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What? People benefiting from inflation? Investing in rising prices?? Oh, and what's driving the rising prices?? Increased demand??? Can't be! All the economists according TakeitToTasker say different. How can this be?



Specific sub-sector booms, which are not reflected by a broad macro-market trend (such as global ethanol demand causing a spike in corn prices), are not inflation, they are a reflection of price elasticity.


I really should have forced you to answer my question about what inflation is before proceeding, as you're demonstrating that you don't have even the most basic grasp of the subject matter.


This is where you should sit down, shut up, and learn something.


I'm equally fine with you continuing to spout off at the mouth, however, because it's funny to watch a dog eat his own ****.


The demand for corn is artificially created by government mandates for a percentage of ethanol in every gallon of gasoline. The mandates are nothing other than a "feel good" program that is actually detrimental to the general public, along with harming the environment. Ethanol reduces mpg on roughly a 1:1 ratio. Ethanol harms small engines. Ethanol is shipped by rail, thus creating its own carbon footprint. Ethanol has made many other food items more expensive. The only people it has helped out are the farmer by artificially driving up the price of corn, the ethanol producer by giving them a "make work" job and the government by reducing fuel economy thus increasing tax revenue. It's just another sad case of liberal activism and unintended consequences.


"Nothing is good or bad that thinking doesn't make it so"



'I think you're an idiot, therefore you are'.


Descartes, paraphrased


The demand for corn is artificially created by government mandates for a percentage of ethanol in every gallon of gasoline. The mandates are nothing other than a "feel good" program that is actually detrimental to the general public, along with harming the environment. Ethanol reduces mpg on roughly a 1:1 ratio. Ethanol harms small engines. Ethanol is shipped by rail, thus creating its own carbon footprint. Ethanol has made many other food items more expensive. The only people it has helped out are the farmer by artificially driving up the price of corn, the ethanol producer by giving them a "make work" job and the government by reducing fuel economy thus increasing tax revenue. It's just another sad case of liberal activism and unintended consequences.

Which is all true. None of it, however, is related to inflation.


Yes! But demand, artificial or not, is still demand. You can't change that simply because you don't like how it happened. I agree its a BS program but it still supports my argument


Can you explain how soaring food prices are good for the economy?


You never answer questions at all.



I'll answer that questions, but only if you tell me how inflation is totally bad all the time for everyone, which seems to be your point


Yeah that's my point? :rolleyes:


When inflation rises quicker and faster than incomes that is a bad thing. Now when is it a good thing?


I will repeat:


What? People benefiting from inflation? Investing in rising prices?? Oh, and what's driving the rising prices?? Increased demand??? Can't be! All the economists according TakeitToTasker say different. How can this be?



Specific sub-sector booms, which are not reflected by a broad macro-market trend (such as global ethanol demand causing a spike in corn prices), are not inflation, they are a reflection of price elasticity.


I really should have forced you to answer my question about what inflation is before proceeding, as you're demonstrating that you don't have even the most basic grasp of the subject matter.


This is where you should sit down, shut up, and learn something.


I'm equally fine with you continuing to spout off at the mouth, however, because it's funny to watch a dog eat his own ****.


I will repeat:



Specific sub-sector booms, which are not reflected by a broad macro-market trend (such as global ethanol demand causing a spike in corn prices), are not inflation, they are a reflection of price elasticity.


I really should have forced you to answer my question about what inflation is before proceeding, as you're demonstrating that you don't have even the most basic grasp of the subject matter.


This is where you should sit down, shut up, and learn something.


I'm equally fine with you continuing to spout off at the mouth, however, because it's funny to watch a dog eat his own ****.

That is so f'n stupid! Give me a break. You are saying that rising prices are not inflation?? :lol:


Hey, you are the top 1% so I shouldn't question your "logic" but its getting more silly by the minute!


Oh, lol, I should sit down and learn from you?!?! :lol:


You are a riot!


Yeah that's my point? :rolleyes:


When inflation rises quicker and faster than incomes that is a bad thing. Now when is it a good thing?


