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Are the Bills/Stevie gonna regret this photo posted on FB?

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You mean the Marvin Harrison accused of shooting the same guy on two separate occasions?

;) I knew that would come up... Which is partly why I chose the guy.


For years Harrison was the quiet, respected guy who just "did his job." If there is anything we know at this point, it's that you don't know the whole story based on what you can gather from media.

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The photo is owned and was commissioned by the NFL.


The photo is from a set of portraits taken on March 6 of this year at the NFL Network studios.


Should've went with this one instead, I guess: stevie-johnson_pg_600.jpg


Video here: http://www.nfl.com/v...agent-receivers

So BB.com didn't issue the photo and is stupider than the NFL for posting it.

"Hey Stevie do you mind changing your shirt?"

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Numerous of Stevie's transgressions have been mentioned in this thread.


I'm surprised that the one that I hold against him the most wasn't even mentioned.


That would be when he made a deal with a Rochester-area car dealership to appear in their showroom for an autograph signing and didn't show up.


He also made a lame excuse about his car breaking down.


I guess I have a thing about people who make promises that they can't keep. There were reportedly many Bills fans at the dealership expecting to be able to see Stevie and he let all those people down, not to mention the owners of the dealership.


That episode was the most upset I've ever been with Stevie.


That said, I'm a big Stevie fan and on balance, I think he's an asset to the team and its fans.


Another act by Stevie that surprisingly hasn't been mentioned in this thread which is very significant to me is when he went to the stadium to attend the uniform unveiling during the lockout. This was one of the cooler things a Bills player has done in recent years.


Stevie loves being a Buffalo Bill and playing for our city. I love his spirit and energy.

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Numerous of Stevie's transgressions have been mentioned in this thread.


I'm surprised that the one that I hold against him the most wasn't even mentioned.


That would be when he made a deal with a Rochester-area car dealership to appear in their showroom for an autograph signing and didn't show up.


He also made a lame excuse about his car breaking down.


I guess I have a thing about people who make promises that they can't keep. There were reportedly many Bills fans at the dealership expecting to be able to see Stevie and he let all those people down, not to mention the owners of the dealership.


That episode was the most upset I've ever been with Stevie.


That said, I'm a big Stevie fan and on balance, I think he's an asset to the team and its fans.


Another act by Stevie that surprisingly hasn't been mentioned in this thread which is very significant to me is when he went to the stadium to attend the uniform unveiling during the lockout. This was one of the cooler things a Bills player has done in recent years.


Stevie loves being a Buffalo Bill and playing for our city. I love his spirit and energy.


I know I'm coming off as a Stevie apologist in this thread, but I thought he actually did have a flat tire or something. Like there were some accusations of him blowing it off, so some guy from the Range Rover service dept came out and vouched for Stevie's story.


And I believe he apologized profusely regardless. IIRC, there were pictures of him clubbing later that night, so the narrative was that Stevie blew off fans to party or something like that, as if it is impossible to have car trouble and then go out and have a good time later that evening.


Maybe I'm conflating incidents, Maybe I got it all wrong, but that's how I remember that incident.


Either way, I do agree with you that this alleged incident would be far worse than simply being a goofball. But like you mentioned, he does so much for the fans and the city, that I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt on this one.

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So confusing, Looking at this athletes hat, is SJ13 now wanting to be addressed as "Steven" Or is "Stevie" still cool? Would Steve work? Will his head explode if he ever plays on a .500 team? or God forbid catch a game winning TD in OT? NFL players that catch those balls are called clutch. Is SJ13 clutch?


Regarding Steven stiffing a paid appearance at a car dealership (not what big top 25 recieving stars like him typically do). All true. No worry's though because a stand up Bill Named Fred Jackson stayed an extra 2 hours to accommodate the fans that same evening. or so the story goes.


Any range rover tech would be happy to drive the dude to his paid appearance anyways.

Edited by Best Player Available
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Buffalobills.com could have chose any picture of stevie to post for his birthday. Its not his fault they picked this one. Another dumb move by bills management. And its a shirt, who cares. You all need to relax.


