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So guess Iraq was a success since it liberated Iraqis from Saddam and the soldiers who died were liberated from the horrors of war.


So guess Iraq was a success since it liberated Iraqis from Saddam and the soldiers who died were liberated from the horrors of war.

Yes. It's all in the nuance and phrasing.

Nixon was horrible because he suborned the Constitution, lied to the Congress and the American people, and used the IRS to harass his political enemies.

B. O. is wonderful because he can rule through executive orders, tells Congress they're irrelevant, and gives the American people information they're incapable of understanding, and uses the IRS to do whatever the !@#$ they want to do.

Now, what is your social security number, Mr. questioner?

Posted (edited)

Throwing this here in lieu of another thread because, in reality, this story exemplifies precisely what kind of world the progressives prefer.


Trader Joes joins in to start a store in a poor, predominantly black Portland neighborhood...in a lot that's been dead for 20s...in a building scheduled to be built by a black-owned construction company...and black activists group, including NAACP, shut it down because they're afraid the neighborhood would, y'know, advance...thus pricing the poor, predominantly black residents out of the market..


Makes you wonder...exactly what is the A supposed to stand for in NAACP if they do what they can to NOT advance colored people?


Nice job, progs...

Edited by LABillzFan
Posted (edited)

Throwing this here in lieu of another thread because, in reality, this story exemplifies precisely what kind of world the progressives prefer.


Trader Joes joins in to start a store in a poor, predominantly black Portland neighborhood...in a lot that's been dead for 20s...in a building scheduled to be built by a black-owned construction company...and black activists group, including NAACP, shut it down because they're afraid the neighborhood would, y'know, advance...thus pricing the poor, predominantly black residents out of the market..


Makes you wonder...exactly what is the A supposed to stand for in NAACP if they do what they can to NOT advance colored people?


Nice job, progs...


From your link:


It sent the city a letter saying it would "remain opposed to any development in N/NE Portland that does not primarily benefit the Black community." It said the grocery-store development would "increase the desirability of the neighborhood," for "non-oppressed populations."


In other words they are happy with the stinkhole that it is. They're oppressing themselves.

Edited by 3rdnlng

From your link:


It sent the city a letter saying it would "remain opposed to any development in N/NE Portland that does not primarily benefit the Black community." It said the grocery-store development would "increase the desirability of the neighborhood," for "non-oppressed populations."


In other words they are happy with the stinkhole that it is. They're oppressing themselves.


There's no money for black activists if they don't keep their people oppressed.


Throwing this here in lieu of another thread because, in reality, this story exemplifies precisely what kind of world the progressives prefer.


Trader Joes joins in to start a store in a poor, predominantly black Portland neighborhood...in a lot that's been dead for 20s...in a building scheduled to be built by a black-owned construction company...and black activists group, including NAACP, shut it down because they're afraid the neighborhood would, y'know, advance...thus pricing the poor, predominantly black residents out of the market..


Makes you wonder...exactly what is the A supposed to stand for in NAACP if they do what they can to NOT advance colored people?


Nice job, progs...


Well having been priced out of a neighborhood I kind of get what they're saying. Now having said that, getting priced out of our neighborhood was the best thing to ever happen to us.


Well having been priced out of a neighborhood I kind of get what they're saying. Now having said that, getting priced out of our neighborhood was the best thing to ever happen to us.


What they're saying has value. What they're doing about it is embarrassing. After digging a little deeper, apparently the Portland African American Leadership Forum...desperate for legitimacy, notoriety and cash...didn't listen to the people it serves and ended up screwing the entire thing.


This article from The Oregonian brings more of the truth to light: everyone wanted the deal to work, but PAALF decided -- as most liberal groups do -- that their members are too stupid to think for themselves and in the process ruined it for everyone. I suspect the deal will come back on after PAALF is purported to be disbanded (right before it's re-named something like, oh, ACORN).


Residents rushed to correct the record: the neighborhood does want Trader Joe’s, they said.


“Was there a vote? This should be reevaluated,” said Kymberly Jeka, an artist who lives a few blocks away. “This is not what the neighborhood people want. This is terrible.”

Grayson Dempsey, an 11-year King resident who can see the vacant lot from her window, said she tried offering her support at neighborhood association meetings, but her voice was drowned out by the opposition.


“I moved here when there were gunshots out the window,” Dempsey said. “I appreciate that (PAALF) is trying to talk about the origins of gentrification. That’s really essential, but they can’t stand up and say, ‘As residents of the King neighborhood, this is what we want.’ The residents of the King neighborhood want this to happen.”


Throwing this here in lieu of another thread because, in reality, this story exemplifies precisely what kind of world the progressives prefer.


Trader Joes joins in to start a store in a poor, predominantly black Portland neighborhood...in a lot that's been dead for 20s...in a building scheduled to be built by a black-owned construction company...and black activists group, including NAACP, shut it down because they're afraid the neighborhood would, y'know, advance...thus pricing the poor, predominantly black residents out of the market..


Makes you wonder...exactly what is the A supposed to stand for in NAACP if they do what they can to NOT advance colored people?


Nice job, progs...


It was the first lady herself that commented that inner city neighborhoods did not have enough fresh and health food available to residents. They should be following her lead.


I'm convinced that Benjamin Kline Hunnicut has been educated far beyond his intelligence.


What the !@#$ does a professor of leisure studies do, anyway?

Obama in unemployment wonderland


The unemployment rate fell in January, which ought to be good news. But it isn’t. Over the past decade we’ve fallen into a strange and puzzling wonderland of opposites, where “economic recovery” comes with no growth and unemployment rates drop but people aren’t working.


Such a wonderland was discovered by Alice in Lewis Carroll’s playful tale. “If I had a world of my own,” Alice said, “everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is because everything would be what it isn’t.”

President Obama lives in Alice’s world. He has company, his own council of economic advisers and a Congress ready to approve trillions in stimulus spending.


Congress submits to his demands to spend more and regulate more. The effects show up in the monthly economic reports.

The Commerce Department just announced that the official unemployment rate has fallen from 6.7 to 6.6 percent, and the economy created only 113,000 new jobs in January. Even the broader measure of unemployment known as U-6, which measures underemployment, declined from 13.1 to 12.7 percent.


In President Obama’s wonderland the numbers tell a tale of economic despair, not hope, and nothing changes.


After years of standing in unemployment lines, unable to find work, millions have given up. Only 63 percent of the population is currently employed or looking for work, down from 66 percent when Mr. Obama took office.





Read more: http://www.washingto.../#ixzz2svk3Attb


What the !@#$ does a professor of leisure studies do, anyway?


Apparently his job is to make a point that falls false and then build a narrative on it.


It was common for people to work from dawn to dusk, often into the night, six days a week—better than 60 to 70 hours a week with no vacation and few holidays. It was all very Dickensian— remember Bob Cratchit’s appeal to Scrooge for Christmas day off? That was America in the 19th century.


I'm sure you, like most readers of "A Christmas Carol," understood how the author created that scene to emphasize not the uncaring, always-working, coin-counting nature of Scrooge, which was the way everyone behaved in the 19th century, but the lazy, slovenly work habits of a man so selfish he dared consider taking Christmas off so he could spend it with his gimp son.


Amazing how billions of people mistook the meaning of that book.


Did the good professor compare working hours and living conditions of people before the Industrial Revolution?

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