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The Sporting News preview with Jay Skurski

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I think you make the error assuming that I am always positive since I am anti-negative. Other than being overly-optimistic predicting wins a few times, I generally stay out of the prediction business because I know I don't know enough about football to make such assessments.


In fact I have not made a single prediction about the success of the Bills this season. I have no idea how good/bad they will be.


I can be a jerk to those who I feel are being negative for negative sake. Rooting for failure doesn't make one Nostradamus.




Why don't you get off your high horse? You act like you're a season ticket holder who lives in NH.


The funniest thing is that people who don't shout the Bills suck on a message board get labelled the dreaded homer. Like being a Bills and Buffalo supporter is an awful thing. :w00t: Personally, I'd rather hang out with a person like PTR than someone who is going to spend the whole time complaining about everything.


But so I won't be accused of being a homer: Ralph is cheap, Buffalo is a dying city, Marrone was an average coach in a bad conference, Manuel was a reach, Bryd hates Buffalo, Spiller was picked too high, SJ celebrates too much, I don't know who's softer Mario or Dareus, Kyle Williams looks like Peter Griffin, and the Bills will be lucky to get out of last place. I'm gonna look so smart when they finish in last and I will get my props on the board for being a genius.

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One yeaOneOnOn eeeOneonoo one year ago the Bills were the media favorites to sneak into the playoffs. because they had signed Mario, Anderson, and had a new DC, it looked very promising. turns out that defense was the most disgusting and disappointing unit, in my opinion, in Bills history. they reeked. now the same people who stood up for the Bills are staying away from them. truth is, they just might be better right now than they should have been last year. but then again, this whole offseason could be malarkey II, gwII, who knows? I'll still be doing what I do every year. Following this team with as much fervor as my heart can muster.

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One yeaOneOnOn eeeOneonoo one year ago the Bills were the media favorites to sneak into the playoffs. because they had signed Mario, Anderson, and had a new DC, it looked very promising. turns out that defense was the most disgusting and disappointing unit, in my opinion, in Bills history. they reeked. now the same people who stood up for the Bills are staying away from them. truth is, they just might be better right now than they should have been last year. but then again, this whole offseason could be malarkey II, gwII, who knows? I'll still be doing what I do every year. Following this team with as much fervor as my heart can muster.


Dude, you're not be a realist and you're just being a homer. The Bills suck and don't get excited about them.

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Every year I see you rip the writers for their negative pieces about the Bills seasons (and denounce other posters as well) and yet every year those other posters and those writers are the ones who are correct and it is you who are wrong. Yet you say they have no ability to judge what is happening in front of them?


I'll agree that the people who say everything the Bills do is wrong are ridiculous in their assessments but it's equally ridiculous to always applaud their moves particularly (and you're not going to want to hear this) with their history of failure.


I don't think anybody is unable to see what the Bills are doing. I think they're just unsure if it's going to work. I say that's a legitimate concern as there are no guarantees this youth movement across the board works. I, for one, like what I've seen this offseason but I don't begrudge anybody their doubts or negative previews of the Bills season.


The writers could always go out on a limb and predict good things for the team. Sure, they'll lose all credibility when that prediction fails miserably year after year, but hey, they'll please a few message board posters.

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The writers could always go out on a limb and predict good things for the team. Sure, they'll lose all credibility when that prediction fails miserably year after year, but hey, they'll please a few message board posters.


i truly thought the Bills were a playoff team last year. they proved me wrong. i refuse to make any similar predictions any time soon.

this team has to show me it's capable of winning. and i'm not entirely sure this will be the season in which that proof will show up in any pudding.


best case scenario in my opinion is that the Bills will show signs of gelling as the season progresses giving them something to build toward next year.



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Here is what i see.

Let me preface by saying i did not read Mr Skurski's article . nor will I.

I think it's true. Much easier to trot out the repetitive nature of the team and i dont care if espn and PFF etc call the Bills what they Have been for years.

But a writer for a local paper should find something/s positive and or hopeful to say about the team.Instead of predicting definitively

Just find some points to consider both bad and good too keep fans thinking about the team. That would be nice.

Hells bells i have no idea who is starting QB at this point and dont actually care.

i find them both to be interesting options.

I am really looking forward to this season mostly because of so much change. really hard to put short term projections on this years Bills (top to bottom ).

So why not find the positives and consider those.

I imagine that not just I , but most of you regular guys/gals here could analyze the new players/coaches and easily find good things. Simple things but trending towards successful football.

