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Yes, and the rating agencies stamped the turds with AAA ratings. Were they ever punished?



Why didn't Barry punish them?




Why didn't Barry punish them?

He did. S&P got sued by DoJ after they threatened to downgrade USA's ratings.


He did. S&P got sued by DoJ after they threatened to downgrade USA's ratings.


Successfully sued, no less. A settlement which included the gem



S&P promised investors at all relevant times that its ratings must be independent and objective and must not be affected by any existing or potential business relationship;


Which of course does not apply to their rating of US debt...



Successfully sued, no less. A settlement which included the gem




Which of course does not apply to their rating of US debt...


Four more years.

Four more years.
Four more years.

Yes, and the rating agencies stamped the turds with AAA ratings. Were they ever punished?

Good question. Was Motortrend ever punished for naming the Chevy Volt the 2011 Car of the Year?


Apparently the DoJ doesn't believe that Internet retailing exists, and Staples & Office Depot are juggernauts that needs to be stopped.


When will this end?


Apparently the DoJ doesn't believe that Internet retailing exists, and Staples & Office Depot are juggernauts that needs to be stopped.


When will this end?

The internet is a series of tubes.




Obama Presides Over the Feeblest Post-WWII Recovery.


“It is now certain that President Obama will be the only U.S. president in history that did not deliver a single calendar year of 3.0%+ economic growth, and the fourth-worst in history in terms of average RGDP growth while in office.”


If he were a Republican, the press coverage would be nonstop Grapes Of Wrath stuff.



Instead, it’s all about the joys of staycations and funemployment, while only a few cranks talk about how seniors are suffering.




Obama Presides Over the Feeblest Post-WWII Recovery.


“It is now certain that President Obama will be the only U.S. president in history that did not deliver a single calendar year of 3.0%+ economic growth, and the fourth-worst in history in terms of average RGDP growth while in office.”


If he were a Republican, the press coverage would be nonstop Grapes Of Wrath stuff.



Instead, it’s all about the joys of staycations and funemployment, while only a few cranks talk about how seniors are suffering.

Yes, the media is conspiring against you conservatives....you and Greggy are starting to sound like two peas in a pod


Yes, the media is conspiring against you conservatives....you and Greggy are starting to sound like two peas in a pod



Msnbc.com identified 143 journalists who made political contributions from 2004 through the start of the 2008 campaign, according to the public records of the Federal Election Commission. Most of the newsroom checkbooks leaned to the left: 125 journalists gave to Democrats and liberal causes. Only 16 gave to Republicans. Two gave to both parties.



Of the 20 major media outlets studied, 18 scored left of center, with CBS' "Evening News," The New York Times and the Los Angeles Times ranking second, third and fourth most liberal behind the news pages of The Wall Street Journal.



The research from Weaver and his colleagues echoes the findings of a Pew Research Center survey from 2004 revealing that while the majority of journalists described themselves as moderate, they were clearly to the left of the public. One example was that journalists were considerably more willing to say that society should accept homosexuality than the average citizen was.


The American Journalist also included several wedge issue questions and found journalists more likely to take liberal social positions than the public generally. For instance, journalists proved more supportive than the public of legal abortion under any circumstances (40% to 25%) and stricter laws regulating firearm sales (65% to 51%).


Yes, the media is conspiring against you conservatives....you and Greggy are starting to sound like two peas in a pod

They (much of the media) absolutely do conspire against conservatives. That's not even in question.


They (much of the media) absolutely do conspire against conservatives. That's not even in question.

If it's a conspiacy you would like there is the JournoList.


In a key episode, JournoList members openly plotted to bury attention on then-candidate Barack Obamas controversial pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright. The Washington Independents Spencer Ackerman, for instance, suggested an effective tactic to distract from the issue would be to pick one of Obamas critics, Fred Barnes, Karl Rove, who cares and call them racists.

Then there is the famous fake documents that eventually led to Dan Rather's dismissal. The national media ignoring the Climategate emails as 'scientist' conspired to muzzle anybody that questioned their opinions. And why do we hear about the Koch Brothers but never about George Soros?

  • 3 weeks later...

And why do we hear about the Koch Brothers but never about George Soros?


Because liberals' intentions are good, duh.


Housing market finally rebounding




And consumer spending picking up.




Looks like Obama will leave us with a good economy picking up steam


The housing market here in the Bay Area has been booming pretty much since Obama's first term. How did he do that??


Confidence B-)


So what did Obama do that increased the confidence of the Bay Area?


Oh wait I'm sorry I forgot. It's all those shovel ready jobs that have our infrastructure humming here. :thumbsup:

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