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The desecration of Three Sisters Islands

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Screw natural. That's exactly what's been holding the US side back for years. Just build and build. Make the falls the main focal point with small tours and pathways with historical bits along the way for the rest.



With that said I only looked at the pics in the article. Didnt read it yet. But we need to move forward sometime this century.

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This article is a great showcase of why there is hardly ever any progress in WNY. The second someone comes up with a plan to develop, all the historical preservation folks jump in and cry and whine and piss and moan until the deal is scrapped, no progress is made, and Buffalo is still stuck in 1920.


Oh my god...

“I took a drive there to see it this morning….I cried. They have raped them…especially my favorite of all the third Sister, wild and dangerous and threw you into a time warp every single time you crossed that stone bridge…I am devastated. She is gone,” posted local business owner Eileen Soro.


A little overboard, lady. But thanks for proving my point.

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This article is a great showcase of why there is hardly ever any progress in WNY. The second someone comes up with a plan to develop, all the historical preservation folks jump in and cry and whine and piss and moan until the deal is scrapped, no progress is made, and Buffalo is still stuck in 1920.


Oh my god...



A little overboard, lady. But thanks for proving my point.



Like I said in my post, I Didnt read the article but I saw the pictures. It looked really nice actually. Much better to have some stone walkways instead of impacted dirt and crushed stone all over the place.




At 2nd glance, it looks really nice actually. Except maybe the chicken wire fence but I wonder if that will be removed as the flower beds grow.


The people's remarks about this being a travesty are comical. Lets ask a question, if the "3 sisters" and their family were alive today and owned that plot of land, do you really think they would let it go un-touched for years? Or do you think they would update it with the times. I mean, it's not like they opened up a Dip N Dots stand there with a Taco Truck or something.


People need to get a grip.

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Like I said in my post, I Didnt read the article but I saw the pictures. It looked really nice actually. Much better to have some stone walkways instead of impacted dirt and crushed stone all over the place.




At 2nd glance, it looks really nice actually. Except maybe the chicken wire fence but I wonder if that will be removed as the flower beds grow.


The people's remarks about this being a travesty are comical. Lets ask a question, if the "3 sisters" and their family were alive today and owned that plot of land, do you really think they would let it go un-touched for years? Or do you think they would update it with the times. I mean, it's not like they opened up a Dip N Dots stand there with a Taco Truck or something.


People need to get a grip.


Anywhere else in Niagara Falls this development would be welcome, but Goat Island and 3 Sisters are clearly protected by the Olmsted Act to keep them natural. Improvements could have been made without sacraficing that principle. It is important to keep at least one slice of the park as nature intended it to be (especially with the honkey-tonk vibe that permeates places like Clifton Hill).

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My parents grew up in the falls, I went to Niagara and lived on fourth street for the last 2 years of my college years. My wife and I used to grab sandwiches and hang out on the islands. I haven't been back there in years, only because whenever we bring visitors, they want the "development" found on the Canadian side. While I agree that more can be done on the US side, I think it could be done in other areas and not in that park.


Unfortunately, it always seems that no matter how much money goes into that city, the unions and politicians make it disappear. I watched the Winter garden open, (I was one of the first security guards there) such a gorgeous place, given 5 years they turned it into a complete cesspool, opening it to the food court, the fountains were drained and the original plantings died and were replaced with hearty crap that could handle the the uncontrolled management that went on there. It was one of the saddest things I saw when I came back about 5 years after graduation and saw what became of the place. Other projects that just screamed corruption include the Library on main street that was in disrepair and in need of a new roof withing 5 years of completion. The waterpark was another debacle. Hopefully the windfall coming in from the latest casino infusion will find it's way to actually do something to help the city become a city that can sustain itself, you have millions of visitors coming to the area, do something to keep them on this side of the bridge. Messing with that park was a waste of money, but, spending more to restore it might be more of a waste.

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Another downfall of progress. Blame the changes in the past as to why roofs are falling off and places are dried out and disgusting. How about the fact that nobody wants to come to the US side of the falls because it is horrendous. It should be one of the most interesting places in the country to visit, yet we do nothing to help promote it and continue to lose money on passed failed projects because of a lack of desire to spend any time there.

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This article is a great showcase of why there is hardly ever any progress in WNY. The second someone comes up with a plan to develop, all the historical preservation folks jump in and cry and whine and piss and moan until the deal is scrapped, no progress is made, and Buffalo is still stuck in 1920.


Agreed. But it's not just a WNY thing, IMO.


