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Dead Job Walking


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My company had shares once worth almost $300. The 10 year high was $260, I think. We voluntarily (nearly forced to do so) delisted ourselves from the NYSE with a closing share price of about $.50. Now we are trying to restructure, losing out big time money. Contracts have been lost. We are in debt to the security company that secures our buildings. We ran out of soap and toilet paper this week because the bills were not paid to the cleaning company.


We're not looking so well, and being that our parent company only has a few actual assets it is troubling. Other then the names of the companies it owns, their trademarks, and a few patents in those companies they have two plants in China and an empty plant in Mexico. The individual companies all own their closed down facilities. My company alone has at least 15 buildings within a half hour drive of our headquarters.


Either way, time to look for a new job while I can afford to be picky. Farming just don't git'r done.

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My company had shares once worth almost $300. The 10 year high was $260, I think. We voluntarily (nearly forced to do so) delisted ourselves from the NYSE with a closing share price of about $.50. Now we are trying to restructure, losing out big time money. Contracts have been lost. We are in debt to the security company that secures our buildings. We ran out of soap and toilet paper this week because the bills were not paid to the cleaning company.


We're not looking so well, and being that our parent company only has a few actual assets it is troubling. Other then the names of the companies it owns, their trademarks, and a few patents in those companies they have two plants in China and an empty plant in Mexico. The individual companies all own their closed down facilities. My company alone has at least 15 buildings within a half hour drive of our headquarters.


Either way, time to look for a new job while I can afford to be picky. Farming just don't git'r done.


Ouch and good luck.

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My company had shares once worth almost $300. The 10 year high was $260, I think. We voluntarily (nearly forced to do so) delisted ourselves from the NYSE with a closing share price of about $.50. Now we are trying to restructure, losing out big time money. Contracts have been lost. We are in debt to the security company that secures our buildings. We ran out of soap and toilet paper this week because the bills were not paid to the cleaning company.


We're not looking so well, and being that our parent company only has a few actual assets it is troubling. Other then the names of the companies it owns, their trademarks, and a few patents in those companies they have two plants in China and an empty plant in Mexico. The individual companies all own their closed down facilities. My company alone has at least 15 buildings within a half hour drive of our headquarters.


Either way, time to look for a new job while I can afford to be picky. Farming just don't git'r done.

Best of luck, Boyst.

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My company had shares once worth almost $300. The 10 year high was $260, I think. We voluntarily (nearly forced to do so) delisted ourselves from the NYSE with a closing share price of about $.50. Now we are trying to restructure, losing out big time money. Contracts have been lost. We are in debt to the security company that secures our buildings. We ran out of soap and toilet paper this week because the bills were not paid to the cleaning company.


We're not looking so well, and being that our parent company only has a few actual assets it is troubling. Other then the names of the companies it owns, their trademarks, and a few patents in those companies they have two plants in China and an empty plant in Mexico. The individual companies all own their closed down facilities. My company alone has at least 15 buildings within a half hour drive of our headquarters.


Either way, time to look for a new job while I can afford to be picky. Farming just don't git'r done.


Dang, JB....any idea what sort of positions you're goign to be pursuing?


Try not to go the meeting a) drunk, b) hung-over.

Duly noted :D

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My company had shares once worth almost $300. The 10 year high was $260, I think. We voluntarily (nearly forced to do so) delisted ourselves from the NYSE with a closing share price of about $.50. Now we are trying to restructure, losing out big time money. Contracts have been lost. We are in debt to the security company that secures our buildings. We ran out of soap and toilet paper this week because the bills were not paid to the cleaning company.


We're not looking so well, and being that our parent company only has a few actual assets it is troubling. Other then the names of the companies it owns, their trademarks, and a few patents in those companies they have two plants in China and an empty plant in Mexico. The individual companies all own their closed down facilities. My company alone has at least 15 buildings within a half hour drive of our headquarters.


Either way, time to look for a new job while I can afford to be picky. Farming just don't git'r done.


A reverse stock split is a pretty reliable sign a company is going down the tubes in a great big hurry.


