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Player loses $2 million by missing offseason program

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The buzz in league circles is that Brown wasn’t aware of the amount of cash hinging on his participation in offseason workouts. On one hand, he signed the contract — and arguably he should have read it. On the other hand, his agent (who has a clear incentive to see Brown maximize his compensation) may have failed to explain it to Brown.

Either way, Brown’s agent probably should read his malpractice insurance policy.



Edited by San Jose Bills Fan
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Tarell Brown has now fired his agent.


“That’s what agents get paid to do — to orchestrate the contract and let you know what you can and can’t do as far as workouts, OTAs, things of that sort,” Brown said Thursday of Overstreet, according to the San Francisco Chronicle. “That’s what he got paid to do. He didn’t do that. So, in my opinion, you have to be let go. We all are held accountable for our actions and it’s just part of the business.”




IMO if Brown either had a better work ethic or any clue, it wouldn't have come to this. While he's making excuses and painting himself as the victim, he's equally as culpable in this situation as his agent is.


You're a professional. Shouldn't you attend voluntary team workouts?


You're a professional. Shouldn't you know what your contract stipulates?


Moral of the story: stupid people do stupid things.

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He should go to Eugene Parker since he does not like to work off season.

Yes, Parker will get that $2million back in a heartbeat. Well, maybe not a "heartbeat" but his NEXT contract negotiation with the 9ers should be something we'll want to have our popcorn ready for.

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Tarell Brown has now fired his agent.


“That’s what agents get paid to do — to orchestrate the contract and let you know what you can and can’t do as far as workouts, OTAs, things of that sort,” Brown said Thursday of Overstreet, according to the San Francisco Chronicle. “That’s what he got paid to do. He didn’t do that. So, in my opinion, you have to be let go. We all are held accountable for our actions and it’s just part of the business.”




IMO if Brown either had a better work ethic or any clue, it wouldn't have come to this. While he's making excuses and painting himself as the victim, he's equally as culpable in this situation as his agent is.


You're a professional. Shouldn't you attend voluntary team workouts?


You're a professional. Shouldn't you know what your contract stipulates?


Moral of the story: stupid people do stupid things.


Agreed - in this case his agent should've been the fail safe for him being stupid but that shouldn't ignore the primary cause of this as his own stupidity.

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Wow that is just insane...


How could you not sit down with your agent and understand the dynamics and terms of your contract when that kind of money is involved? Additionally while it is not their responsibility I am a little surprised that the team did nothing.

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Tarell Brown has now fired his agent.


“That’s what agents get paid to do — to orchestrate the contract and let you know what you can and can’t do as far as workouts, OTAs, things of that sort,” Brown said Thursday of Overstreet, according to the San Francisco Chronicle. “That’s what he got paid to do. He didn’t do that. So, in my opinion, you have to be let go. We all are held accountable for our actions and it’s just part of the business.”




IMO if Brown either had a better work ethic or any clue, it wouldn't have come to this. While he's making excuses and painting himself as the victim, he's equally as culpable in this situation as his agent is.


You're a professional. Shouldn't you attend voluntary team workouts?


You're a professional. Shouldn't you know what your contract stipulates?


Moral of the story: stupid people do stupid things.


It'll be interesting to see what his former agent has to say. As far as shouldn't he as a professional attend voluntary workouts? The workouts are voluntary, and the players association negotiated them as such. Some players like to work out where they live because of family and/or personal issues going on. While I agree with the concept that it's a good idea to be around the coaches and your teammates, not all can do it.

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What do you think the odds are that somewhere along the way the agent to him to show up to everything and he blew it off or didnt pay attention? I'm guessing a decent chance?



My sympathy meter is having a hard time getting above zero for some idiot who couldn't be bothered to understand seven-figure clauses in his contract or bother showing up for his team's offseason program.

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Wow that is just insane...


How could you not sit down with your agent and understand the dynamics and terms of your contract when that kind of money is involved? Additionally while it is not their responsibility I am a little surprised that the team did nothing.


I also thought it interesting that there was nary a peep from the Niners.


What do you think the odds are that somewhere along the way the agent to him to show up to everything and he blew it off or didnt pay attention? I'm guessing a decent chance?


This was another thought I had. He didn't have the time because he had to go buy a new car or something.


If i'm the Niners and this guy didn't participate in offseason workouts there would be no way I would want to pay him $2mil extra. I'd rather have the cap space


This guy was a 5th round pick. You'd think he'd appreciate the fact that he has a job in the NFL and do everything to keep it. It's hard to imagine that this doesn't somehow damage his career in several ways not least of all the feelings between player and team.

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These poor dumb bastards. This and AH's murder without functional coverup and Von Miller's serial positive drug tests are but 3 recent examples that suggest these are the dimmest pro athletes of all sports.


What would be the functional coverup for the murder? Regardless on how the brutal murder was executed (no pun intended) he was going to be a prime suspect. Even Inspector McDope could figure this one out.

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