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Nice map! very handy. I used to go to Grevey's Sports Bar in Falls Church Virginia. Everything is Jets and Giants around here. Wicked Wolf it is! Thanks


Nice map! very handy. I used to go to Grevey's Sports Bar in Falls Church Virginia. Everything is Jets and Giants around here. Wicked Wolf it is! Thanks


I remember Grevey's coming up in discussion here before.


That's the place that's owned by the family of Kevin Grevey, the former NBA star?


I live in lower Westchester and caught the Texans game at the Wicked Wolf last year (post-Sandy, no power at home). Good place with good Bills fans....


Thats the one! A place nearby called Velocity 5 was actually owned by former Buffalo Bill Jim Speros. It was not a Bills Backer Bar tho and always packed with Redskin fans. Thats why I left for for Greveys.

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