A segment of the population has always been hard wired to be "against." It doesn't matter what [fill in the blank] is. But the more [fill in the blank] is touted as a positive, the more "against" they are.


In WNY, the collective voices of the "against" are more distinct / less drowned out by the white noise of daily living found in bigger/faster growing places....



Here's the Olmsted masterpiece being lamented:




It amazes me more people haven't been killed on those islands over the years, given the direct access to the water.




This is priceless...Here's the "About Us" page of the OP link: http://niagararises.com/about/


We recognize that we can not look to the past and say any longer “we miss the good old days”. They are gone, we are left with what is. Inspired, we are doing what we believe in. We are painting a picture of the future and we are heading there. If you want to join us, come on along…

Complainers, Negative Nellies and those stuck in the past be warned, what you find here may just change your mind about the future of Niagara Falls. Don’t like it, then get involved and be part of the change in Niagara Falls! Check the sidebar for the next meeting.

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I grew up in the Falls, and have spent plenty of time in that park. I gotta say these improvements just plain suck. Three Sisters was awesome the way it was, a unique vantage point and a totally different feel than any other spot on either side . I agree with Chevy, the pictures look like a backyard.





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Agreed. But it's not just a WNY thing, IMO.


A segment of the population has always been hard wired to be "against." It doesn't matter what [fill in the blank] is. But the more [fill in the blank] is touted as a positive, the more "against" they are.


In WNY, the collective voices of the "against" are more distinct / less drowned out by the white noise of daily living found in bigger/faster growing places....



Here's the Olmsted masterpiece being lamented:





It amazes me more people haven't been killed on those islands over the years, given the direct access to the water.




This is priceless...Here's the "About Us" page of the OP link: http://niagararises.com/about/


We recognize that we can not look to the past and say any longer “we miss the good old days”. They are gone, we are left with what is. Inspired, we are doing what we believe in. We are painting a picture of the future and we are heading there. If you want to join us, come on along…

Complainers, Negative Nellies and those stuck in the past be warned, what you find here may just change your mind about the future of Niagara Falls. Don’t like it, then get involved and be part of the change in Niagara Falls! Check the sidebar for the next meeting.


That quote was written by a 12 year-old developmentally challenged girl who organized a drive to get winter clothes for the homeless for Niagara Rises. But, yeah, other than that it's priceless.


I grew up in the Falls, and have spent plenty of time in that park. I gotta say these improvements just plain suck. Three Sisters was awesome the way it was, a unique vantage point and a totally different feel than any other spot on either side . I agree with Chevy, the pictures look like a backyard.


Thanks, Plez. Maybe it's a Falls thing, but most people from NF hate what has been done.

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That quote was written by a 12 year-old developmentally challenged girl who organized a drive to get winter clothes for the homeless for Niagara Rises. But, yeah, other than that it's priceless.

If the passage from the website is the credo for your grass roots movement, then stand behind it and don't play the violins when challenged about the hypocrisy of wishing for a past when it is gone and "we are left with what is." :thumbdown:


The Falls isn't some personal clubhouse or amber-covered fossil...http://www.niagarafallsstatepark.com/img/3.0-OldestPark_header1.jpg.


As the Olmsted representative appropriately said, ...It is a good balance between the Olmsted principles of creating a naturalistic experience while at the same time accommodating 8 million visitors a year.”


Emphasis on the eight million visitors being the critical part of that sentence, IMO...

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If the passage from the website is the credo for your grass roots movement, then stand behind it and don't play the violins when challenged about the hypocrisy of wishing for a past when it is gone and "we are left with what is." :thumbdown:


The Falls isn't some personal clubhouse or amber-covered fossil...http://www.niagarafa...ark_header1.jpg.


As the Olmsted representative appropriately said, ...It is a good balance between the Olmsted principles of creating a naturalistic experience while at the same time accommodating 8 million visitors a year.”


Emphasis on the eight million visitors being the critical part of that sentence, IMO...


It's not the credo, but it was posted to honor the girl. I stand behind everything Niagara Rises has done to help, in some small way, the city and people of Niagara Falls. We are all volunteers giving time, money and energy to make the city better for the next generation of kids. You can Google me and the organization to see what we've done, I'm not pandering for compliments here.


As to the 8 million visitor statement, 3 Sisters islands get about 1/10th of that. I'm happy for all comments pro or con becuse I believe that discussion is healthy for all issues.

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As to the 8 million visitor statement, 3 Sisters islands get about 1/10th of that. I'm happy for all comments pro or con becuse I believe that discussion is healthy for all issues.


