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On the Special Report with Bret Baier last night, George Will commented on Obama’s speech (video at link):


The president went to the state of Illinois to brag about the economy. Illinois has 300,000 fewer jobs than it had in 2008. For the last four years in the state of Illinois, the number of new food stamp recipients has increased twice as fast as the number of new job recipients. He was speaking in Illinois on a college campus.
He did not mention that 40 percent of recent college graduates are either unemployed or underemployed — that is, in jobs that don’t require college degrees — and one in three recent college graduates is living at home with their parents.


Now, the president, we just heard, disparage trickle-down economics while bragging about doubling the stock market value. He is practicing trickle-down economics by doubling the stock market. He, and, for six years now, and most recently under his choice to be head of the Fed, Janet Yellen, have had zero interest rates, the intended effect of which is to drive people out of bonds and into assets like farm land, but particularly into stocks. That is why this has been a boon to the 10 percent of Americans who own 80 percent of all the directly owned stocks.
And this is why 95 percent of the wealth created in the last six years have gone to the dreaded top one percent





LOL, I bet you will! Anything that requires you to actually have to explain the dark and cloudy ideas rolling through your brain usually leads you to such a response :lol:


Ok here goes. I know it's very difficult to follow but I'll type slowly. Ready? You give someone **** for posting bad economic reports in this thread and saying what does it have to do with Obama while you post about good economic reports in the same thread. There.....was that so hard?


So we're rebranding businesses paying down debt and stockpiling cash reserves rather than investing it because of an uncertain and unpredicatable business climate as a good thing now?

It puts them into an excellent position to expand as the economy grows, though I am leery about the underlying strength...

Ok here goes. I know it's very difficult to follow but I'll type slowly. Ready? You give someone **** for posting bad economic reports in this thread and saying what does it have to do with Obama while you post about good economic reports in the same thread. There.....was that so hard?

You are asking me if it was hard for you to post something? :doh::blink: Wow!


And I was commenting on Obama's critics any, moron


Federal Reserve has a bit of a dilemma on their hands.


The Fed just hit their mandate of <6% Unemployment and <2% Inflation

So do they start raising interest rates or admit the Unemployment and Inflation books are cooked while they prop up the Potemkin Economy


Federal Reserve has a bit of a dilemma on their hands.


The Fed just hit their mandate of <6% Unemployment and <2% Inflation

So do they start raising interest rates or admit the Unemployment and Inflation books are cooked while they prop up the Potemkin Economy


The government making that claim is beyond comical.



Of course, five years ago that was called "hoarding" and was a bad thing.

The fact that corps are generating significant CF to be able to "hoard" is not a bad thing...

I hate to burst your Hyman (groan), but that wasn't origional to Minsky. That was borrowed from Rothbard.

Sorry, HM got it from Keynes and Fisher.

The fact that corps are generating significant CF to be able to "hoard" is not a bad thing...


Six years ago it was.


Is that Obama's fault?


Of course not. Nothing ever is. He was misinformed by his advisors. Congress was obstructionist. He didn't build that. The first he heard about it was on the news. An old friend came in from out of town. There was an earthquake! A terrible flood! Locusts! IT'S NOT HIS FAULT, I SWEAR TO GOD!!!!!


Of course not. Nothing ever is. He was misinformed by his advisors. Congress was obstructionist. He didn't build that. The first he heard about it was on the news. An old friend came in from out of town. There was an earthquake! A terrible flood! Locusts! IT'S NOT HIS FAULT, I SWEAR TO GOD!!!!!


Hey, it's not Obama's fault that he lacked the Intelligence....


Hey, it's not Obama's fault that he lacked the Intelligence....

or that he took full advantage of a system that propped him up his entire life and continues to do so at each and every turn. What's funny is that he despises America and the wealthy, yet he's become wealthy beyond his dreams and continues to bite the teat that nourishes him.
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