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Posted (edited)

So I'm wondering if Alec Baldwin will suffer the same fate as Paula due to his gay bashing tweets? I mean Paula's was 30 years ago and his was just the other day. Will the media ramble on endlessly about it? Will he have to face the music by being grilled by some douchebag interviewing him on morning tv? Will Capital One not walk by run from him as fast as they can? Will NBC do the same? The answer is of course no because Alec so happens to be a good liberal Hollywood soldier.




Edited by Dante
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I was thinking the same thing this morning.....


It's strange, Faggot or Queen just doesn't seems to carry he same weight as !@#$....

Posted (edited)

Baldwin is a known scumbag. So nobody cares. Some people are known scumbags and people don't care. He is one of them. Liberal or conservative...doesn't really matter...usually just means you are likable or entertaining or talented or randomly lucky...nothing more.

Edited by SameOldBills

Same old excuses.


"everyone does it, nothing to see here"..................................must be a liberal screwed up


Baldwin is a known scumbag. So nobody cares. Some people are known scumbags and people don't care. He is one of them. Liberal or conservative...doesn't really matter...usually just means you are likable or entertaining or talented or randomly lucky...nothing more.


Too bad GLAAD, who "amplifies the voice of the LGBT community," also doesn't care.


You know it's bad when even TMZ is climbing in their schitt. Yeah, no double standard here.


Alec Baldwin just got a "Get Out of Homophobia Jail Free" card from the people at GLAAD ... because they don't have the balls to go after a self-proclaimed Hollywood liberal.


After Baldwin essentially called for the gay-bashing of a Daily Mail reporter ... the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation -- the same org. that's CRUSHED people for making far less harmful and threatening statements -- asked critics to back off Baldwin.


"Alec Baldwin is making it clear [to GLAAD] that the intent behind his tweets does not excuse his language, especially at a time when there were 11 incidents of violence against gay men in New York City just last month. As we all work to end such senseless acts of violence, allies like Baldwin are right to use these moments to reinforce support for the community and LGBT equality."


But the statement continues ... and might reveal the REAL reason they're letting Alec off easy:


"Alec Baldwin has worked with several organizations and added his voice to a campaign by Fight Back NY to encourage the State Senate to pass marriage equality with out actor Jesse Tyler Ferguson. He also had a guest role on Will & Grace and played a gay character in the 2006 Off-Broadway revival of 'Entertaining Mr. Sloane.'"


It's almost like the org. is afraid if they bash Baldwin, he'll STOP doing pro-gay projects. Hmmmm ...


If Bill O'Reilly said the same thing ... with the same explanation -- ya think GLAAD would still think it was no big deal? Hmmmm ..

Posted (edited)

Baldwin is a known scumbag. So nobody cares. Some people are known scumbags and people don't care. He is one of them. Liberal or conservative...doesn't really matter...usually just means you are likable or entertaining or talented or randomly lucky...nothing more.

The Ghost of Hypocrite Democrat Past says:


Yes, Ms. Riefenstahl http://en.wikipedia....eni_Riefenstahl, tell us more about how life works, that bad behavior on your side is merely misunderstood nuance, or the result of celebrity, while at the same time sitting there with your finger on the camera, waiting for the same F up from a Republican.


Hilarious. :lol:


The Ghost of Hypocrite Democrat Present says:


How about SameOldBills tells us which other prominent Democratic hypocrites are marginalize-ready?


Consider: If we treated every other hypocrite Democrat the same way as SameOldBills wants to treat Alec Baldwin...perhaps 3 people would show up at their convention, and it'd be at Denny's. Democratic support of Obama's position on drones and the Patriot act alone turns 3/4 of Democrats into giant, D-bag hypocrites.


The Ghost of Hypocrite Democrat Future says:


Boy ain't it going to be hilarious when they try to explain the collision of Obamacare idiocy with Immigration reform idiocy? Example #1: It will become cheaper to hire a "newly legal" worker who cannot, by law, qualify for Obamacare, than one who was born here, and is therefore, Obamacare-ready.


Thus, the non-Obamacare worker will push the Obamacare worker into a position where he cannot find work, which will be called "fine" by Obamacare idiots, because he will be "subsidized". Meanwhile, other Democratic idiots will claim that the non-Obamacare worker should not be forced to pay for Obamacare, because he cannot derive benefit from it.


Thus, the people who are supposed to have a huge hand in paying for the Obamacare workers subsidization: won't. The Federal Deficit will rise, and the "Deficit is no big deal" idiots(Paul Krugman) will tell us that it's everybody's fault but theirs.


It will be a fight of Democrat idiots against each other, all sound and fury, signifying only stupidity, hubris...and hilarity...for me.




Provide we get past it, and kill off this idiocy, it's going to be fun watching Paul Krugman, and the rest of the intellectuals, argue against themselves for the 16 months or so that it will take to remove their stupidity.

Edited by OCinBuffalo
Posted (edited)

I remember his rant (I believe it was on Letterman's show no you azz, it was Conan - see the linky posted below) against Henry Hyde during the Monica Blowinski Cliton Impeachment Affair when he was jumping up and down in his seat saying how he hated HH and wanted to hang him wrong again bucko - he wanted to stone him to death. It was real visceral hatred on display. Everyone laughed and enjoyed it.


