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Paula Deen Vs Alec Baldwin

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Isn't the difference that one holds herself out as moral center/wholesome and the other is already a known douche?


I mean: What's a better story? That Randy Moss is found with a needle in his arm? Or Tom Brady?

What part of eating butter makes her a moral authority?

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Does anyone else find the most annoying part of all this that we now have every Tom, Dick and Paula calling themselves a 'celebrity chef'?


No matter how much of a douche Baldwin is, there's almost no one as universally entertaining on the screen.

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Does anyone else find the most annoying part of all this that we now have every Tom, Dick and Paula calling themselves a 'celebrity chef'?


No matter how much of a douche Baldwin is, there's almost no one as universally entertaining on the screen.


Really?? I think he's a huge bore.

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In real life sure, but as a character actor I've always thought he was great.


Well I must admit I have a very small sample to draw from but I always felt he was just playing himself. I think I've only seen him in a couple of episodes of 30 Rock. Hated it.

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Well I must admit I have a very small sample to draw from but I always felt he was just playing himself. I think I've only seen him in a couple of episodes of 30 Rock. Hated it.

but he was fabulous in Team America: World Police.

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In real life sure, but as a character actor I've always thought he was great.


Yeah, I agree. He does a good job flipping from something like "Beetlejuice" to something like "Malice" or "Heaven's Prisoners" (which has a great soundtrack). Even his character on 30 Rock was pretty funny before the show became really boring.

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Yeah, I agree. He does a good job flipping from something like "Beetlejuice" to something like "Malice" or "Heaven's Prisoners" (which has a great soundtrack). Even his character on 30 Rock was pretty funny before the show became really boring.


The couple of episodes I watched must have been from that era.

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Well I must admit I have a very small sample to draw from but I always felt he was just playing himself. I think I've only seen him in a couple of episodes of 30 Rock. Hated it.

He's always been hysterical on SNL. I especially enjoyed his "Schweaty Balls" and "Canteen Boy" skits.

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So I'm wondering if Alec Baldwin will suffer the same fate as Paula due to his gay bashing tweets?


Not to worry, the LGBTQQQ4-Batman-Symbol lobby is very receptive to bribery, and everything else.

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