Maybe they can get a bit more, now that it's more accessible:


"The islands and their trails are being made accessible to the disabled, to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act.


One of the main improvements is providing more established overlooks on designated trails.


Rehabilitation work has been done to the bridges linking the islands, and parking spots have been added nearby, including handicapped parking.


Invasive plant species also have been removed from the islands.


As part of the parkwide plan, all trolley stops are being replaced. The stop at Three Sisters will be the first one completed.


Scott Lawn Yard of Sanborn is the contractor for the improvements at Three Sisters.


“The work that is being done is truly spectacular and will serve to bring back the vision of Olmsted to this park and really give patrons a sense that they are in a very special place,” said Gallivan, Cuomo’s spokesman.


The head of Niagara County’s tourism promotion agency said he welcomes the improvements at the park, which will help both visitors and the “overall tourism product” of the Falls.


“Any improvements to the crown jewel of the state parks” will enhance the experience visitors have, said John Percy, president and CEO of the Niagara Tourism and Convention Corp."



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Pretty sure thats what will be written on your epitaph

lol. Good one. Normally, I do feel that I should read the articles and post my opinions based on what I've read or experienced. But in this case, all you need to do is see the pictures to see what they've done. I've been to these locations many times in my life. I know where they are, how to get to them and what they provide. Honestly, they Didnt provide anything at all. A completely untouched piece of land for many many years. So untouched that you could actually walk into the water in spots. Honestly, its unsafe but that's not my argument. I actually really liked it for the fact that you could walk right out to the water. My argument is that nobody visits these areas. They are lost and forgotten my many. They are unknown by many. Visitors barely know they exist.


The Canadian side of the falls is done right. It's not just for sightseeing, they've actually built up their side of the falls to accommodate tourism. The US side hasn't. Do we need a bunch of haunted houses and game zones? Of course not, but something to attract all ages would be nice. At the same time that Canada has whored its land out to tourism and the almighty dollar, they have also kept the beauty and history of the falls almost untouched. Right at the edge of the falls they have minimal shops, beautiful flower and garden arrangements, and Nicely paved and stoned walkways.


The US has cracked an uneven blacktop walkways, old bent up railings, unattended gardens, and instead of having a big money tourism area, they have run down businesses, out of service malls, and boarded up buildings and an old plant sitting there.


It's time we stop trying to conserve every single little piece of crap building and just make a jump into relevance. What they've done to 3 sisters isn't classless. It's done nicely and even though it may look like a recently landscaped backyard, it looks much better than dirt paths, crushed stone walkways.



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The US has cracked an uneven blacktop walkways, old bent up railings, unattended gardens, and instead of having a big money tourism area, they have run down businesses, out of service malls, and boarded up buildings and an old plant sitting there.


I agree fix all those and make the place more attractive to tourists...but Three Sisters was always the place for a truly unique perspective. Only comparable place is getting down next to the lower river at either Whirlpool or Devils Hole State Park.

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lol. Good one. Normally, I do feel that I should read the articles and post my opinions based on what I've read or experienced. But in this case, all you need to do is see the pictures to see what they've done. I've been to these locations many times in my life. I know where they are, how to get to them and what they provide. Honestly, they Didnt provide anything at all. A completely untouched piece of land for many many years. So untouched that you could actually walk into the water in spots. Honestly, its unsafe but that's not my argument. I actually really liked it for the fact that you could walk right out to the water. My argument is that nobody visits these areas. They are lost and forgotten my many. They are unknown by many. Visitors barely know they exist.


The Canadian side of the falls is done right. It's not just for sightseeing, they've actually built up their side of the falls to accommodate tourism. The US side hasn't. Do we need a bunch of haunted houses and game zones? Of course not, but something to attract all ages would be nice. At the same time that Canada has whored its land out to tourism and the almighty dollar, they have also kept the beauty and history of the falls almost untouched. Right at the edge of the falls they have minimal shops, beautiful flower and garden arrangements, and Nicely paved and stoned walkways.


The US has cracked an uneven blacktop walkways, old bent up railings, unattended gardens, and instead of having a big money tourism area, they have run down businesses, out of service malls, and boarded up buildings and an old plant sitting there.


It's time we stop trying to conserve every single little piece of crap building and just make a jump into relevance. What they've done to 3 sisters isn't classless. It's done nicely and even though it may look like a recently landscaped backyard, it looks much better than dirt paths, crushed stone walkways.

I'm not disagreeing with you. Never been to the islands and don't know anything about them. I just thought it was funny that you so candidly stated that you only looked at the pictures and couldn't pass up the easy joke.

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