Wish I'd known about it - I'd have shorted the hell out of them when they reverse-split. No offense, jboyst - I'd be shorting my own company's stock if it traded publicly.

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Damn, AJ and Jeff. Tough news. My best goes out to you both. Those are some high profile name brands, and it's always tough to see companies like that take a torpedo amidship. It's worse by far for the individuals though. So sorry you have to live through it though.

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Ouch and good luck.

Best of luck, Boyst.

I'm hardly worried...


Dang, JB....any idea what sort of positions you're goign to be pursuing?



Duly noted :D

I'll go back to logistics, warehousing and planning. It is hard to find a career type job in these parts. I am just banking on saving up as much as I can in either equities like my house and retirement funds and pocketing as much as I can so I can farm full time at 40.

A reverse stock split is a pretty reliable sign a company is going down the tubes in a great big hurry.


Wish I'd known about it - I'd have shorted the hell out of them when they reverse-split. No offense, jboyst - I'd be shorting my own company's stock if it traded publicly.

I only found out about it the morning it was going to happen. Don't worry, though, there is already and SEC investigation going on. Trades on the company went up 400% in just a half of a day trading prior to the announcement which caused the NYSE to warn the board of suspicious activity. Scozzafava is hated by many. A company that loses 95% of its value in less then a year and expected to be solvent or bankrupt in less then 3 months is not a company to invest in. Alas, but we still get emails saying to ignore the rumors and still work hard. The emails do nothing. NOTHING. to address the actual rumors. Either way, if rumors are true, it will get ugly.

Bummer dude

Look on the bright side, at least with your herd you can put together one helluva going out of business barbeque :beer:

I do not really like anyone I work with, maybe 3 guys. Its got so demoralized in there that many just do not care about the rules or goings-on. We have had so man temps, too, that it is sad. I only have one guy working for me now, down from 11 a year ago. I do not even know 75% of the peoples names I work with...and could care less knowing them. I'm there to work.


Damn, AJ and Jeff. Tough news. My best goes out to you both. Those are some high profile name brands, and it's always tough to see companies like that take a torpedo amidship. It's worse by far for the individuals though. So sorry you have to live through it though.

This was not taking a torpedo midship. It was the company scuttling itself and not realizing it. Our dilapidated structure is just that. It was forthcoming...and they have closed Thomasville 4 times since 2004. This could be the last time.
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I only found out about it the morning it was going to happen. Don't worry, though, there is already and SEC investigation going on. Trades on the company went up 400% in just a half of a day trading prior to the announcement which caused the NYSE to warn the board of suspicious activity. Scozzafava is hated by many. A company that loses 95% of its value in less then a year and expected to be solvent or bankrupt in less then 3 months is not a company to invest in. Alas, but we still get emails saying to ignore the rumors and still work hard. The emails do nothing. NOTHING. to address the actual rumors. Either way, if rumors are true, it will get ugly.


I worked for one company that about a year after a merger, you could see the writing on the wall. But there were still people going "yea, the stock is going down, so I'm gonna buy more so when we rebound, I can cash out."


It's funny, the board members for the company we merged with, their company was going under, hence the merger. They then sent our company under. Then they went onto another company and put that one under. Idiots.

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Sorry to hear JBoyst. Good luck in your in your search.


NYS DOCS will probably be holding another test soon. 25 years and out. Or sooner with a lessor pension if you chose.

Edited by mrags
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I do not really like anyone I work with, maybe 3 guys. Its got so demoralized in there that many just do not care about the rules or goings-on. We have had so man temps, too, that it is sad. I only have one guy working for me now, down from 11 a year ago. I do not even know 75% of the peoples names I work with...and could care less knowing them. I'm there to work.


I wasn't talking about a going out of business BBQ with your coworkers. I was talking about a going out of business BBQ with us :beer:

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yeah but with overtime you'd be doing well in commissary days.


And your job consists of herding around a bunch of animals who's entire existence amounts to: eat, sleep, **** on you, and try to kill you. So you're already perfectly qualified, jboyst.

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