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Posted (edited)

I'll be more than happy to explain it to you, but first you'll need to do two things:


1) Admit, publicly, that you don't understand what causes inflation, or what it's effects on the economy are.


2) Tell me what you believe inflation is, so that we can begin to agree on defined terms for the purposes of the conversation.

You are an idiot, first off

1) Many things cause inflation, generally higher demand is the source but there are other factors also. The ettects on the economy can be good or bad


2) I believe that Ocin was saying prices of consumer goods will rise if the government creates more jobs but they won't if the private sector creates them


Oh, and 1%, do you agree that government created jobs--private and or public--create inflation while strictly private sector jobs don't? That's what Ocin was saying and I was calling bull on before you changed the subject

Edited by gatorman

You are an idiot, first off

1) Many things cause inflation, generally higher demand is the source but there are other factors also. The ettects on the economy can be good or bad


2) I believe that Ocin was saying prices of consumer goods will rise if the government creates more jobs but they won't if the private sector creates them


Oh, and 1%, do you agree that government created jobs--private and or public--create inflation while strictly private sector jobs don't? That's what Ocin was saying and I was calling bull on before you changed the subject


Question. If the government is already operating at a deficit where is the money going to come from to pay these people?


Isn't the deficit falling? And can't taxes be raised a tad?





You raise the taxes a "tad" they won't put a dent in the deficit let alone pay all these government employees you want to hire. Two questions


1. What are all these government jobs going to consist of that you want to create?

2. If taxes will not provide the money to pay these people where with the money come from?

Posted (edited)
1) Many things cause inflation, generally higher demand is the source but there are other factors also.

A near concensus amongst economists disagrees with you. Most agree that actual inflation, rather than minor market adustments which are short term and therefore non-impactful on the economy, is caused by an increase in the money supply relative to growth of the economy.


effects on the economy can be good or bad

List some of the positive effects.


2) I believe that Ocin was saying prices of consumer goods will rise if the government creates more jobs but they won't if the private sector creates them

Private sector growth is not nessecitated by an artificial expansion of the money supply. Additionally, public sector growth requires one of two things which are detrimental to the private sector economy (ultimately, the over-all economy):


a) increased taxation, which takes money away from both producers and consumers in the private sector, harming the economy which disallows growth from keeping up with the increase of the money supply.


b) defecit spending, which nessecarily increases the money supply relative to economic growth.


you agree that government created jobs--private and or public--create inflation while strictly private sector jobs don't? That's what Ocin was saying and I was calling bull on before you changed the subject

Explain the mechanism by which private sector jobs create inflation.

Edited by TakeYouToTasker

A near concensus amongst economists disagrees with you. Most agree that actual inflation, rather than minor market adustments which are short term and therefore non-impactful on the economy, is caused by an increase in the money supply relative to growth of the economy.



List some of the positive effects.



Private sector growth is not nessecitated by an artificial expansion of the money supply. Additionally, public sector growth requires one of two things which are detrimental to the private sector economy (ultimately, the over-all economy):


a) increased taxation, which takes money away from both producers and consumers in the private sector, harming the economy which disallows growth from keeping up with the increase of the money supply.


b) defecit spending, which nessecarily increases the money supply relative to economic growth.



Explain the mechanism by which private sector jobs create inflation.





A near concensus amongst economists disagrees with you. Most agree that actual inflation, rather than minor market adustments which are short term and therefore non-impactful on the economy, is caused by an increase in the money supply relative to growth of the economy.



List some of the positive effects.



Private sector growth is not nessecitated by an artificial expansion of the money supply. Additionally, public sector growth requires one of two things which are detrimental to the private sector economy (ultimately, the over-all economy):


a) increased taxation, which takes money away from both producers and consumers in the private sector, harming the economy which disallows growth from keeping up with the increase of the money supply.


b) defecit spending, which nessecarily increases the money supply relative to economic growth.



Explain the mechanism by which private sector jobs create inflation.


Boy, you need to sure learn a lot. I'll give you credit for saving Ocin's butt and the idiocy he was spewing by changing the subject, now on to you. So you don't believe that the increase in say, gasoline over the last decade isn't because there are so many more drivers around the world increasing the demand for gas? Or that beef prices are not higher because of more demand around the world from the new middle class? And on and on. That's all monetary? Really?


Positive effects of inflation are so simple I can't even believe you are asking me. Seriously? If Billy the farmer is raising cows for the beef market you don't think he's happy with inflation in that said market? And the inflation leads to more beef production which can be seen as a good thing. Is that understandable for you?


Your other point, ummmm...Henry Ford understood that you had to take from producers and give to consumers or consumers couldn't buy his friggen cars. Ever hear of $5 day? If producers have all the money they will be naturally overproducing.


This country was created on deficit spending. Alexander Hamilton created a national debt to get the country moving and it worked. World War Two was almost all done on credit that was VERY REDISTRIBUTIVE. Did the enonomy suffer or thrive ibn the decades after WW2? Huh?



Private sector jobs would create inflation too because more people working means more people buying things like beef and gas. Get it?


If you don't know the answer to the questions that have been asked just man up and say so.


Or take my time and write B-)


Boy, you need to sure learn a lot. I'll give you credit for saving Ocin's butt and the idiocy he was spewing by changing the subject, now on to you. So you don't believe that the increase in say, gasoline over the last decade isn't because there are so many more drivers around the world increasing the demand for gas? Or that beef prices are not higher because of more demand around the world from the new middle class? And on and on. That's all monetary? Really?


Positive effects of inflation are so simple I can't even believe you are asking me. Seriously? If Billy the farmer is raising cows for the beef market you don't think he's happy with inflation in that said market? And the inflation leads to more beef production which can be seen as a good thing. Is that understandable for you?


Your other point, ummmm...Henry Ford understood that you had to take from producers and give to consumers or consumers couldn't buy his friggen cars. Ever hear of $5 day? If producers have all the money they will be naturally overproducing.


This country was created on deficit spending. Alexander Hamilton created a national debt to get the country moving and it worked. World War Two was almost all done on credit that was VERY REDISTRIBUTIVE. Did the enonomy suffer or thrive ibn the decades after WW2? Huh?



Private sector jobs would create inflation too because more people working means more people buying things like beef and gas. Get it?




Or take my time and write B-)


I can't believe i spent 30 seconds of my life reading the above post.


I can't believe i spent 30 seconds of my life reading the above post.


Learn to speed read. I only spent three seconds.


Still a complete waste. But I have 27 extra seconds you don't.




I can't believe i spent 30 seconds of my life reading the above post.


If you read that whole thing and didn't stop when he said when beef prices rice due to inflation the farmer should be happy I can't help you


If you read that whole thing and didn't stop when he said when beef prices rice due to inflation the farmer should be happy I can't help you


On the plus side, he just argued that the ACA should be repealed, since rising health insurance costs are a good thing.

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