smith. Chances are the GM will hire a HC and force them to give Smith a shot. So add another 2-3 years of suck for the Jets.

The Jest starting QB. This seems like a situation that is going to go south real quick. He then goes on to say he wants to have input in all the players who will play. Why have a head coach if your GM is going to force your hand? This to me seems like Ole Twinkle Toes days are numbered.




That action by GM is as moronic as those who say Jim Overdorf makes decisions on who Bills cuts. He is the CFO and calculates how much they need to pay not who brings the most to the football team on the field.

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