I have to agree... The bills pay people to be the PR police, they pay Stevie to catch balls. It's clowning around from a guy that PLAYS a GAME for a living.


This guy isn't your attorney or your retirement planner, he's a professional entertainer... And the shirt is hilarious but not for general g rate public consumption.

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The photo is owned and was commissioned by the NFL.


The photo is from a set of portraits taken on March 6 of this year at the NFL Network studios.


Should've went with this one instead, I guess: stevie-johnson_pg_600.jpg


Video here: http://www.nfl.com/v...agent-receivers


Interesting. If you watch the video, it appears as if they put some black tape over the patch on his shirt...

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I have to agree... The bills pay people to be the PR police, they pay Stevie to catch balls. It's clowning around from a guy that PLAYS a GAME for a living.


This guy isn't your attorney or your retirement planner, he's a professional entertainer... And the shirt is hilarious but not for general g rate public consumption.


Is the shirt actually hilarious? I wasn't terribly offended, but I didnt crack up either. Maybe that's the common thread for me in a lot of these... Felt similar about the foxboro tweet... Not an international incident but not funny or cool either

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Holy crap. The problem isn't with Stevie. He is a football player who is wearing a shirt. He's not a priest.


The guy is 26 year old and married with kids. He's never been in legal trouble, has a college degree, & worked from the bottom to a profession that pays him millions. He is the definition of success. He is also one of the all time Bills in taking pride in Buffalo. He played with a QB that struggled to throw 10 yards. TO would have thrown Fitz under the bus. SJ doesn't quit on routes like Moss. He doesn't assault teammates like Steve Smith. He doesn't head butt his girlfriend like 85 or wear a rug like Welker.


This is so laughable but leave it to some of the high & mighty saint Bills posters to find fault. SJ is one of the best things about this team & every other fan base would laugh at the fact this is even an issue.


But this is way worse than the Pouncey twins wearing Free Hernandez hats. Think of the children!!!


Yeah, b-b-b-but... Naughty words! Kind of!

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Numerous of Stevie's transgressions have been mentioned in this thread.


I'm surprised that the one that I hold against him the most wasn't even mentioned.


That would be when he made a deal with a Rochester-area car dealership to appear in their showroom for an autograph signing and didn't show up.


He also eing a Buffalo Bill and playing for our c I love his spirit and energy.


I have been the most upset with himregarding the N Korea-Foxboro comment. That was beyond immature. But in general, his transgressions have become more than a minor annoyance. I think maturity, or lack thereof, will eventually hurt the team on the field. It also brings unwanted attention to a team lacking any positive news for the better part of the last decade.

He is a team player, but i dearly wish he would stop these look-at-me actions. Perform as a superior WR and get your attention fix that way.

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I have been the most upset with himregarding the N Korea-Foxboro comment. That was beyond immature. But in general, his transgressions have become more than a minor annoyance. I think maturity, or lack thereof, will eventually hurt the team on the field. It also brings unwanted attention to a team lacking any positive news for the better part of the last decade.

He is a team player, but i dearly wish he would stop these look-at-me actions. Perform as a superior WR and get your attention fix that way.


I agree that for a person of his age and experience that Stevie is a bit immature.


That immaturity has hurt his team on two occasions, both T-shirt related incidents.


On the other hand, those teams were essentially going nowhere fast and at best, represented fool's gold in terms of their true potential.


In that sense, Stevie hasn't really hurt the team in a way that other players have.


People want to beat on Stevie for his drop against Pittsburgh but that doesn't even compare to Ronnie Harmon's drop against Cleveland for instance.


So to put a positive spin on things, Stevie hasn't really hurt the team, his best days are still ahead of him, and I think that there's a good chance that any lingering immaturity on his part will not hurt the team.

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Lol, I can tell from the responses most of you don't get "hood" humor...brash, in your face, "who can come up with the best saying and wear it" type stuff...


I grew up and work in the hood...this is a complete non issue...only surburban white people view this as an issue because they don't get it, imho...

