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Happy Birthday to the smartest man who ever lived


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Tesla was bat schit crazy too... Did everything in multiples of threes. Supposedly "married" a pigeon. Then there was his "death ray" that would even make DC Tom jealous.


LoL... Quite a dreamer vs. Edison's team of "praticality."


Maybe his dreams are coming true afterall?


...There is hope for me after all! ;-) ;-)


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Was just watching something on him the other day. It is amazing how we know Edison so well, and JP Morgan. But, Westinghouse and Telsa are more like D list compared to JP Morgan and Edison.


I watched it too! Think it was on H2. It sounds

like "American Greed".

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Was just watching something on him the other day. It is amazing how we know Edison so well, and JP Morgan. But, Westinghouse and Telsa are more like D list compared to JP Morgan and Edison.


One of the episodes of " The Men Who Built America", mayhaps?

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My Ben Franklin trumps your Tesla guy. Now if you would have said "one" of the smartest it would be ok.


Could Franklin invent electric generators and keep the entire design in his head without writing it down or drawing it out?

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