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The Free Safety


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I was interesting in writing a large article based on what the free safety should be like in the Mike Pettine based system. However, I often find I get too technical for the lamen and get too in depth for the basic principles of the premises I start on defense. What I have done is spent some time looking across the internet to help explain my theories on the free safety, and most importantly give a brief summary on where and how this will fall in to place with Buffalo. I open discussion for anyone to ask questions or such, because I truly love discussing the schemes and planning to defense more so then I love the actual players and "team."


First up, Bob Davie, former coach at ND, Texas A&M, among others and now at New Mexico disusses "Utilizing the Blitz and Pressure Defenses." In this long drawn out article it may seem outdated but it is relevant because it brings current defenses up to speed on where we are from where we came from. It is 9 pages on a PDF, and not a very read. But, if you want to learn something, start here. Set aside an hour for this...




We are going to blitz. We are going to blitz across the field but many will be surprised to find it is only going to be from a basic set of 3 players, with maybe an average of 4 players at the most. Pettine is not going to exploit 5 or 6 guys coming in to push the pocket or rush the LOS.




In this article we are going to add those blitzs up and show that one position we keep hearing (especially from me)...Monster. We have two smart QB's in our division and one who can get lucky pulling a rabbit out of his arse every few shows. We have teams that can exploit our defensive faults to the T.


So, draw all your knowledge now to this article:


Nick Saban reminds us to get back to the fundementals and I think that is just what Pettine wants to do:




Questions? Questions? Anyone? Buehler?


I will leave this open, for now...and draw more on it later. Thanks guys.

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I encourage you to go as in-depth as you like. Forget what laymen want, there's more than enough material for them. I love reading links like you've posted.

It has just concerned me that people want to throw Byrd aside and forget that FS is a very important position because it is misunderstood.

On our team we have the outside pretty well handled. I want to know if we are putting Mario on the strong side or weak side. Then I want to know what the plan is for the big butt tackles. If we can get two guys there who can play the role of shutting down all things between the OT's we might be pretty good. I would take an LB to OT matchup any day because I know that we can put a good enough SS on the field to come up with the heat.


As long as we limit the liability on defense that is the run defense up the gut then we are able to use Byrd or a FS as a ballhawk. It is 11 men on 11 men, as I have said many times before. It breaks down to 5 OL stopping 4 D-rushers and one rover. It puts all players pretty well matched up except for one. The FS. His match up is the QB and when you have one like Byrd you can truly take advantage of it. In Byrds rookie season he was able to play to his strong suite. I expect that when/if he hits the field this year.


But, more importantly, this thread is about the grand scheme of things that will make our defense or break our defense. As shown in those links, we need a strong core, we need the ability to blitz and create pressure from many fronts and provide coverage in the process. We cannot stuff 8 men in the box like we tried last year. We cannot put undersized "43 is the Mic" LB's in the trench. Pettine is smart enough to know this and if we put Scott with Mario it makes more sense, especially if Scott plays the Monster position, Mario the WLB and Lawson the Rover. Lawson covers the middle well. Mario clears a path wide enough for Sam Adams to do a tango with Ted Washington. Scott covers TE's and long flat like few others in this league.


Ladies and gentlemen, I, like every year, cannot wait to see what we do on defense this year. And, if we do not do well I will be sad. But, I take sollace in knowing I am sitting next to Beerball for the opener.


A bit off topic but is a Lamen related to a Ramen?

Isle 12, at Walmart.,Yep, right next to Ramen.


Good Question!!! Boyst?

Your funny. Edited by jboyst62
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Laman like lamanade iced tea. I squirted laman in my eye.


Not that I don't value Byrd just as a fan I can't do anything but look at the rookies and see what they have till he gets back. This is a nice post that gives a little insight. Broncos would have won the game if the safety did his job on that last TD. With Gilmore being able to shutdown #1 WRs by himself just makes it even better.

Edited by BuffaloFood
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