If you haven't listened to Coach Marrone talking to Murph recently or previous , you should. Thats the guy we should be listening to. And Nate and Mike

Not Homer so much as Bills fan. Dont worry for me , i see both sides and have my concerns.

But i sure have some good reasons for hope


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However, 2013 is not the same as 1987. Fans and Front Offices are not patient to give a group of players/coaches a long run. As the Colts, Redskins and Seahawks showed in 2012 you will have to start winning right away when new programs are bootstrapped. There is no more hand-holding in the NFL.


Its all relative. Seattle had two 7-9 seasons under Pete Carroll, they built a defense and offensive pieces for two years before finding a QB that took them to another level. I would say those two years with Hassellbeck and T.Jackson were building years under a new program (Yes I know they made the playoffs that first year but winning a craptacular division with a 7-9 record isn't what I would say is success).


Mike Shanahan has a 5-11 and 6-10 start to his Redskins career. I would say that while quick turnarounds do happen its not always what's expected. Some teams need to build and patience does get rewarded. I would say any new coaching staff should get three full seasons before ownership makes an assessment of the team (Providing a direction is seen after two seasons some improvement must be shown from year one to year two).


A coach needs to have three draft classes, three off-seasons, and two full seasons to bring in the requisite talent needed as well as implement the systems necessary in order to have a legit shot at success. Without the proper tool and a quick tirgger finger you will be setting up your team for failure.

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Its all relative. Seattle had two 7-9 seasons under Pete Carroll, they built a defense and offensive pieces for two years before finding a QB that took them to another level. I would say those two years with Hassellbeck and T.Jackson were building years under a new program (Yes I know they made the playoffs that first year but winning a craptacular division with a 7-9 record isn't what I would say is success).


Mike Shanahan has a 5-11 and 6-10 start to his Redskins career. I would say that while quick turnarounds do happen its not always what's expected. Some teams need to build and patience does get rewarded. I would say any new coaching staff should get three full seasons before ownership makes an assessment of the team (Providing a direction is seen after two seasons some improvement must be shown from year one to year two).


A coach needs to have three draft classes, three off-seasons, and two full seasons to bring in the requisite talent needed as well as implement the systems necessary in order to have a legit shot at success. Without the proper tool and a quick tirgger finger you will be setting up your team for failure.


And belaboring a favorite point of mine, Seattle and Washington didn't get over the hump until they got good quarterbacking.


In fact if you look at Washington's roster, it is decidedly underwhelming.


Seattle on the other hand was a very talented team pre-Russell Wilson but the talent wasn't reflected in the won-lost record.

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He used to write for the Gayzette, but now he writes for the Buffalo News. Much better. but he graded the team C- in a few areas, and I think D- in linebackers. Come on. We're not that bad.


Thanks for the vibe though.

D- is a very generous grade for last yrs LB group. Go KIKO!!

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And belaboring a favorite point of mine, Seattle and Washington didn't get over the hump until they got good quarterbacking.


In fact if you look at Washington's roster, it is decidedly underwhelming.


Seattle on the other hand was a very talented team pre-Russell Wilson but the talent wasn't reflected in the won-lost record.


Not to forget both teams managed to get extremely Good Running Backs to help out those rookie QBs

Edited by ganesh
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Here is what i see.

Let me preface by saying i did not read Mr Skurski's article . nor will I.

I think it's true. Much easier to trot out the repetitive nature of the team and i dont care if espn and PFF etc call the Bills what they Have been for years.

But a writer for a local paper should find something/s positive and or hopeful to say about the team.Instead of predicting definitively

Just find some points to consider both bad and good too keep fans thinking about the team. That would be nice.


The story in question was in the Sporting News. I have no idea if it first appeared in the Buffalo News or not (I did not read it either), but if it was intended for the Sporting News, he's now writing for a completely different audience and not the local paper.


And if it did also appear in the Buffalo News, please pretend that my post never happened.

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The story in question was in the Sporting News. I have no idea if it first appeared in the Buffalo News or not (I did not read it either), but if it was intended for the Sporting News, he's now writing for a completely different audience and not the local paper.


And if it did also appear in the Buffalo News, please pretend that my post never happened.

Oh, thats probably on me. I get carried away sometimes. occasionally , or often :bag:

I have had my mind on Jerry Sullivan lately and the writer in Rochester D&C Sal M. . :thumbdown:

Your post is fine sir. :thumbsup:

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