Way to paint everyone with a broad brush. What a stupid comment. I'm a white male who's lived in the suburbs his whole life and will be 50 later this year. I have absolutely no problem with Stevie Johnson. In fact, he's one of my favorite players currently on the team. Has he made some choices that can be viewed as immature? Sure. But I don't view anything that he's ever done as overly egregious either. He has the right to express himself like anyone else, famous or not...from his clothing to his choice in music to his choice to "ink" himself. Live and let live, I say. This isn't hurting the team and anyone who thinks that it is is making a mountain out of a mole hill. It's a complete non-issue, IMO. He loves Buffalo, has never thrown a team mate under the bus, and re-signed when he easily could have walked. He hasn't killed, raped, or robbed anyone to my knowledge. This is much ado about nothing...another space-filling, off season TBD thread to pass the time until training camp starts. Gawwwwwwd, Sunday cannot get here fast enough...


I agree that for a person of his age and experience that Stevie is a bit immature.


That immaturity has hurt his team on two occasions, both T-shirt related incidents.


On the other hand, those teams were essentially going nowhere fast and at best, represented fool's gold in terms of their true potential.


In that sense, Stevie hasn't really hurt the team in a way that other players have.


People want to beat on Stevie for his drop against Pittsburgh but that doesn't even compare to Ronnie Harmon's drop against Cleveland for instance.


So to put a positive spin on things, Stevie hasn't really hurt the team, his best days are still ahead of him, and I think that there's a good chance that any lingering immaturity on his part will not hurt the team.

This. People love singling him out but there are plenty of culprits who have scuttled this team over the last 13 years including Fred "Fumbles" Jackson and C.J. Spiller, both of whom have coughed it up at the goal line in crucial situations. That's football, it happens. Ask Cowboy fans about Jackie Smith or Raven fans about Lee Evans. Two instances where the stakes were way higher than any drop Stevie ever had. Like most Bills fans, I was pissed about the drop against the Steelers at the time but, in the grand scheme of things, a catch would've done nothing but given the Bills a worse draft position. I was pissed like I am anytime any Bills player makes a mistake in a game and there have been plenty to go around. Like him or not, Stevie Johnson is not what's wrong with this team, plain and simple.

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Those of us who followed this team in the 80s and 90s know that this type of nonsense wouldn't be tolerated - Talley would put a foot up his azz for this type of garbage.


Where was Talley's foot the weekend of the Giants Super Bowl?

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Ask Cowboy fans about Jackie Smith

Ouch! You didn't have to bring that up did you? I grew up in Dallas as a big Tom Landry era Cowboy fan. That one hurt. It was the perfect play call. We faked the Stealers out of their jocks, and then Jackie dropped the ball and fell on his butt. "The drop" as my friends and I refer to it as. We ended up taking a FG and the difference in the game was 4 points.


To this I'll say, if Jackie Smith were to jump off a cliff, should SJ do it too?

but, in the grand scheme of things, a catch would've done nothing but given the Bills a worse draft position.

You know, I don't know if I'd go that far. That game was against the defending SB champs I believe. Would have been a HUGE WIN for a young team. We're trying to get over the culture of losing, figure out new ways to lose, choker mind set. This only reinforced it. SJ personifies this mind set. If he had caught it, maybe it would have given the team more confidence and the knowledge that they CAN WIN! Football is all about believing in yourself and that you can win and have the confidence to do it. Also if my memory is correct, that wasn't his first drop in that game, or his second, or third for that matter.


Sure, it might not make much difference to team between a 4-12 record and a 5-11 record. But it would make a huge difference if it was between a 9-7 and 10-6 team and the playoffs. That's where I expect us to be very soon.


Until proven otherwise, I just don't trust the guy when the games on the line, no matter what dumb shirt he wears.

Edited by reddogblitz
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eh, i try to be progressive about these kind of things, but i wouldn't want my little girl to see that. maybe stevie would want his daughters to think of his a f*ck-machine...? i mean, i like to **** as much as the next guy, but i try not to make a big deal about it...

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