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[Stop me if you've heard this one] So a bear walks into a bar...

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2 chemists walk into a bar.


Bartender asks the first chemist what he's drinking. First chemist responds, he'll have some H2O. The first chemist enjoys a nice tall glass of water


Bartender asks the second chemist what he's drinking. Second chemist responds, he'll have H2O too. The second chemist dies

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2 chemists walk into a bar.


Bartender asks the first chemist what he's drinking. First chemist responds, he'll have some H2O. The first chemist enjoys a nice tall glass of water


Bartender asks the second chemist what he's drinking. Second chemist responds, he'll have H2O too. The second chemist dies

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I just heard that the other night somewhere...was it dexter? Cracked me up then too


2 chemists walk into a bar.


Bartender asks the first chemist what he's drinking. First chemist responds, he'll have some H2O. The first chemist enjoys a nice tall glass of water


Bartender asks the second chemist what he's drinking. Second chemist responds, he'll have H2O too. The second chemist dies

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Horse walks into a bar, bartender says "why the long face?"

Skeleton walks into a bar says: "I'd like a beer and a mop"

Duck walks into a bar Bartender asks "Would you like to pay now?" Duck says "Put it on my bill"

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