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Plane Crash in SF

Chef Jim

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The wife and I were out taking a walk and heard a woman yell to her neighbor to watch the news that there was a big plane crash in San Francisco. We got home and we can see a good portion of the peninsula from out house but can't see SFO seeing there are trees in the way but we could see the smoke in the sky.



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The runway starts at the water. From the beginning of the debris, the tail hit the rip rap at the water. Nothing left behind the rear bulkhead . Rudder and other fins on the tail are sitting where the safety area is at the end of the runway. 2 dead, ten in critical condition (2 kids 8 adults) 40-50 other less severe. Almost all are Korean speaking.

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CNN, playing the Tower transmissions with the plane, sounds like they knew something was wrong before the landing was attempted.


I flew from Orange county to Oakland a few weeks ago. As we were boarding I heard the pilot yell to a guy looking at the left engine "can you at least get us to Oakland?" We boarded and then the pilot said there was a fuel leak on that engine. They fixed it in less than 30 minutes. The fact that the pilot said that within earshot of passengers boarding a fuel leak is no big deal. Hell, look at your driveway/garage where you park you car.


Oh and then there was that time the rear engine of a DC-10 we were flying in blew up on takeoff our of LAX. Not cool.

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And the nuts are already coming out of the woodwork....


From http://www.buzzfeed.com/adriancarrasquillo/fire-rages-as-plane-crash-lands-at-san-francisco-airport


Is this another HOAX?


1. In the first photo with people coming out of plane there are no burn areas on the plane, there is long dead grass all around, the people are calm and there is no fire-stopping white goop on the ground. No emergency crews. Black smoke comes from possibly the right side of the plane somewhere?


2. The 3 middle photos (at 12:34pm and 12:42pm) there are now airplane burn areas, white fire-stopping goop everywhere, the plane sits in a dirt area (no long brown grass) and the people are gone.


3. The last photo is the most recent at 1:25pm and there is just a little bit of white goop on the ground.


4. Shouldn't there be white goop all over the plane? Why is it only on the ground in some of the pictures?


5. Current "live" aerial photos do not show any white goop. See the "live" video feed at http://www.nbcnews.c...ws.com/52409128 I would venture to guess that this video was done on a different day and it is being shown as a "live" event. This is so fake. There is strewn material.


6. Where are the skid marks that should be present?


7. Look at the number of tire tracks that have been made in such a short period of time....especially just after the event "happened".


Will this be another Sandy Hook, Aurora, Boston event? For what purpose? Things just don't add up here, folks.

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Looks as though he hit the tail on the sea wall. The big question will be why was he that low & slow while still outside the landing zone? This is the 2nd 777 to land short/hard landing etc. within the airport environment. The British 777 was blamed on ice in the fuel system. It had flown across Asia & E Europe in the winter season. They had Rolls Royce engines while this one today had Pratt & Whitney's, so not a great deal of similarity there. Don't know where the data recorders are? They will be located but not sure of where they ended up when the tail came off? He lost the landing gear early on, so no tire marks, just belly and wing gouging & scraping. Rwy 28L may be closed for a while!

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I'm thinking mechanical failure.


Those runways are well long enough to land those planes farther down from the front end of the runway and still land safely.


In other words there's no reason to cut it close to the front end of the runway.


Just my guess.

To me that says pilot error. There was no reason to cut it close but he did anyway. Maybe he thought he was at LGA.

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To me that says pilot error. There was no reason to cut it close but he did anyway. Maybe he thought he was at LGA.


If any pilot is going to crash land at LGA s/he needs to do us all a favor and take out the terminal. The place is a dump.


A sad day for two families in China today. To be on a summer trip so young and then to die so tragically.

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To me that says pilot error. There was no reason to cut it close but he did anyway. Maybe he thought he was at LGA.

^^ this incident has pilot error written all over it. Which is interesting because usually the most senior experienced pilots fly widebodies on long routes due to higher pay, so these should be some of Asiania's better pilots....


A theory right now is that the ILS system was down and the on duty crew did not realize it. But they were landing VFR anyways so it seems they just misjudged the distance.


It will be interesting to see what happens as more info comes out.

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