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Paula Deen Vs Alec Baldwin

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No, seriously. Who is she, and what did she do?


Whahy she's a soouther'n belle matronly laydee that koocs laik aye dreem!


She's gat a southern drawl that sounds like she's got a clothespin stuck to her nose.

She's got a restaurant in Charleston (I believe) and is a Chief on The Food Network.


Besides that, she's a Rhodes Scholar, former Supreme Court Justice of the State of South Carolina, The Co-Chairman of the South Carolina Tea Party, and a card carrying member of the American Communist Party and the KKK.


You can understand, therefore the outrage at her confessing she said "!@#$" about thirty years ago.

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Whahy she's a soouther'n belle matronly laydee that koocs laik aye dreem!


She's gat a southern drawl that sounds like she's got a clothespin stuck to her nose.

She's got a restaurant in Charleston (I believe) and is a Chief on The Food Network.


Besides that, she's a Rhodes Scholar, former Supreme Court Justice of the State of South Carolina, The Co-Chairman of the South Carolina Tea Party, and a card carrying member of the American Communist Party and the KKK.


You can understand, therefore the outrage at her confessing she said "!@#$" about thirty years ago.


Oh, Indian food, eh?

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Old Georgia lady. Famous cook. Has many shows, books, restaurants, probably cooking equipment, etc. Turns out she said the n-word. On at least one occasion made a remark about wanting to have a wedding with slave servants, or something similar to that idk the exact quote. All of this in private. Now we must destroy her.


When was this?


I thought you were on me for spelling her name wrong. :oops:


That too... :D

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Old Georgia lady. Famous cook. Has many shows, books, restaurants, probably cooking equipment, etc. Turns out she said the n-word. On at least one occasion made a remark about wanting to have a wedding with slave servants, or something similar to that idk the exact quote. All of this in private. Now we must destroy her.


Wasn't it also decades ago when she made the remarks?

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Another dixie chick financially punished for something she said and just like the other Dixie Chicks she will eventually land on her feet, America's don't hold a grudge forever even Michael Richards has a new sitcom coming up.


Michael Vick is my low water benchmark. Hard to imagine how a person can be that viciously cruel to animals, get caught, lose his job, go to prison, and come back to be a starting quarterback, again praised by virtually everyone cover the NFL.


If Vick can come back from prison to millions of dollars in Philly, Paula Dean should have a new cooking show any moment now.


Unless, of course, Vick calls someone a Redskin. THEN you'll see some sports writer feathers ruffled, by golly.

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Whahy she's a soouther'n belle matronly laydee that koocs laik aye dreem!


She's gat a southern drawl that sounds like she's got a clothespin stuck to her nose.

She's got a restaurant in Charleston (I believe) and is a Chief on The Food Network.


Besides that, she's a Rhodes Scholar, former Supreme Court Justice of the State of South Carolina, The Co-Chairman of the South Carolina Tea Party, and a card carrying member of the American Communist Party and the KKK.


You can understand, therefore the outrage at her confessing she said "!@#$" about thirty years ago.


Three Sons is in Savannah, there is typically a line around the corner, the line if full of gigantic humans, and eating there has a direct link to hear disease and diabetes.....


It is really, really good comfort food..... My other favorites are Justine's in Charleston, and Gus' Fried Chicken in Nashville

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Hieriachy of scum in America (in ascending order):


Petit thieves

Drunk Drivers

Domestic abusers



Child molesteers

Child killers

People who have said the "N-word" out loud.


You forgot smokers

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Hieriachy of scum in America (in ascending order):


Petit thieves

Drunk Drivers

Domestic abusers



Child molesteers

Child killers

People who have said the "N-word" out loud.


Leave the little people out of this.

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You forgot smokers

actually, I'm a white male that expresses my support of urban american culture by smoking menthol cigarettes, so I get a pass for my civic-minded sensitivity.

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actually, I'm a white male that expresses my support of urban american culture by smoking menthol cigarettes, so I get a pass for my civic-minded sensitivity.


I'm sorry, but if you're not eating skittles and drinking Arizona Iced Tea with your menthols, you're just a poser. Stop insulting urban culture by mocking them.

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