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On the cover of the Rollin' Stone...

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Interesting comparison of 2 scenarios: Hispanic guy concerned over local break ins reports suspicious looking figure to police, is attacked and shoots his assailant - Media verdict: Burn him.


Kid given opportunity to live in America uses that opportunity to inflict as much pain & suffering as possible on innocent people - Media verdict: Show compassion & understanding.


This bomber better thank his lucky stars that the kid his bomb killed wasn't carrying skittles..



Boston Strong

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Interesting comparison of 2 scenarios: Hispanic guy concerned over local break ins reports suspicious looking figure to police, is attacked and shoots his assailant - Media verdict: Burn him.


Kid given opportunity to live in America uses that opportunity to inflict as much pain & suffering as possible on innocent people - Media verdict: Show compassion & understanding.


This bomber better thank his lucky stars that the kid his bomb killed wasn't carrying skittles..



Boston Strong


Wtf man. The media and all the race baiters are trying so hard to push their agenda and no one is able to call them on it. This country is screwed

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Rolling Stone puts bomber on cover:




There's a Dr. Hook song in there somewhere.


Getting a kick out of the music stars jumping in Rolling Stone's schitt about this. The only thing that really surprised me is that the article isn't love story written by Matt Taibbi.


But hey...everyone yell and scream and get upset and post it on FB and Twitter and all over the news because I'm sure that isn't what the magazine was expecting you to do.

Edited by LABillzFan
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or maybe you just don't give a ****....





It doesn't bother me. People can chose not to buy RS if they want.


Sounds like an interesting article they wrote about him...






People are !@#$ing idiots.

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or maybe you just don't give a ****....





It doesn't bother me. People can chose not to buy RS if they want.

I think its stupid, borderline irresponsible and disagree with the intent, but it doesn't bother me much.


What bothers me more is the notion of non-judgementalism as a virtue, which is popular among today's youth. Do we really have to know everything about an individual's past before judging an act of mass murder or terrorism to be wrong?

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It's a little bothersome in that you could find that same pose and look on the cover of Teen Beat, and I'm not a fan of implying glorification of a dude like him. And it's a little bothersome because he's not "The bomber" yet, but the "alleged" bomber.


But it doesn't come close to bothering me as much as I can understandably see musicians bothered by the reality that getting on the cover of RS says you've made it. I have no idea who David Draiman is, or who Disturbed is, but he's freaking furious over it for this very reason.

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There's a Dr. Hook song in there somewhere.


Getting a kick out of the music stars jumping in Rolling Stone's schitt about this. The only thing that really surprised me is that the article isn't love story written by Matt Taibbi.


But hey...everyone yell and scream and get upset and post it on FB and Twitter and all over the news because I'm sure that isn't what the magazine was expecting you to do.


Don't worry; next month they're going to put Trayvon on the cover and all the celebs will twitter about how 'brave' RS is.

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