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Patriots' Hernandez arrested in homicide investigation

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so much smoke here. Destroyed cell phones, destroyed surveillance equipment, sanitized his house, victims car is a rental in Hernandez's name, body discovered less than a mile from his house . . . . hmmmm - he's guilty of something here.


On a sunnier note - the Pat's TE strength has gotten a lot thinner - good for the rest of the NFL!!!


What? too soon?


Since he may be booked for "Obstruction of Justice" I am sure he will get a plea deal similar to Ray Lewis and back and playing for the Patriots in September.

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Well the authorities are trying to do their jobs but wonder what the league will do with Hernandez? Suspend for the entire 2013 season. Indeed it is too reasonable as Aaron is only hurting himself by not cooperating, No Saint!


He'll be suspended indefinitely is my guess...either by the team or by the NFL.


Patriots bar Hernandez from facilities:




Smart move...be proactive so that the NFL doesn't come down on you for condoning his destruction of evidence.


Breaking evidence and scrubbing down a potential crime scene are the signs of someone guilty.


True...just doesn't mean he's guilty of murder. Cover up for certain, but murder is going to be tougher to prove...for now, it at least can seem as though he's covering for an associate.


Guilty of what though?


Beat me to it.

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Since he may be booked for "Obstruction of Justice" I am sure he will get a plea deal similar to Ray Lewis and back and playing for the Patriots in September.


If the cops are unable to tie him to the murder (which he is clearly guilty of), you can bank on it.

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If the cops are unable to tie him to the murder (which he is clearly guilty of), you can bank on it.


His actions are very incriminating, that's for sure...but he's not clearly guilty of murder. He's clearly guilty of destroying evidence, which he could've done for his own good or for his buddies'.

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Very likely but they still have to prove what he did/knew, and even if they can prove that it's still a far stretch from murder in how it'll effect his life/career.


A destroyed security system doesn't prove AH has destroyed it, for instance. Was the cleaning crew an every monday service, or did they call one on specifically? Was he involved? It's sounding pretty likely, but until we have details on to what extent and what evidence they have - they could charge him on obstruction and plea down from there and he ends up pretty Scott free... He's got a great lawyer, and money to create storylines if needed. Even with more reasons to think he's implicated, legally it could go a lot of ways. He could still walk away from this a lot more Ray Lewis than Rae Carruth

Logic has no place in this thread...now stop it.

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Logic has no place in this thread...now stop it.

Logic? Logic suggests (channeling my inner Spock here) that it wasn't a massive coincidence that AH's surveillance system and cell phone (i.e. his personal property) were smashed to hide evidence and his house was cleaned the first weekday after the incident. Whether the smashing was done by him or someone else is irrelevant.

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A destroyed security system doesn't prove AH has destroyed it, for instance. Was the cleaning crew an every monday service, or did they call on one specifically this week? Was he involved? It's sounding pretty likely


That may be true, but we don't have a broken cellphone OR a broken alarm system OR the cleaners just came. We have all 3 of them and I don't believe in coincidences.


Hernandez may not be guilty of murder, but he sure is trying his best to act like he's hiding something. Any way, Goodell is not going to go easy on this one. If it was Brady, probably, but not a lowly TE.

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That may be true, but we don't have a broken cellphone OR a broken alarm system OR the cleaners just came. We have all 3 of them and I don't believe in coincidences.


Hernandez may not be guilty of murder, but he sure is trying his best to act like he's hiding something. Any way, Goodell is not going to go easy on this one. If it was Brady, probably, but not a lowly TE.


i didnt say no one at the house did anything. i said hernandez might still be able to wiggle (generally) free legally speaking. there is a dead body, someone shot that person and it looks pretty clear that person has ties to hernandez (possibly even is him) but what hernandez has done, and what of those actions can be proven in a court of law could still go across a pretty ridiculously wide spectrum. Even if he pulled the trigger, they might not be able to prove anything including a firm obstruction case against him. especially if someone else takes credit for all the smashing.


what still exists on the phones and video system will be important.



Logic? Logic suggests (channeling my inner Spock here) that it wasn't a massive coincidence that AH's surveillance system and cell phone (i.e. his personal property) were smashed to hide evidence and his house was cleaned the first weekday after the incident. Whether the smashing was done by him or someone else is irrelevant.


as far as extent of the cleaning - i havent seen it addressed anywhere yet - but would it be weird that a mid 20s guy with a possible party mansion has a cleaner come through every monday? Again, not saying he has nothing to do with it - it really looks like hes quite tied up, but pointing out how little we know factually.

Edited by NoSaint
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Sources: Hernandez seen walking into home within minutes of neighbors hearing gunshots


Read more: http://www.myfoxboston.com/story/22648587/2013/06/20/sources-hernandez-seen-walking-into-home-within-minutes-of-neighbors-hearing-gunshots#ixzz2Wr3epc4D


And this is the reason for the broken alarm system. As a result, we don't know when Hernandez walked into his house. But, you would think alarm companies keep this type of information on a centralized server. Who knows?

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That may be true, but we don't have a broken cellphone OR a broken alarm system OR the cleaners just came. We have all 3 of them and I don't believe in coincidences.


Hernandez may not be guilty of murder, but he sure is trying his best to act like he's hiding something. Any way, Goodell is not going to go easy on this one. If it was Brady, probably, but not a lowly TE.

You are not allowed to speculate since we don't have all the facts yet. There is a poster here who points this out in any breaking news thread and then immediately follows up with his own speculation. Call him on it and he'll explain how he wasn't really responding directly to you but to all those out there who might be jumping the gun and don't know much about our legal system, and he's only trying to point out how little we know at this time, as if it weren't plainly obvious.

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Logic? Logic suggests (channeling my inner Spock here) that it wasn't a massive coincidence that AH's surveillance system and cell phone (i.e. his personal property) were smashed to hide evidence and his house was cleaned the first weekday after the incident. Whether the smashing was done by him or someone else is irrelevant.

Exactly. Every shread of logic points to AH being at the scene of a murder. The only question is if he pulled the trigger or had one of his buddies do it.


Just because the legal system won't put him in prison if his guilt can't be proven beyond a reasonable doubt doesn't mean we can't say what is plainly evident. Or do you guys all think OJ is innocent too?

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You are not allowed to speculate since we don't have all the facts yet. There is a poster here who points this out in any breaking news thread and then immediately follows up with his own speculation. Call him on it and he'll explain how he wasn't really responding directly to you but to all those out there who might be jumping the gun and don't know much about our legal system, and he's only trying to point out how little we know at this time, as if it weren't plainly obvious.


theres a pretty wide gap between "hes clearly guilty of murder" or "he shot him execution style" as have been posted, and "something like this couldve happened"


speculating on possibilities and staking firm opinions on outcomes based on nearly nothing are, in my opinion, pretty far different.

Edited by NoSaint
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theres a pretty wide gap between "hes guilty of murder" and "something like this couldve happened"


speculating on possibilities and staking firm opinions on outcomes based on nearly nothing are, in my opinion, pretty far different.

Speculating on every possibility is just speculation but speculating on why Hernandez has behaved the way he has constitutes forming a firm and immutable opinion?


Sounds an awful lot like what I just said. Its ok when you do it, but when others do it...

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Speculating on every possibility is just speculation but speculating on why Hernandez has behaved the way he has constitutes forming a firm and immutable opinion?


Sounds an awful lot like what I just said. Its ok when you do it, but when others do it...



"he is clearly guilty of murder" or another favorite "he shot him execution style" is hardly the same as "for all we know its a weekly cleaning crew, what he did vs what can be proven is still unknown"

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