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Kobe a FREE Man


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Bryant admitted to making a mistake.  He'll have to live with his indiscretion for the rest of his life.  However not paying money to a woman who wasn't raped is not being "selfish," and actually paying her millions to dismiss the suit just to make it easier on Bryant would be more selfish than trying to clear his name through the civil suit.  I have no particular like for Bryant, but I don't think he's a criminal and should have to pay.




Bryant's selfishness in my mind wouldn't stem from a decision by him not to pay, but from a decision by him to extend the episode he is putting his wife and family through by sicking to his guns and maintaing his innocence of rape.


I don't think from what I've heard that he is a criminal either. However, because of his selfishness leading him not to be able to keep his pants zipped, he is an admitted adulterer and that is how he punished his wife and family trying to satisfy his own childish needs.


Certainly bryant should hold out against extraordinary extortion attempts, particularly if he is innocent of the crime. However, he certainly seems guilty of abuse of the trust of his wife and his family. I think this transgression actually balances any moral claim he would make to not pay out more dollars.


He already will bear the costs of the lawyers necessary to fight this woman's claims even if they are false regarding the abuse. However, he created this problem by steping out on his wife which he admitted doing. In my mind, moral claims on his part went out the window and we're only arguing about the price of his transgression. I think he should payoff to make this go away to the extent that the cost of paying his lawyers. If his lawyers are going to charge him half a million to defend his honor (if any?) the nhe should regretfully but definitely pay out up to a half a million to stop the torture of his wife and family now.

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In my mind, moral claims on his part went out the window and we're only arguing about the price of his transgression.


I can't believe I'm going to defend Kobe, but there must be a moral difference between cheating on your wife and raping a girl.


I also think you're assuming that his wife doesn't want him to defend himself in the civil trial. The cost of his lawyers (say $500,000) may be insignificant compared to the potential loss of future endorsements if he still ends up looking like a rapist that "bought" his innocence. She might reasonably decide that it would be worth the additional shame/embarassment over the short term to restore their income over the long term.


Not suggesting this is the truth, just suggesting a reason Kobe shouldn't be viewed as selfish for defending himself.

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