It's a good thing when people profit from it. How can you not understand that? Are you not hoping for inflated stock prices?

Posted (edited)

That is so f'n stupid! Give me a break. You are saying that rising prices are not inflation?? :lol:


Hey, you are the top 1% so I shouldn't question your "logic" but its getting more silly by the minute!


Oh, lol, I should sit down and learn from you?!?! :lol:


You are a riot!


Today I learned that all market forces are inflation.

Edited by TakeYouToTasker

Yes! But demand, artificial or not, is still demand. You can't change that simply because you don't like how it happened. I agree its a BS program but it still supports my argument


You don't have an argument. You have a bunch of divergent statements used to frustrate anyone who is arguing with you. You don't pin yourself down or actually give an answer to anything. This is how you keep an argument going by just dancing around the edges of the crux of the matter. Now what former poster had that as their MO?


Your argument was so stupid I didn't know what to make of it. So you think its bad for the "rich" to make a profit? Or are they rich or "rich" because they can profit? Now people making money is bad? You are getting like Chef

Yeah, keep rolling with that. Perhaps next month we can sign you up for the Conservative party, maybe even get you a spot on talk radio.


I'm sure they'd love to hear how inflation crushing the poor, is no big deal, as long as the rich people make money!


If I am getting like Chef, that's a compliment, if not a life goal. Chef doesn't feel the need to troll idiots like you as much as I do.


"Nothing is good or bad that thinking doesn't make it so"



Oh, yeah, I forgot, Elizabethian literature is part of the standard business administration degree now. :lol:


So far you've done nothing to disprove this premsie:


"Most people on the left know nothing about business, or how the world really works."


You and Obama, adding credibility to that statement by your every word and deed.


It's a good thing when people profit from it. How can you not understand that? Are you not hoping for inflated stock prices?


Yes I'm hoping for inflated stock prices. Do you know what inflation does to stock prices?


Yes I'm hoping for inflated stock prices. Do you know what inflation does to stock prices?


Owning stock is bad, you evil racist teabagger. You should pay your fair share, not make investments to plan for the future like a greedy evil corporatist rightwingnutjob.


Today I learned that all market forces are inflation.


You didn't learn that from me


You don't have an argument. You have a bunch of divergent statements used to frustrate anyone who is arguing with you. You don't pin yourself down or actually give an answer to anything. This is how you keep an argument going by just dancing around the edges of the crux of the matter. Now what former poster had that as their MO?


Just because you do not know what's going on doesn't me I'm not making a logical argument. I don't speak in dolt, which explains your continued confusion


Yes I'm hoping for inflated stock prices. Do you know what inflation does to stock prices?


How bad would it be in we raised taxes on the wealthy and created jobs with that money?




You didn't learn that from me




Just because you do not know what's going on doesn't me I'm not making a logical argument. I don't speak in dolt, which explains your continued confusion

So not all market forces are Inflation then? What else could cause prices to rise other than inflation?

Posted (edited)

Owning stock is bad, you evil racist teabagger. You should pay your fair share, not make investments to plan for the future like a greedy evil corporatist rightwingnutjob.

All "true" :lol:...until the day they realize that their union/university/government union pension....


...owns stock, and in fact is one of, if not the, biggest shareholders Corporate America has.


Then? It's all about the wins, baby! CEO that doesn't return higher than expected earnings? FIRE HIM! CEO that does? PAY HIM! Who makes these decisions? Board members, many of whom are placed on the board to represent their union/university/government union shareholders.


And then? These are the same people who talk about wage disparity. :lol: Yes, the union board members vote to pay these CEOs outrageous salaries, and then turn right around and howl about it.


It's F'ing hilarious to listen to these people talk about business, and then talk about it when it affects them personally, and then talk about it on a higher, "philosphical" level.


Idiocy in stereo.

Edited by OCinBuffalo

How bad would it be in we raised taxes on the wealthy and created jobs with that money?


How much money do you want to raise and what jobs would you create with that money?


And it would be terrible. You're putting your faith in an entity that has proven time and time again it does not know how to handle money. They have zero accountability and their past performance spells that out.

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