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[SUW] Workplace pranks

Just Jack

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About 10 years ago I was working part time nights/weekends at a supermarket here in Syracuse for extra cash. Well, each night we would need to put the cardboard from the boxes into the compacter. What the problem would be is the recieving person would not keep a neat loading dock. More often, what was happening was the empty milk crates would be scattered in front of the compacter door. One here, two stack there, another one there, etc. So you would need to make a path through the crates. I asked the store manager if he'd ever said anything to him about cleaning up, and he had, but the guy continued to do this. One night I got fed up when I found about 20+ crates back there. Inspiration hit. I pushed all the crates over against one of the walls. Then started a stack and got it about 7 feet high. Each crate is about 1 foot high. I then started pulling over two crates near the stack I started, grab the very bottom crate, lift it just above the height of the two I'd stacked, then using one of my feet, I'd push the two under the stack, and lower the stack onto them. Once I got done, I had about 18 in the stack. The remainder I stacked next to the large stack.

I found out later that week that when the recieving guy saw it, he went straight to the store manager and asked him how he was going to get the stack down. The manager looked at it, and said "like this". He then went up to the stack, grabbed the 4th or 5th crate up from the floor, and ran. I really wish I could have seen that stack come down.

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About 10 years ago I was working part time nights/weekends at a supermarket here in Syracuse for extra cash. Well, each night we would need to put the cardboard from the boxes into the compacter. What the problem would be is the recieving person would not keep a neat loading dock. More often, what was happening was the empty milk crates would be scattered in front of the compacter door. One here, two stack there, another one there, etc. So you would need to make a path through the crates. I asked the store manager if he'd ever said anything to him about cleaning up, and he had, but the guy continued to do this. One night I got fed up when I found about 20+ crates back there. Inspiration hit. I pushed all the crates over against one of the walls. Then started a stack and got it about 7 feet high. Each crate is about 1 foot high. I then started pulling over two crates near the stack I started, grab the very bottom crate, lift it just above the height of the two I'd stacked, then using one of my feet, I'd push the two under the stack, and lower the stack onto them. Once I got done, I had about 18 in the stack. The remainder I stacked next to the large stack.

I found out later that week that when the recieving guy saw it, he went straight to the store manager and asked him how he was going to get the stack down. The manager looked at it, and said "like this". He then went up to the stack, grabbed the 4th or 5th crate up from the floor, and ran. I really wish I could have seen that stack come down.



Two Words: Fart Machine.



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(1) Send stupid emails from guys' computers when they step away from their desk


(2) Set their home page to the pixieland site.


(3) Put up David Hasslehoff photos for their wallpaper.


(4) Put a napkin in their sandwich (always a good time when they bite into it).



We have a pretty good time here.

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(1)  Send stupid emails from guys' computers when they step away from their desk



This is an excellent way to make trouble.


At my last company, a friend of mine sent himself an email from the PC of another (female) friend. It was along the lines of "Scott, I really want you. Love, Kelly", only racier. So, Scott goes back to his computer, opens the email and replies to her with an "I've asked you to please stop hitting on me, I'm married" response, and then CC:s the VP of Human Resources.


He intentionally leaves off a letter in the VPs email address, so she never get it, but Kelly doesn't notice that small detail when she sees the reply and panics. She runs down the VPs office desperately trying to explain it was all a joke. Of course, not having seen the email at all, the VP is staring at her like she's a lunatic. Fun stuff.

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Real Farts.


Better yet.



Back when I was a product engineer, we used to take tubing and rig a complex network of fart delivey systems. Up and over cube walls, around corners, you name it. Fart in one end, apply fan and walla, everyone gets a wiff. There was also a part used for sound baffling, that made your voice sound like Darth Vader. Our office paging privileges were revoked soon after that discovery.

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This is an excellent way to make trouble.


At my last company, a friend of mine sent himself an email from the PC of another (female) friend.  It was along the lines of "Scott, I really want you.  Love, Kelly", only racier.  So, Scott goes back to his computer, opens the email and replies to her with an "I've asked you to please stop hitting on me, I'm married" response, and then CC:s the VP of Human Resources.


He intentionally leaves off a letter in the VPs email address, so she never get it, but Kelly doesn't notice that small detail when she sees the reply and panics.  She runs down the VPs office desperately trying to explain it was all a joke.  Of course, not having seen the email at all, the VP is staring at her like she's a lunatic.  Fun stuff.


LOL good stuff.

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There was a guy Dave at work who sent a baloney sandwich to another guy Mark through the interoffice mail. About a month later Dave went home and there was a card from the mailman saying he had a package at the post office that had postage due. Dave went to the post office, paid the postage due, opened the package, and in it was the petrified baloney sandwich with "Eat Me!" written on it.