Linky thingy


transcript for those who wouldn't deign visit a right wing site. For the Record, NBC blocked the video from YouTube on "copyright grounds":


Alec Baldwin: “I was in Africa. I go to Africa. I mean ladies and gentlemen I am in Africa. For three months I am in the bush and I come back. I come back here and I come back to what? I mean what is happening right now as we speak? Right now the Judiciary Committee, the President has an approval rating of 68 percent. The President is very popular and things are going pretty good and they are voting to impeach the President. They voted on one article of impeachment already. And I come back from Africa to stained dresses and cigars and this and impeachment. I am thinking to myself in other countries they are laughing at us twenty four hours a day and I’m thinking to myself if we were in other countries, we would all right now, all of us together, [starts to shout] all of us together
would go down to Washington and we would stone Henry Hyde to death! We would stone him to death! [crowd cheers] Wait! Shut up! Shut up! No shut up! I’m not finished. We would stone Henry Hyde to death and we would go to their homes and we’d kill their wives and their children. We would kill their families
. [stands up screaming] What is happening in this country? What is happening? UGHHH UGHHH!!!!”
Edited by Nanker

Well, he got a free pass for being 'dad of the year' with his infamous voicemail. The Bill O'Reilly comparison mentioned is spot on. O'Reilly would be getting annihilated with similar comments. Here's a snippet from the message he left his daughter a few years back.


"During the call, recorded on the girl's answering machine, Baldwin, 49, ranted: "You are a rude, thoughtless little pig. You don't have the brains or the decency as a human being.

"I don't give a damn that you're 12 years old, or 11 years old, or that you're a child, or that your mother is a thoughtless pain in the ass who doesn't care about what you do as far as I'm concerned.

"Once again I have made an ass of myself trying to get to a phone. You have humiliated me for the last time with this phone."

He then threatened to fly to LA "for the day, just to straighten you out on this issue".


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-449775/Alec-Baldwin-apologises-calling-daughter-11-rude-thoughtless-pig.html#ixzz2XbOMLckU


So I'm wondering if Alec Baldwin will suffer the same fate as Paula due to his gay bashing tweets? I mean Paula's was 30 years ago and his was just the other day. Will the media ramble on endlessly about it? Will he have to face the music by being grilled by some douchebag interviewing him on morning tv? Will Capital One not walk by run from him as fast as they can? Will NBC do the same? The answer is of course no because Alec so happens to be a good liberal Hollywood soldier.





Isn't the difference that one holds herself out as moral center/wholesome and the other is already a known douche?


I mean: What's a better story? That Randy Moss is found with a needle in his arm? Or Tom Brady?


Isn't the difference that one holds herself out as moral center/wholesome and the other is already a known douche?


I mean: What's a better story? That Randy Moss is found with a needle in his arm? Or Tom Brady?


How dare you point out the obvious! You must be a liberal douche defending Baldwin personally! Either that or just a normal person who knows society lets train wrecks be train wrecks in most cases.

Posted (edited)

Isn't the difference that one holds herself out as moral center/wholesome and the other is already a known douche?


The story is one continues to get paid and the other gets her life destroyed. So what your saying is, if Paula Dean just worked at being a ahole a little harder she would be okay right now? I got that straight right? And I've never heard Dean being promoted as some sort of icon of purity. She's a friggen cook that's it. You know and I know there is no real difference between them except that Paula is from the south and Baldwin is a Hollywood liberal elitist. Remember the liberal media to another run at her not long ago over the food she makes yes? They are public figures. Bad try on trying to twist this to your liking.




Edited by Dante

Who the !@#$ is Paula Dean?


You know who she is. The grandma from Georgia who *spoiler alert* said the n-word in private and at times made off color remarks about plantation era life. Get you act together you idiot, pretend to be surprised and act like this matters. Join the mob and reign down judgment and condemnation.


Isn't the difference that one holds herself out as moral center/wholesome and the other is already a known douche?


I mean: What's a better story? That Randy Moss is found with a needle in his arm? Or Tom Brady?


LOL...................I've always liked that spin.


Okay, let's give the hypocritical media a pass, they're just "selling papers"



What's Glaad's excuse? or others on the left who hold themselves up as the arbitrators of what speech is right and wrong.


"we just know he didn't really mean it, he clarified it later"................................please


He's excused by you posters because he's a "known douche", but the others hold themselves out as moral so they're open targets.


Its easy to see who the hypocrites are.





Posted (edited)

B-man do you even read posts or do you just start shooting out **** like a dog with diarrhea? Has one person in this thread said that Paula is receiving an appropriate level of public scolding?

Edited by SameOldBills

B-man do you even read posts or do you just start shooting out **** like a dog with diarrhea? Has one person in this thread said that Paula is receiving an appropriate level of public scolding?


There is really little reason to my responding to your nonsense post, as it really does not apply to what I wrote.


Mr Adams gave the oft-used line that the person who "holds themselves up as publicly moral people", always get the worse press when they screw up.


I responded with my opinion, that that is still a good example of hypocrisy.




Perhaps you should follow your own advice and read before you post.






You know who she is. The grandma from Georgia who *spoiler alert* said the n-word in private and at times made off color remarks about plantation era life. Get you act together you idiot, pretend to be surprised and act like this matters. Join the mob and reign down judgment and condemnation.


No, seriously. Who is she, and what did she do?


No, seriously. Who is she, and what did she do?


Old Georgia lady. Famous cook. Has many shows, books, restaurants, probably cooking equipment, etc. Turns out she said the n-word. On at least one occasion made a remark about wanting to have a wedding with slave servants, or something similar to that idk the exact quote. All of this in private. Now we must destroy her.

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