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Beerball must Die, he is responsible for playoff drought

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Beerball must die! Since he has been on this board,(2001) the Bills have never made the playoffs. He is the main reason for our playoff drought. I say we bring him out to midfield of opening day and eviscerate his stuffing, time for a fresh star a Playoff Run and a new whipping boy for this board. I'm just saying.


Are you saying Jerry Jones is part of the anti-Bills conspiracy by making sure that Dallas doctors kept the beer sphere alive?


This is a cruel world.

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Let's make sure we get it right before we publicly execute someone. Are you sure you are not mixing up Beerball with eball? As an option we can knock off the both of them and thus be sure that we at least got the right one at the expense of the wrong one.


I agree. Wait, what?



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2

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I agree. Wait, what?


Nothing personal. You can run but you can't hide. There is a bigger cause here. Take it like a man----and for heaven's sake don't whine and plead for mercy. Have a little dignity when the due date approaches. :w00t:

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Makes perfect sense. Why the !@#$ is he blue anyway???

If there was a thread every other week about reasons you should be executed you'd be depressed too.



Let's make sure we get it right before we publicly execute someone. Are you sure you are not mixing up Beerball with eball? As an option we can knock off the both of them and thus be sure that we at least got the right one at the expense of the wrong one.

Give them Barabbas!


Cut him up and send bits to NJ and Miami too

which bits where?
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Be nice to beerball. Elmo say "Beerball is our friend"


Who's this Elmo guy? He must be working for the Pat's. He's shilling for the Pats, he must go along with Beerball (and maybe Eball which has been suggested). Down with the Gestapo!!!

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