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It's somebody else's fault that I watch porn online

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1. kitty willows are my favorite tree/bush/shrubbery.

2. I was going to hunt cougar for the first time. cougar.com seemed like the best place for my research.

3. I was probed by aliens.


1 and 2 accepted. I have extended the time limit for everyone until Monday morning.


As for #3 I think everyone already knew that but they didn't know you found ET's phone from that movie, called up his buddies and asked for it. Was I not supposed to say that? Anyway #3 rejected as an excuse.

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let me weigh in here because i work in a search engine related job....i could understand if he was typing in face...and accidentally hit f instead of b and went to one of the auto suggests that might be facef***, but one of my jobs is monitoring our 'type ahead' suggestions and make sure things/phrases like that don't exist for the user to click on. a quick check on google backs that up...heck my son the other was on espn and typed in tim lincecum and it brought back a suggested result of 'tim lince***'





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