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( OT ) For all you relationship guru's out there..

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Actually, you aren't too far off with that, and I don't know if you meant it like that.  The relationship between Jenneh and Forrest was similar, i.e. a girl who needed "bad boys" to mistreat her to feel loved and a guy who was safe (albeit it "not a smart man") who loved her, but she didn't reciprocate until later.  And then she got AIDS and died, and that was sad. ;)



I hated Jenny. To me, she was the WORST movie villain ever. Here this guy keeps on loving her unconditionally and she acts like a....well, like a woman!!



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MEN are the same way. The dating scene is so hard and confusing. You happily married people count your lucky stars.


I currently have a wonderful man in love with me but I just like him. He calls at least 5 times a day. E-mails wonderful cards. Is kind, thoughtful, passionate totally wonderful yet I will not commit. I told my self I'm NOT going to marry again. Those 3 words that he says to me daily and I finally slipped a couple weeks ago and said I love you too.


Is it an OOPS? Do I stop writing and talking to the other men in my life?



I think you should look for someone else but still talk to her. Maybe buy a phone card and send a note saying if you ever want to talk the dime is on me. Then DON'T SIT BY THE PHONE but if it rings you are only out the small $ and know in your heart you tried to make the effort.

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Get her out of your system. Those women that fall for the !@#$s will always fall for them. She'll never get that out of her system. Move on. You're too good a guy for her. I know it hurts (happened to me once, too), but you've got to move on.


There's someone else out there for you. You're not going to find her if you're pining over someone that doesn't want you that way. Can't make her love you.


Good luck.

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Forget her and move on ! You deserve better and better is certainly out there !


You may want to look at your own personality to see why you hang on to someone who is treating you like dirt ? Just like she does with guys who treat her badly. Get out and try to explore your personal interests and you'll eventually meet the right person for you !

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Young ladies very quickly decide if you will be friend or lover and nothing will change it.

You have been a most kind , safe brother who she may expound her difficulties to always with the support she needs and likely hearing what she wants to hear. Such relationships have beaten down the strongest of people the harder you try , frankly the more you hurt.

There are many fine youg ladies about start dating others and tomorrow is not soon enough.  Relatiohships are most importantly about being needed, but this most be a mutual needing. I always like to think of us a dams with  holes in them needing to be patched. We all have our voids or holes we are blessed in a good relationship were the special person in our life patches these holes for us , and we for them.  Its whats special about love and relationships that make us feel whole. They do not work with only one filling the voids.



Bad analogy (sp?) my friend, but I get what you mean.

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I currently have a wonderful man in love with me but I just like him. He calls at least 5 times a day. E-mails wonderful cards. Is kind, thoughtful, passionate totally wonderful yet I will not commit. I told my self I'm NOT going to marry again. Those 3 words that he says to me daily and I finally slipped a couple weeks ago and said I love you too.


Is it an OOPS?  Do I stop writing and talking to the other men in my life?

I think you should look for someone else but still talk to her.  Maybe buy a phone card and send a note saying if you ever want to talk the dime is on me. Then DON'T SIT BY THE PHONE but if it rings you are only out the small $ and know in your heart you tried to make the effort.


Good advice.


As for YOU, don't worry about the words that slipped. When someone constantly says "I love you" and you reply "I love you too", that is like saying "gesundheit" after a sneeze.


"I love you too" means nothing, folks. :P


But Cindy, HE probably does not know this, so zip it! ;)

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My advice for you:


Move on


You are the F word to her (Friend)...there are a lot of women like that unfortunately, you notice how bad people usually seem to have a lover? Theres a reason for that, a lot of women (and men too) LOVE the challenge, or to chase, its almost like a drug to some


Just move on. For a long time I didnt think I was gonna settle down and get married and then we met. It came out of nowhere, so dont force it, be yourself and hopefully someday Mrs right will come along who will appreciate being treated well.

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Read you thread and here's what I got out of it:


You like a chick who likes druggies and idiots. You do everything for her. She lets you do everything for her. She does nothing in exchange for you. Finally tells you she's too busy for you.


The only thing missing is a best friend with a sledgehammer to hit you upside the head to make you think straight.

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You are in the "Friend Zone". You are safe, reliable and will listen to her whine. In short, you are a female friend with a penis. And once you enter that place, it's almost impossible to be anything more to her than a friend. You missed your opportunity to build any sexual attraction when you first met her. This is why the 'nice guy' rap doesn't have a high success rate. Girls (especially when they are young and stupid) like guys who treat them like crap.....welcome to real life.


You already took your only remaining shot with the direct appeal and she turned you down. End of story. My advice? MOVE ON, find someone else, stop obsessing over her. It's never gonna happen. As long as you keep chasing her, you will be miserable and miss out on other women.

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You already took your only remaining shot with the direct appeal and she turned you down. End of story. My advice? MOVE ON, find someone else, stop obsessing over her. It's never gonna happen. As long as you keep chasing her, you will be miserable and miss out on other women.


And perhaps seek someone a little older...who has already learned to appreciate the "nice guys".

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You are in the "Friend Zone".  You are safe, reliable and will listen to her whine.  In short, you are a female friend with a penis.  And once you enter that place, it's almost impossible to be anything more to her than a friend.  You missed your opportunity to build any sexual attraction when you first met her.  This is why the 'nice guy' rap doesn't have a high success rate.  Girls (especially when they are young and stupid) like guys who treat them like crap.....welcome to real life. 


You already took your only remaining shot with the direct appeal and she turned you down.  End of story.  My advice?  MOVE ON, find someone else, stop obsessing over her.  It's never gonna happen.  As long as you keep chasing her, you will be miserable and miss out on other women.






I have several male FRIENDS - I can talk to them, laugh feel totally secure with them and have for over 5 years with them. I'll hug them forever BUT that is it. There is NO CHANCE of a romance with them. Why??????????? Because I wasn't looking for the Boyfriend thing with them and why take the chance on ruining a good friendship for kisses and sex. Find a REAL GIRLFRIEND keep her as a friend.

Good friends are harder to find than a sex partner.

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why take the chance on ruining a good friendship for kisses and sex.



And there it is.....the bottom line difference b/w the sexes. Guys will almost always 'risk the friendship' to bed a female friend that he is attracted to. I know I have. :doh:


Viva la difference! :doh:

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