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Patriots' Hernandez arrested in homicide investigation

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I do not believe the NFL will do anything unless and until there are criminal charges filed. The civil suit is a distraction. In the murder, AH is guilty of something - he either did it or knows who did. Ray Lewis all over again. The NFL will have to react once criminal charges are filed. Waiting game until then.

The NFL doesn't really do that. They usually wait till everything is done then punish.

Sir Roger can do what he wants. And he's not used to dealing with murder cases. No doubt he sees the obstruction of justice and is none to pleased with it. But there are still 2-1/2 months before the start of the season and a lot can happen between now and then.

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Sir Roger can do what he wants. And he's not used to dealing with murder cases. No doubt he sees the obstruction of justice and is none to pleased with it. But there are still 2-1/2 months before the start of the season and a lot can happen between now and then.


But merely 3 weeks til camp.


Nfl wet dream: arrest Friday, suspension start of next week, long holiday weekend to follow

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I get what you are saying and respect your feelings. But, for me, if AH doesn't give a flying F about what his loved ones would have to go through, why should I, a complete stranger, care? I can't be Mother Teresa and I'm not Jesus paying for people's sins. Maybe if his family paid more attention to his troubles, which now appear to be many, and helped his better deal with them, perhaps he wouldn't be in this predicament. This clearly isn't a guy who woke up one morning and decide to murder someone. It's likely been in him for years and years and his life didn't develop on a vacuum.


Well beyond the standard, we dont know if he killed anyone, even assuming he did... It's not like I'm holding candle light vigils for the Hernandez family, or staying up sleepless nights so don't take this as me claiming some huge moral high ground or being a martyr.


My take is that, as you mentioned, this doesn't happen in a vacuum and yes a lot of poor decisions and likely pain led to a situation like this..... but a ton also comes out of it in every direction and often turns around and causes more tragic events.


Maybe being around a lot of senseless violence in New Orleans, and having worked with kids and knowing families on both sides of the equation has left me leaning towards compassion. The killings have an undeniable ripple effect, and its hit me seeing people struggle to come to terms with the acts of people they love, despite extensive shortcomings.


I used to lean the same as you but these days I find a little empathy does better for me day to day. Plenty of anger and finger pointing tends to follow tragedies like this. People assume the worst of the families of the monsters that commit crimes... Often they are just good people that didnt know how to help someone they love, and that's if they even fathomed it was possible before.


Like I said, no high ground, just the perspective I come from - even if that perspective just amounts to saying its unfortunate total strangers are having to go through this on a message board they'll never read.

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Pats barred him from their facilities. Too bad he is not in barred facilities. Guilty of this or not, this guy has ice that has worn too thin.

Just for that day (they said they had no idea why he showed up there) or until things get sorted-out?

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I get what you are saying and respect your feelings. But, for me, if AH doesn't give a flying F about what his loved ones would have to go through, why should I, a complete stranger, care? I can't be Mother Teresa and I'm not Jesus paying for people's sins. Maybe if his family paid more attention to his troubles, which now appear to be many, and helped his better deal with them, perhaps he wouldn't be in this predicament. This clearly isn't a guy who woke up one morning and decide to murder someone. It's likely been in him for years and years and his life didn't develop on a vacuum.


I get the feeling that the Hernandez family would be better off without him around anyway. He appears to be a very violent dude.

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I can't believe this...they sealed the records while the investigation is pending??? No public access?? No reporters digging through documents??? We are entitled!!!! I want updates !!!

Media will have to file a FOIL to get access, right?

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Media will have to file a FOIL to get access, right?

A FOIL won't cover pending criminal investigations. That is the reason they sealed the investigation (and smart in my opinion). If the media vultures get access to investigatory reports, affidavits, witness statements, lab results, it will unfairly prejudice the defense and, in the end, after a year long investigation, hearings and trials, the defense attorneys will request a mistrial or have grounds for an appeal (i.e. the jury was tainted by the media spewing out all evidence before it is received in Court or found to be credible). Smart move in these high profile cases.

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HEADLINE: Former Patriots Tight End Aaron Hernandez to be converted to Wide Receiver


Sweet. Best post in thread.


As for AH, /career. Nice knowing you, Aaron.


One thing I do appreciate is AH's lawyer's name. Nothing like the name Fee for a lawyer.

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