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What is the greatest prize you and won?


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1,000 bucks this past Easter Sunday... Son's high school calendar drive... Usually 50 bucks a day raffled, bigger amounts on Friday and Holidays... Two biggest being Christmas and Easter @ a grand... Calendar costs 100 bucks each, then you register the thing.


We called it the "Easter Miracle"... When the check came in the mailed a week later... Never knew we had won... We never win @ anything...Must be the BFLO in us!


OUR LUCK IS CHANGING FOLKS... Bet the Sabres & Bills! LoL

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I won $1800 on a $1 bet on a slot machine in an indian casino. I didn't even know I won at first--I kept pushing the button and it wouldn't play.

I hadn't been to a casino in years. unfortunately that spurred me to try several more times----and I proceeded to lose most of the $1800 over the following year. Gambling=dumb.

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I won $1800 on a $1 bet on a slot machine in an indian casino. I didn't even know I won at first--I kept pushing the button and it wouldn't play.

I hadn't been to a casino in years. unfortunately that spurred me to try several more times----and I proceeded to lose most of the $1800 over the following year. Gambling=dumb.


Too funny. I did that with a quarter and a claw game... Grabbed a big stuff animal on the first try @ a road stop in Ohio... LoL... Spurred me to think I can grab one everytime. I don't know how much money that small victory has cost me in the end! :-O

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Here's the best thing I almost won. I was golfing in Florida with my brother and on one of the par threes they had a contest where you had to put in $10 to be entered. If you were within a grips length of the cup, you'd win your choice of a trip to one of two golf resorts, Hilton Head or another that I can't remember. My tee shot hit the flag (the actual flag, not the stick). When we got up to the green, the damn ball was less than an inch beyond the length of a grip. I still like to claim that the stupid flag took a little spin off the ball and kept it out of the hole.


And yes, I sunk the putt.

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When I was in 2nd grade, there was a contest to guess how many jelly beans were in a jar. I used math to figure it out and won the jelly beans (teacher made me give the jar back, so the prize was worth what, a buck? :lol: ).


Sadly, this was mine too-- though it was candy corn.


Never been able to replicate that success.

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In December of 1999 I traveled to Phoenix to see the Bills play the Cardinals. The night before the game the Phoenix Bills Backers had a big party which included a raffle.


The raffle had lots of Bills memorabilia, and my ticket was the first one called, so I chose the Bills replica helmet.

Edited by Mark Vader
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I did once win some money (a couple hundred, maybe. I don't remember.) at moonlight bowling picking up a 7-10 split.


Obviously, I was less impressed by the cash than I was by the fact that I somehow managed to pick up a 7-10 split.

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A Bills/Jim Kelly basket of autographed items at one of the Hunters Hope balls. It was a silent auction and no one had bid yet, with an hour to go, so I wrote down my name and the minimum (I think it was $100). Checking later, I won.

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I doesnt win anything this dayz.


oh thas becuz i dont have my own email website thingy. mail that goes to internet. whas that called again?


Honestly I think most games are rigged. Actually I know as a fact because I have been involved in the scheming.


Basically I've done this. I got a name out from the raffle and said, "Oh no, not him. Or not her" Basically choosing who I wanted. Who ever would give me the sexual favors. Just kidding. Then some reps have done the same for me. "Just dont tell anyone" I quietly take the prize!!!! It's all bull.


That's why I never play the "do this for a new car", "do this for a gift card". F em. They already know who the prize is going to. Unless it's the lottery, which I dont play either.

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My Mom would win stuff all the time, once she won a new car at a church auction, won lottery tickets like every other time she played them. I have no idea if this had anything thing to do with it but she could spot a 4 leaf clover in any group of them that she'd see.

Me, well as the song goes, if it wasn't for bad luck I wouldn't have any luck at all (at least at winning contests, can't complain about the life stuff that much).

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My Mom would win stuff all the time, once she won a new car at a church auction, won lottery tickets like every other time she played them. I have no idea if this had anything thing to do with it but she could spot a 4 leaf clover in any group of them that she'd see.

Me, well as the song goes, if it wasn't for bad luck I wouldn't have any luck at all (at least at winning contests, can't complain about the life stuff that much).


You do have LUCK....that son of yours!


In December of 1999 I traveled to Phoenix to see the Bills play the Cardinals. The night before the game the Phoenix Bills Backers had a big party which included a raffle.


The raffle had lots of Bills memorabilia, and my ticket was the first one called, so I chose the Bills replica helmet.



Is that your hard hat that you wear to the draft?

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