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Back when I was a product engineer, we used to take tubing and rig a complex network of fart delivey systems. Up and over cube walls, around corners, you name it. Fart in one end, apply fan and walla, everyone gets a wiff. There was also a part used for sound baffling, that made your voice sound like Darth Vader. Our office paging privileges were revoked soon after that discovery.



That is hilarious.

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To be short:


1. Go get the bearing stretcher. Yeah, that 300 lb. machine under the workbench across the plant. (drag a made up machine across a plant of 50 employees)


2. You have call. Go in the office and press # 1, but you have to talk real loud because the phone sucks. (intercom)


3. Grease under the door handle. (pricks)


4. Cardboard taped to my headlights. (last one out on 2nd shift---Crap, no Lights!!!!)


5. Hey you're doing a great job. Pat on the back. (The pat was to stick a piece of paper to my back that read "I love little boys.)



The above were all at 1 summer job I had years back and everyone of the above happened in my first 2 weeks. I had a blast that summer.

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Here’s another one.


I was an auditor at a big six firm out of school. As a senior auditor, you are responsible for several jobs and all the workpapers for those jobs. Thus, your cubical would be filled with stacks and stacks of binders for multiple clients, especially during busy season. My friend Wade sat in front of me and was usually very stressed out between the long hours, travel, wife and kids, etc.


One day, I noticed that his cube was just overflowing with binders and other crap from his clients; you couldn’t even get into his cube. So, I decided to draft a memo to him from the partner in charge of the facilities. The letter said something along the lines of “the condition of your cube is a disgrace and embarrasses us with guests, etc., etc.) I cut and pasted the partner’s actual signature from another memo onto my fake and photocopied the whole thing onto letterhead to look totally authentic. Then I left the note in his mail slot and waited for the fireworks.


Wade comes back into town, all stressed and pissed off, opens his mail and reads the note. He explodes…..turns beat red, starts screaming and cursing, storms down the hall to the partners office, interrupts him in a meeting and shouts “if you have something to say to me, say it to my face!”, and then throws the crumpled up memo at him. Needless to say, it was an even better reaction than I’d hoped for.


Fortunately, no one was fired!

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Wrote a client-server app once that installed itself from the server when everyone in the office logged in, then precisely at noon piped a loop of the dogs barking Jingle Bells through everyone's computer.


Lost my admin rights soon after... :)

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I used to work in printing factory years ago. Well some guys had to wear respirators to work in specific areas. A friend of mine put his respirator down to go get something out of the vending machines. I took it and put blue ink all around the inside of it and put it back where he left it. He returns to the printing press puts back on the respirator. No less than two minutes later he's paged to the supervisors office......no I didnt tell him he had a blue ring around his nose and mouth. He comes back five minutes later madder than hell at me. Of course there was ten other guys waiting for him all laughing their asses off.

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I put a dead bat in a guys lunch pail. The guy was mortified of bats. We all lingered around until the guy opened it. It was priceless. You'd have thought the guy saw a werewolf.


This summer I was painting some townhouses in pittsford, and we found a dead blue jay just chillin near the trailer. Our foreman took the dead bird and placed it in my best firends' lunchbox, he jum,ped up and shreiked like a girl when he opened it up!


Another time a guy i used to work with killed like 50 bees, then proceeded to place the dead bees in my friends sock while he was up on a ladder painting. He didnt react at first but then he loked down at his sock and yelled, "ahhhhh beeeeeeeeeees!", hilarious sh--.



Ive got a million more good painting stories but i dont wnat to bore everyone.

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When I worked in automotive, 3rd-shifters used to get foam rubber packaging for parts, and make beds, in out of the way places. The security dept. used to come across them and roust them. I was told of that, so I got some fiberglass insulation, stuck my gloved hands inside a hood in the lab, and produced a fine fiberglass dust, which I collected and packaged. The security officers then took that and dusted the foam beds.


Naturally, the sleeping loads itched all over, I kept the security folks well-suppplied, and eventually the bums still sneaked their z's but not of nice plush foam rubber.

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seems to be a pattern with you..... :lol:



Actually, I wasn't supposed to have them anyway. Just on my test server...which their idiot IT people made a domain server. I didn't lose them because I was "bad", just because I drew attention to my having them.


Same place...a friend of mine ran the phone system, and changed my name on it from "Tom" to "Big Geek". First I knew of it was when I called my boss and he answered with hysterical laughter...and that was a month after he changed it. I got him back eventually... :)

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